Gamerz offer to merge with SWGO

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Re: Gamerz offer to merge with SWGO

Postby Rancor » Sat May 01, 2010 8:32 pm

SWINE FLU wrote:SWGO has the fun and humour GMRZ doesn't have.
SWGO is more free.
SWGO has more populated servers.
SWGO's lag can be fixed.
Need I go on?

Can SWGO sponsor and host tournaments with prizes, weekly if you wanted to?

Can SWGO provide other communities teamspeak vent and servers?

Can SWGO really fix that lag?
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Re: Gamerz offer to merge with SWGO

Postby [m'kay] » Sat May 01, 2010 8:40 pm

Rancor wrote:
  • World Gaming Order always had a large popular player base.

    because they aren't elitist dickholes.
  • World Gaming Order began with the same morales that Gamerz enforces, and the leadership of World gaming order ceased to bother with it in favour of reaching a "mature" audiance, which obviously worked brilliantly.

    So basically you're saying that you don't bring anything to the table, as it *did* work brilliantly, as evidenced by the fact that WGO is doing just fine. SWGO was made so that it still catered to the younger audiences, because WGO isn't stupid enough to think that it's all one way or the other.
  • We did not have a problem with World Gaming Order, the leadership at the time had a problem with us.

    Do you think i'm simple or something? I was there when you were leaving, and every single day I heard some whining about how WGO did things.
  • We did not leave WGO to try and outgrow their community base, it was because we were not welcome anymore.

    That's because you guys were being pretentious twats that complained even when there was an NC17 channel because WGO wasn't "keeping the kids out", which I even took a picture of as proof.
  • Swbf2 is even more of a dying game then it was when we left. At this point refusing our offer will effectively further diminish crowds due to lag, even if you recieve the donations you need.

    The attempt at strongarming is nice, but SWGO is more or less the only viable place to play this game at this point, and I doubt that's going to change. The people that still play this are more or less dead set to playing on one server or another, and they're not likely to change.

  • We still have not heard from Matt in this topic, and therefore I disregard all posts as being SWGO's official response.

You have HAD Matt's response two times apparently, and the only thing that would be different this time is bringing it out onto a public stage, which has failed spectacularly. I don't see how anything would make Matt change his mind now, especially after Dread's little tirade about how we're all terrible people.
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Re: Gamerz offer to merge with SWGO

Postby KOko » Sat May 01, 2010 8:48 pm

I pretty much think the same as SWINE FLU in both of his posts.

The whole drama we are reading now is because I contacted Dread last week and asked him if he want to sell us servers.
I tried to be very clear that we will never merge, but eventually if he make us an offer we may think to get servers from GMRZ.
It was only market research regarding the necessary change of our servers because of lag you all are talking about.

So.... basically, we will find the best offer for hosting our two servers with the funds we got from donations.
Lag issues will be fixed.

Rancor, we dont need to sponsor tournaments with prizes or provide other communities servers just because we as a community
DO NOT CARE ABOUT COMPETITIONS! Our players play for fun and just because they love the game.'
The very idea to combine community of competitive players with non-competitive is fail because they have different goals and methods.
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Re: Gamerz offer to merge with SWGO

Postby Draigun » Sat May 01, 2010 11:30 pm

KOko wrote:I pretty much think the same as SWINE FLU in both of his posts.

The whole drama we are reading now is because I contacted Dread last week and asked him if he want to sell us servers.
I tried to be very clear that we will never merge, but eventually if he make us an offer we may think to get servers from GMRZ.
It was only market research regarding the necessary change of our servers because of lag you all are talking about.

So.... basically, we will find the best offer for hosting our two servers with the funds we got from donations.
Lag issues will be fixed.

Rancor, we dont need to sponsor tournaments with prizes or provide other communities servers just because we as a community
DO NOT CARE ABOUT COMPETITIONS! Our players play for fun and just because they love the game.'
The very idea to combine community of competitive players with non-competitive is fail because they have different goals and methods.

Well said.
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Re: Gamerz offer to merge with SWGO

Postby [m'kay] » Sun May 02, 2010 3:03 am

Rancor wrote:
Can SWGO sponsor and host tournaments with prizes, weekly if you wanted to?

Can GMRZ keep it's members without resorting to bribery to get activity?

Can SWGO provide other communities teamspeak vent and servers?

Does SWGO have to provide other communities teamspeak or vent for any reason?

Can SWGO really fix that lag?

Can GMRZ really fix their reputation?
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Re: Gamerz offer to merge with SWGO

Postby mrjamwin » Sun May 02, 2010 4:12 am

Rancor wrote:
  • World Gaming Order always had a large popular player base.
  • World Gaming Order began with the same morales that Gamerz enforces, and the leadership of World gaming order ceased to bother with it in favour of reaching a "mature" audiance, which obviously worked brilliantly.
  • We did not have a problem with World Gaming Order, the leadership at the time had a problem with us.
  • We did not leave WGO to try and outgrow their community base, it was because we were not welcome anymore.
  • Swbf2 is even more of a dying game then it was when we left. At this point refusing our offer will effectively further diminish crowds due to lag, even if you recieve the donations you need.
  • We still have not heard from Matt in this topic, and therefore I disregard all posts as being SWGO's official response.

Holy Crap, Samonuh actually said something I agree with. Samonuh there is hope for you! Well Done! Now to my man Rancor.

1. WGO does have a large player base.
2. WGO did not began with the same morales that Gamerz enforces. Not sure who's butt you pulled that out from but it sure stinks. We reach a mature audience because we play mature games (forgive me if I offend some of my swgo members) Gamerz on the other hand caters to children and some other questionable personalities.
3. You did have a problem with WGO because your wussy leaders Dread and Biggs didn't like the fact that at the old WGO we created an adult sub-section on the forums plus we were creating adult sub sections on Teamspeak. They threw the fit and then threaten to quit WGO.
4. swbf2 like any other game gets old eventually dies. It is not going to live on forever no matter how hard you try. BTW there is never going to be a swbf3. Sorry.
5. If Matt chooses not to respond then it's mostly because he's smart enough (which we know he is) not to waste his time repeating himself to Gamerz the same answer of no.
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Re: Gamerz offer to merge with SWGO

Postby SWINE FLU » Sun May 02, 2010 6:25 am

KOko wrote:Rancor, we dont need to sponsor tournaments with prizes or provide other communities servers just because we as a community

I agree with KOko, SWGO doesn't have to do those things just because GMRZ does. SWGO doesn't have to sponsor other communities. With all due respect, as KOko said, it'll be a fail attempt of a merge.

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Re: Gamerz offer to merge with SWGO

Postby Flyswamper » Mon May 03, 2010 6:58 pm

Suggestion for Matt: "No"

Suggestion for Dread: "Stop asking"

Suggestion for Fly: "Stop posting on crap like this"
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Re: Gamerz offer to merge with SWGO

Postby White_Tiger_Zord » Mon May 03, 2010 9:07 pm

Flyswamper wrote:Suggestion for Matt: "No"

Suggestion for Dread: "Stop asking"

Suggestion for Fly: "Stop posting on crap like this"

i agree 100% :punk:
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