hey guys. Im shopping for a new rig to replace my Pentuim 4 peice of crap, and found a local deal on craigslist. this guy is selling a lightly used alienware gaming desktop originally purchased for over $2500 with $700 of recent upgrades. the price is slightly negotiable at $680
Motherboard: Sabertooth Z77 1155 R
CPU: Intel Core I7 2600K 3.4G +
Ram: [ RipjawsX ] F3-1600C9S-8GXM(8Gx1) / F3-1600C9D-16GXM(8Gx2)
Graphics Card - GeForce GTX 550 Ti
Case: Alienware Area 51 Mid Tower Desktop (With LED lighting)
500 GB Hard Drive
Windows 7 - Copy + Key
Hes also including a Logitech MX518 Gaming Mouse, 22 inch Dell 1024x740 Monitor, Keyboard, and Razer Gaming Mouse pad.
seeing as i already have a monitor, i could sell this in ebay and get back around $130, bringing my total expenses to maybe around $500-550.
being on a poor man's college budget, and not being computer-spec savy, i was wondering if anyone could tell me if this is a good deal or not? am i better off trying something else?