Hi im MASTER IJO and im a frequent player on JBA. Its a great server, but ive notice a few things that need fixing. The biggest one by far is that the maps are the same over and over and over. I know some people who have memorized the map order, which most people cant do unless it is a small one.
First off, INCLUDE ALL THE MAPS. Dagobah, Yavin, Felucia, and all but one of the space maps are excluded in the playlist. I understand that these maps are not all as popular as say Geonosis or Tantive VI but they should still be included in the rotation.
2nd, change up the games modes. The games modes are always the same. Ive never played a ctf mode on Geonosis or Hoth on this server, nor have I played hunt on Naboo or Endor (let alone played endor on this server at all) One of my favorite map/mode combonations is ctf on hoth, altohugh I havent gotten to play it at all lately
3rd and Final, include hunt. Im not saying have hunt every other map just saying that hunt greatly increase variety in this game seeing as you play as the same classes for most of the game.
To all fourm members and or SWGO personel, this is not a bash against the SWGO servers or there admins, just mere contstructive critism for my favorite SWBF2 server.
Thanks for reading and feel free to comment