Shalandai wrote:Your line of logic would be correct, save for the fact that Vishy's statement is not in any way accurate - or at least how his remark is being perceived.
Obviously, myself and several other members of Mercenary Gaming are forum members here, some more active than others. And unless I'm fantastically mistaken, this is a public forum in which any one can post, regardless of clan or community. It is not breaking our house rules in any fashion to post or be a member here, nor is it something that I even disprove of - rather, for those rare people that may have found their way over to our forums, you might find I actually encourage members to get out and about, so to speak. Whether or not they do so is their own perogative.
What I do not allow is multi-clanning, or more specifically, wearing multiple tags. If Vishy chooses to wear Merc tags, then he agrees not to wear any others. Which forums he visits, where he posts, who his friends are - why should it be any of our business? Why should we even care? It's a videogame.
Let's try and stay a little realistic here, please.
Why the [m'kay] do I find your posts so annoying to read? My God I know you're trying to be mature but you sound like a pretentious twit - you could have simply said "Merc doesn't allow peoplewhoarestupidenoughtojoinourclanforadyinggameandthencomebitchoveronSWGO to be in more than one clan".
Honestly, I'm all for grammar: but get your head out of the gutter...this isn't the eighteenth century for Christ's sake.