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Need help with Xfire!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:02 am
by Nik
I just recently joined SWGO and Xfire but I am having some troubles with Xfire. When I'm playing online on SWBF2 and try to chat on Xfire, it won't work. :evil:
I am logged in and I'm pressing Scroll Lk + X but it's still not working. Tried everything but still nothing so thought someone maybe able to help me here.

Re: Need help with Xfire!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:38 am
by (=DK=)Samonuh
Go to Tools/Options/Games, and click on Star Wars Battlefront II. In the top right, the drop down should be on "Automatically Detect." If not, switch it to that setting. If it's still not working, go to "Manual Detect" and choose your SWBF2 file.

Re: Need help with Xfire!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:18 am
If that doesn't work, and you believe Xfire is detecting your game properly, try changing your hotkeys. Go to Tools > Options > Xfire In-game. I use Shift + [variable] for everything (i.e. Shift + X). Mainly because I don't have a scroll lock key on this keyboard.

Re: Need help with Xfire!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:41 pm
by Nik
I did go to Games and manually selected Battlefront 2 but all it said was this:

Unable to find the following files:



for game Star Wars: Battlefront II.
Please double check the path, and try again.

I tried looking for this but come no where close and even if I did find it I have no clue what to do with it.
I'm not sure what this means but it is very frustrating! :cursing:

Re: Need help with Xfire!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:34 pm
by [m'kay]
That's odd. Right, i've got two things you might want to try.

First off, run both Xfire and SWBFII as an Administrator, see if that helps anything. Set it to auto-detect before doing this. If that doesn't work, go into your Program Files folder and search for Steam. Click on it, then click on the folder "steamapps", and then SWBFII is most likely in the "common" folder. After you get in there, go into the SWBFII folder and select the .exe for it with Xfire on that manual thing Samonuh was talking about. Unless of course you already did that and i'm reading your post wrong, in which case i'm an idiot and I would suggest forcing a recheck of the SWBFII files on Steam to see if there's some kind of issue with the exe.

Re: Need help with Xfire!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:00 am
by Nik
I went into my "Steamapps" folder but I didn't see SWBF2 in there. I got Steam actually for Star Trek DAC
(ended up not working btw :cursing: ) and not for SWBF2. So is all I have to do is add SWBF2 to my Steam games?
I also downloaded my version of SWBF2 from an online store so I'm not sure what the CDKey is. I tried looking for it in my
digital manual but couldn't find it :cursing:. If you know where to find it or fix this PLEASE help :eek: .

Re: Need help with Xfire!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:59 am
by Col. Hstar
Nik wrote:I went into my "Steamapps" folder but I didn't see SWBF2 in there. I got Steam actually for Star Trek DAC
(ended up not working btw :cursing: ) and not for SWBF2. So is all I have to do is add SWBF2 to my Steam games?
I also downloaded my version of SWBF2 from an online store so I'm not sure what the CDKey is. I tried looking for it in my
digital manual but couldn't find it :cursing:. If you know where to find it or fix this PLEASE help :eek: .

Unfortunately I had the same problem with steam. I had the physical CD game, and I still had my CD key but it wouldn't register the game. I ended up buying it on steam when it was on sale for $9.99.

Have you contacted the online store? they should have a record of your purchase, and your key on file.

Re: Need help with Xfire!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:54 pm
by Nik
Thank you all so much for the help :th_a017: !
I finally got it to work and it's running great.
My Xfire name is 2badnik if you want to add me to your friends list!