This remembers me of another game i play called Far cry2.
In this game when you are shot down there is a 75% chance you're not dead.
If this happens you get 20 seconds of life and if in this time your teammates help you up you will live.
Now on this game this almost never happens...
If i see somone i will help him/her...and the best part is that when i do this 1-3 times with the same player they will return the favor.
Now i got the same on SWBF2 when im an engie i will help anyone i can.
And if player who actually talk in-game the ones we know....these alwayes return the favor.
There isn't a game when i ask for repairs then sudenly 3 engies pop up and repair the droids.
Giving ammo and health is another thing...this isn't frequently done as they wish to keep the stash for themselfs
Anyhow if you help others they will return the favor.
Also the teamwork thing.
If you have a player you know very well...then get him on Xfire call and talk trough the match.
I do it with certain players and it is great! the teamwork improves a lot...instead of saying to your pall "i want health" you just say it trough the mic...
Anyhow i hope some of this will help.
PS. the thing i hate the most about allied engies is: they won't remove enemy mines at the doors...this is especially annoying on tantive.....