mrjamwin wrote:I'll tell you a little secret. JROD was only gone on the old forums for a short time and he was let back in under a different name. Y'all just didn't know it. I think except for one person.
It's quite true, in fact. I have cleaned up my act and have changed quite a bit. Mrjamwin and I have reconciled and have become good friends. Same with me and many of the others who I had previously agitated and fought with.
I have changed a great deal and am now generally well-liked within the Star Wars Battlefront 2 Community. In the past six months, I have also been accepted as an administrator of the boards on a c++ site. Eyesonly trusted me enough to let me admin his battlefront 2 servers when they were up. I clearly have changed and feel that I deserve a second chance from all of you. If mrjamwin and niterunner feel that way, then I think that you should too.