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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:37 pm
by Angelx
hi everybody, joining!!!! (swgo)Angelx

Re: JOining

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:49 pm
by WD-40
6/24/2012 16:27:52 : #[(blr)Wert in HD] HI GUY
6/24/2012 16:27:58 : #[NINTENDO] Nintendo
6/24/2012 16:28:02 : #[GUY] HI WERT
6/24/2012 16:28:02 : #[_IJO_ Piro] HI WERT
6/24/2012 16:28:05 : #[(blr)Wert in HD] HI PIRO
6/24/2012 16:28:09 : #[_IJO_ Piro] HI GUY
6/24/2012 16:28:24 : #[GUY] HI PIRO
6/24/2012 16:28:28 : #[_IJO_ Piro] HI
6/24/2012 16:28:37 : Client: Said 'Caps off morons'.
6/24/2012 16:28:37 : Server: Admin message sent.
6/24/2012 16:28:39 : #[GUY] HI
6/24/2012 16:28:44 : #[[LCG2]sov{ESG}] lol admin
6/24/2012 16:28:46 : #[GUY] sorry
6/24/2012 16:28:54 : #[(blr)Wert in HD] HI guy
6/24/2012 16:28:55 : Server: User admin at server said '*Report trouble makers via chat, Xfire, or'
6/24/2012 16:28:56 : #[(SWGO)ANGELx] SCREW ADMIN
6/24/2012 16:29:01 : #[[LCG2]sov{ESG}] lol
6/24/2012 16:29:07 : #[(SWGO)ANGELx] IM GOIN ALL CAPS
6/24/2012 16:29:10 : #[_IJO_ Piro] nice angel
6/24/2012 16:29:12 : Server: User Talon at said '(SWGO)ANGELx kicked for You're not very bright are you?'
6/24/2012 16:29:12 : Server: Player (SWGO)ANGELx kicked.
6/24/2012 16:29:12 : #[(blr)Wert in HD] that sounded like a threat
6/24/2012 16:29:13 : #[GUY] that was kinda rude admin
6/24/2012 16:29:13 : #[NINTENDO] poject p-100 is a working title for the wii U
6/24/2012 16:29:13 : Player (SWGO)ANGELx (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) banned by WD-40 until Sun Jul 01 16:29:13 2012 for Disrespecting Others or the Admin (1 week).
6/24/2012 16:29:13 : Client: Said '(SWGO)ANGELx banned for Disrespecting Others or the Admin (1 week)'.
6/24/2012 16:29:13 : Client: Ban player (SWGO)ANGELx.
6/24/2012 16:29:14 : Server: Admin message sent.
6/24/2012 16:29:14 : Server: Player (SWGO)ANGELx banned.

See ya in a week moron. :roll:

Edit: Hash Key x'd out.

Re: JOining

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:09 pm
by FaiL.?

Re: JOining

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:19 pm
Lol@talon with the custom ban message mess up. :lol:

Re: JOining

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:20 am
by Vishy
Didn't this guy say hello a few weeks ago? *scratches head*

Re: JOining

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:49 am
by 11_Panama_

hi everybody, joining!!!! (swgo)Angelx
by AngelxSun Jun 24, 2012 4:37 pm Forum: Say HelloTopic: JOining Replies: 4Views: 47Jump to post

Joining SWGO!!

by AngelxWed Jun 13, 2012 7:20 pm Forum: Say HelloTopic: Joining SWGO!!Replies: 18Views: 238

Re: JOining

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:15 am
by theavengers85
Taking bets on whether he'll be joining again next week?