Matènwa Community Center

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Re: Matènwa Community Center

Postby (SWGO)Kren » Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:13 pm

In terms of what has contributed to Haiti plight aside from the more recent natural disaster it would be worth looking into this, which some of you might find interesting as well as quite disturbing in relation to who/what contributed the richest colony on the planet becoming so poor. Obviously this is in the past and we need to look forward but Haiti's plight is not going to be easy to resolve.

Haiti has many issues and learning and education is one of them for sure which does need addressing. Overcrowding is another as is soil errosion and the inability of this country to do anything about it in terms of learning about argriculture and how to feed the ever increasing population. The lack of birth control and sex education also is not good. Bringing children into a world where it is difficult to feed them or care for them is also morally wrong in my opinion, to see a baby starve due to a few minutes of enjoyment is not a sensible thing but for those who do survive it gives their parents the joy of bringing life. It's a catch 22 situation; you need a population to work, mortaility rate is high, health insurance is non existant virtually for the older generation and so the cycle repeats.

Employers also pay $1 to $2 a day or piece work in Haiti whilst the large foreign companies earn vast returns on capital and profits entirely generated by the labor of the local Haitians. If money from such companies are not put back into the development of the country then it will continue it's steep decent into decline and ruin. Employing people allows them to surive but keep the wages low means it will never help them rise out of poverty.

Other issues which impact upon the population are the donations from foreigh investors that are taken and used by corrupt officials in Haiti for their own personal gain. If funds do not reach the needy then this does not benefit the people who need it.

Sorry if I have painted a grim picture about Haiti but you do need to understand the bigger picture as education alone won't help Haiti.

Good luck to all those donating for this cause, I hope it helps the local population and Haiti, I really do.


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Re: Matènwa Community Center

Postby [m'kay] » Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:31 pm

Well another thing is Kren, a lot of the people in the village Matenwa is located in are making scarves, which you can buy for 60$ a pop. It's pretty much just donation except you get something back, but the scarves are really cool and interesting and would probably make for a unique Christmas present, if nothing else. There's a banner of the available designs at the bottom of the thread.


Basically, i'm not trying to say this is gonna save Haiti. Hell, Matenwa might well be destroyed somehow within the next five years. But for some reason this hit home to me, and this time i'm gonna give these badass [m'kay] a chance. God knows i've missed out on enough chances to do good before.
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Re: Matènwa Community Center

Postby NiteRunner81 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:03 pm

I hate to be a downer and bark orders but I would like to halt this discussion today as we have tragedies in our own country to deal with and that deserve our attention.. Parents are planning funerals today... I will unlock this conversation tomorrow.
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