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Coruscant using Windows Vista

PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2010 12:58 pm
by WD-40
Hey all-
My main gaming computer uses Windows Vista. I'm having trouble loading Coruscant when that map comes up. Normally on the other maps, I'm one of the first ones in new games due to a good graphics card, processor, and optic cable service (yeahhhh!) However, Coruscant takes forever, before it finally says it's unable to load.
I recently helped another player that was having sound problems because he has Vista as well (I had researched that fix many months ago). Can't find a coruscant fix. I'm hoping not to have to erase the game and that was NOT the fix for the sound issue. I suspect software glitch, and it's always been an issue. Same disc loaded onto Windows XP works fine. Any advice (useful) would be appreciated!
Steve (WD-40)

Re: Coruscant using Windows Vista

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:40 pm
by Jango_Fred
Sorry to hear that
WD-40 wrote:My main gaming computer uses Windows Vista.

.....have you tried running BFII in Windows XP compatibility mode?

Re: Coruscant using Windows Vista

PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 3:34 am
by WD-40
Well Fred, I do not believe Vista gives that option. I would need to erase Vista and upgrade to MS 7. It's as if Vista is it's own Beast. It's gotten alot of bad reviews, hence the scramble by Microsoft to create MS 7.

Re: Coruscant using Windows Vista

PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:05 am
by TheEvilDonut
Vista does give you that option WD!! Just open up your computer and find the launch program which is in the LucasArts folder. Right click, open properties and then go to the compatibility tab where you can run any program in xp mode. I have Vista on all my machines and if any program is giving me problems the compatibility tab for running in xp mode solves them all. Give this option a shot and see what happens.


Re: Coruscant using Windows Vista

PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:40 am
by samonuh
Your OS should not affect your computer's speed. Either something is wrong with a file or you just have a bad computer...

Re: Coruscant using Windows Vista

PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:22 pm
by KOko
samonuh wrote:...something is wrong with a file...

was the first that came to my mind. Have you tried to reinstall the game?

Re: Coruscant using Windows Vista

PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 3:14 pm
by Jango_Fred
I hope you don't plan to work in I.T. making statements like this.
samonuh wrote:Your OS should not affect your computer's speed.

Re: Coruscant using Windows Vista

PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 3:15 pm
by Corpse
WD-40 wrote:I'm hoping not to have to erase the game and reload...

Do it.

Re: Coruscant using Windows Vista

PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 4:06 pm
by (SWGO)Kren
There's a whole raft of things that can cause problems with SWBF2 in Vista; graphics card (and mode), monitor and graphics card frequency, sound card (EAX option) can cause an issue. I'd also put it into compat mode and start testing your settings in relation to what I've just mentioned. I had an issue for sometime and it related to the sound driver and onboard hardware so I swapped it for a soundblaster card with EAX and hey presto no issues now with the game crashing, not loading maps etc.

Have fun finding out what's causing it.




Re: Coruscant using Windows Vista

PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 8:45 pm
by WD-40
Thanks everyone for all the great input. I will revisit the compatability mode issue, and if that does not work, I'll reload the game. I really appreciate the advice. As soon as I'm able, I'll post a result.
Steve (WD-40)