I'm bothan007 aka bothanspy.
I was in TAW, SFI, toh, IMC, and LT. I think I even had a short stint in MX after I became less active.
I love swbf2 its my favorite FPS. I like playing bothan spy, engineer (im not huge on dets but i use them), dark trooper, drodeka, and wookie is growing on me as I finally am learning Wookie.
I used to not want to learn nade launcher or sniping but I've been working on both recently.
I'm pretty good but im rusty. I play with unusual tactics and I don't want to give away all my secrets but I'm sure I've tried killing all of you in some unique way before.
I think I was the only decent player who actually enjoyed using drodeka on a regular basis (large servers only).
In real life I'm saving up to finish college, I have a mundane job at a corner drug store. I have an awesome girlfriend and I'm pretty much a couch potato but I've been at least jogging and biking a little recently. I like summer shandy, coors light, bud select (not 55), corona, and girly drinks like parrot bay.
I currently am not in a clan but I'm keeping my LT tag until all the people who don't recognize me in servers and keep calling me a newb get the picture that I'm a veterin swbf2 killer-mayhem makin-fear causin-destroy everything in my path bad dude!!!