by NiteRunner81 » Sat May 21, 2011 9:26 am
Unfortunately the way of drug addiction goes, he won't get help or get clean, unless he's ready to do it for HIM. My father-in-law was a heroin addict (hell he was addicted to everything-- including porn) from the age of 13 till the day he died just after his 61st birthday. He, at one point, attempted to kill me to gain access to my narcotic pain medication, and stole medication from his cancer-stricken 85 year old mother. He only got to meet his grandson once, and that was at the hospice facility that he died at. He died of lung cancer when he could have had longer to live had he taken me and my husband up on the offer to use my son's cord blood as treatment.
Discord tag - NiteRunner81#1981