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Willing to help? Or just selfish?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:58 am
by drummerhead7
In all my online experience, i have never had anyone respond to my squad commands/wishes. i have only had help 2 times when i was almost out of health adn i was being killed my neuro poison. this player came over and gave me as much health as possible. Nobody ever helps anyone online and i think people would work better together as a team by responding to the squad commands. please spread the word online. is there anybody here that would help a team mate in need? i always do

Re: Willing to help? Or just selfish?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:19 am
by samonuh
It's a game

Re: Willing to help? Or just selfish?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:36 am
by Jedi Power
Yeah... So? That is part of the game Samonuh. It is extremely frustrating to know you could clobber the other team by working together and almost no one bothers. Many times a droid is down and you call and you call. Eventually I have to go switch to an engineer to do it by my self. Then I end up dead. There are a ton of lazzy ass engineers that play. All they want to do is det someone and move on. 30 engineers standing by you, you call for repairs right in their ear and they ignore you. This is really a pet peave of mine. If you don't want to work as a team to overcome the objective, then why bother to even play a team game? Go play it as a one person player and det to your heart's content. :evil:

Re: Willing to help? Or just selfish?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:33 am
by samonuh
Jedi Power wrote:Yeah... So? That is part of the game Samonuh. It is extremely frustrating to know you could clobber the other team by working together and almost no one bothers. Many times a droid is down and you call and you call. Eventually I have to go switch to an engineer to do it by my self. Then I end up dead. There are a ton of lazzy ass engineers that play. All they want to do is det someone and move on. 30 engineers standing by you, you call for repairs right in their ear and they ignore you. This is really a pet peave of mine. If you don't want to work as a team to overcome the objective, then why bother to even play a team game? Go play it as a one person player and det to your heart's content. :evil:

It's a game. I have more important concerns than working together to win a pointless victory. I play for the fun of sniping...

Re: Willing to help? Or just selfish?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:22 am
by WD-40
Jedi Power wrote:Yeah... So? That is part of the game Samonuh. It is extremely frustrating to know you could clobber the other team by working together and almost no one bothers. Many times a droid is down and you call and you call. Eventually I have to go switch to an engineer to do it by my self. Then I end up dead. There are a ton of lazzy ass engineers that play. All they want to do is det someone and move on. 30 engineers standing by you, you call for repairs right in their ear and they ignore you. This is really a pet peave of mine. If you don't want to work as a team to overcome the objective, then why bother to even play a team game? Go play it as a one person player and det to your heart's content. :evil:

That is so true about the engineers...On rare occassion one will help...and a few will shoot at me to get my attention after I start to move on, just to throw me health and ammo. I wish that happened more.

Re: Willing to help? Or just selfish?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:44 am
by BurzaP
samonuh wrote:It's a game

Unbelievable, really?

Re: Willing to help? Or just selfish?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:03 am
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
This remembers me of another game i play called Far cry2.

In this game when you are shot down there is a 75% chance you're not dead.
If this happens you get 20 seconds of life and if in this time your teammates help you up you will live.

Now on this game this almost never happens...
If i see somone i will help him/her...and the best part is that when i do this 1-3 times with the same player they will return the favor.

Now i got the same on SWBF2 when im an engie i will help anyone i can.
And if player who actually talk in-game the ones we know....these alwayes return the favor.
There isn't a game when i ask for repairs then sudenly 3 engies pop up and repair the droids.

Giving ammo and health is another thing...this isn't frequently done as they wish to keep the stash for themselfs :evil: :lol: :mrgreen:

Anyhow if you help others they will return the favor.

Also the teamwork thing.
If you have a player you know very well...then get him on Xfire call and talk trough the match.
I do it with certain players and it is great! the teamwork improves a lot...instead of saying to your pall "i want health" you just say it trough the mic...

Anyhow i hope some of this will help.

PS. the thing i hate the most about allied engies is: they won't remove enemy mines at the doors...this is especially annoying on tantive.....

MT :action-smiley-043:

Re: Willing to help? Or just selfish?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:56 am
by Jedi Power
Agreed MT. I have gone through a mined door more times than I can count following an engineer whom I assumed would clear the mine in the door on the way out. I go boom. My only satisfaction is if I take them with me. :twisted:

Re: Willing to help? Or just selfish?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:01 am
Well, for what it's worth, I have saved so many teammates with Liea on HA that......well I don't know what. But it's been a lot!

Re: Willing to help? Or just selfish?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:08 am
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
MATTHEW'S_DAD wrote:Well, for what it's worth, I have saved so many teammates with Liea on HA that......well I don't know what. But it's been a lot!


I remember well The trio of me yanoda and laserblast!
Laser being han while me and yanoda being Leias...

We use the Leias powers to make the team imume...they choke laser while me and yanoda headshot the attacking vader...same thing with the pushes...
They never seem to win if we 3 play together :gunsmilie: :lol: :lol:

But this is about the only teamplay you can find on HA :angry: