So as most of us know, there is a clan known as {AURA}. To tell the truth, I really don't like it! I have a very bad feeling about it, a good example would be this:
While I was playing on Arrows, the {AURA} clan members were playing just fine, and then immediantly started rule breaking. Yes, they also knew the rules too as they were following them perfectly like i had already said. The high clans such as {MM} members will sometimes call {AURA} the noob clan as it extremely tends to have players that barely ever interact with other players (I.E. Someone that never talks) or someone who is totally new to the server and dosn't know the rules. The clan was created about last month by a person named Sparrow and they are recruiting like people will play as Aayla in HA when people start choking. Also one of my former friends had recently joined {AURA} and had started breaking the rules (on a non SWGO server FYI) and said (in quote) "the aura leaders have taught us well :)". I had told the friend to stop rule breaking, they disagreed and continued, thus leading into a fight and then broken friendship. I do not trust this clan... Post what you think.