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PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:26 pm
by Dajan3
We need more Admins as many players are getting away with glitches.
The only thing the normal players can do is team kill them till they stop.

Would i be suitable to administrate?
Please consider this.

Re: Administration

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:08 pm
by Commander Sparrow
Dajan3 wrote:We need more Admins as many players are getting away with glitches.
The only thing the normal players can do is team kill them till they stop.

Would i be suitable to administrate?
Please consider this.

Of course sir, just donate $50 and you'll be on your way. If you do not have the required amount of money, then you may donate a piece of uranium.

Re: Administration

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:35 pm
by 11_Panama_
Mr. Birdy, I believe this is a post for qualified officials to answer. Please refrain from responding since you are not in any shape or form an administrator. Leave this to the big boys. Thank you.

Re: Administration

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:43 pm
by Vishy
11_Panama_ wrote:Mr. Birdy, I believe this is a post for qualified officials to answer. Please refrain from responding since you are not in any shape or form an administrator. Leave this to the big boys. Thank you.

Sparrow was just joking. If you're trying to troll, Panama, you're not doing a good job. :whistling:

Re: Administration

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:54 pm
by FaiL.?
Vishy/Reclaimer wrote:
11_Panama_ wrote:Mr. Birdy, I believe this is a post for qualified officials to answer. Please refrain from responding since you are not in any shape or form an administrator. Leave this to the big boys. Thank you.

Sparrow was just joking. If you're trying to troll, Panama, you're not doing a good job. :whistling:


Re: Administration

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:37 pm
by Yanoda
Consider that we admins cannot babysit the servers 24/7 and many of us have other priorities. Even if we get 10 more admins, there will likely be moments where an admin is not available or afk. We do our best to keep the Servers as clean and friendly as possible.

We choose individuals for admin-ship based on several points:
- Individuals that have been with the Community for a considerable amount of time.
- Individuals that show good character and maturity.
- Individuals that do not ask/push to be admins.
- Individuals that respect the rules of the Community (both servers and forum).
- Individuals that show they can handle the responsibility of being an admin.
- Individuals that help admins by reporting troublemakers/rule breakers on the forum.

Making a donation is not necessary to be chosen for admin-ship.

Based on these points, I can not say that you qualify at the moment.

The best you can do now for the moment is help us admins catch the trouble makers by reporting them on the "Report Glitchers and Trouble Makers' forum. Link: viewforum.php?f=6
Make sure to provide proof (ie. Picture/Image or Video) showing the act of the trouble maker. If no proof is provided, we cannot punish a player based on faith.

Hope this addressed your post.



Re: Administration

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:13 pm
by 11_Panama_
Vishy/Reclaimer wrote:
11_Panama_ wrote:Mr. Birdy, I believe this is a post for qualified officials to answer. Please refrain from responding since you are not in any shape or form an administrator. Leave this to the big boys. Thank you.

Sparrow was just joking. If you're trying to troll, Panama, you're not doing a good job. :whistling:

Thanks Capt. Obvious. I wasn't trying to troll, I was serious.

Re: Administration

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:18 pm
by haasd0gg
Yanni, you're such a pro.
I would've told him his moms an admin. :th_a017:

Re: Administration

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:57 pm
by 11_Panama_
This is the guys first post, he asked a question that he thought would be benefitial to the community. What kind of impression has the "sarcastic" answers give him of SWGO? Couldn't some of you wait until a qualified member explained to him protocol? And Haas..while I think you're a good guy, your position in Swgo shouldn't promote these attitudes towards new members. All members are potential "donors", why would any of them want to help a community that encourages other members to "belittle" new members? This game is dying, and the last thing anyone should do is push away new players interested in the game or the community. While I too participate in being sarcastic, I only do it to members that asks for such responses. Thats the problem with this forum. Some players come with legit questions..only to have some asswipe make a mockery of them. Keep in mind, as I stated earlier....this guy never posted here before, he deserved an honest answer, not to be made fun of.

Re: Administration

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:08 pm
by haasd0gg
I'm just a shadowy overlord.
I complimented yannis answer and admitted mine would be a mom joke.
Anyone who can't appreciate a little "your mom" or "you face" humor can bite it.

I've put in my share of careful thought out answers (mostly in WGO days), but still I did. Now I leave it to the guys who aren't burnt out.
I also just donated to run servers for a game I don't play.
Your moms face. :afro: