Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby WD-40 » Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:43 pm

Matt-Chicago wrote:That's your big problem here Heffix - we don't respond well to threats. We pay for these servers, we spend our time and energy keeping them running and enforcing some simple rules. If you came here with an apologetic attitude and assurances you would follow the rules no matter what - I'm sure we could work something out. When you come here with threats, it makes me want to give our host the list of Videotron IP addresses and have them all banned from the box entirely.

Well...Heffix obviously grew up without any useful and proper adult supervision and guidance all his existence on the respecting of rules, and the do's and don'ts of life in general...if he behaves this way on a simple 'game', then he must REALLY screw himself in the real world. I've seen his type all too often over the years...Tigers can't change their stripes, and it's obvious from all that has been said about his history, that he doesn't even 'want' to. He doesn't respect the rules, probably doesn't respect authority at all, and he just doesn't care. So why waste time talking to a wall?
Heffix (McBlab or whatever you are), if you feel no self worth as to play right, respect 'simple' rules, then why even bother showing up on SWGO at all?? It's obvious you don't care how anyone feels, so, go play in some sewer server where they embrace guys like you, and you won't be banned or hasseled because of your lack of honor? Go boy, go!
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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby Duel of Fates » Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:03 pm

It appears that he won't change, sad really. So Matt, I am with Jammy and say go ahead. Give ye olde super ban.

Heff, we have been more than patient with you and your stupidity. Giving us an ultimatum where you continue to do the same things over and over, (that you have been doing for years now?), if you do not get your way? Moronic and pathetic. You really have fallen below the Dark Side, into the realm of self delusion. Pity really.
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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby MATTHEW'S_DAD » Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:20 pm

For what it's worth, I'm actually against the long ban because a) i like screwing with him, it encourages my creative side and b) i do enjoy the challenge of fighting him for those couple of minutes when he's following the rules. But whatever, i don't care. I have the logs on my other laptop and will try to post them tomorrow. They're pretty funny......ahh, good times. :henker:
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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby H3ll Savage » Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:03 pm

i know nobody asked for my opinion, but here it is ;) I think the admins here have done the reasonable thing by issuesing short-term bans and second chances to Heff. If it were myself being given the chance to start a clean sheet i would take it but it appears Heff would rather not. In that case i think action should be taken, but again, all up to you Matt. Good luck making a decision guys :)

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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby Duel of Fates » Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:48 am

Although I like your ideas MD, we could free up a lot of ban space. Maybe put in a jacuzzi.
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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby Scrumtralescent » Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:25 am

Admittedly I don't know the fully history of this guy and your servers, but if he's caused so much trouble why do you guys keep letting him back? From what I've read he's made no effort to try to change his ways and even said he won't change if you guys don't bend over backwards for him. Constant leniency to troublemakers like this guy seems to be only encourages other potential troublemakers.
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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby Draigun » Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:51 am

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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby Jango_Fred » Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:18 pm

An ultimatum....that is the way to get results. There is a serious downward trend in student IQ from generation to generation.
McBlab wrote:Either Matt "butt hurt" Dad gets a warning and I stop breaking rules , like I had started to yesterday. Otherwise I'll carry on making my own rules , either way is fine with me.
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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby McBlab » Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:01 am

(SWGO)Kren wrote:Heff,

I don't think you are really grasping what the rest of the team is attempting to communicate to you.

Let me try and break it down so you can understand things. When you come to the server the following appears to happen:

1) Heff arrives under this name or another
2) Heff breaks a rule
3) The Admin warns the Heff
4) Heff Ignores the warning
5) The Admin warns and/or kicks the Heff
6) Heff returns and or repeats the same actions
7) The Admin bans the Heff
8) The Heff returns under a new key hash
9) The Heff repeats points 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8

Can you not see the pattern here? If you abided by the rules it's simple no warnings, bans or reason to post which equals a happy experience for the Heff, the Admin and other players.

If however you are intent upon causing issues then you know what to expect and as Matt has indicated this can be progressed outside SWGO if the need be.

Now here's me thinking you're not entirely dumb as clearly you can use a computer, play games, post on forums etc so you are not a chimp by any means, so why for the love of god are you acting like one? My pet dog learns from his mistakes so seriously can't you simply stick to the rules and stop causing a fuss?

Look at it from our perspective we are here to have a good time, allow players to participate on a server so others can interact and have fun. When others (one of them being you btw) decide not to abide by our rules and cause issues then action is taken.

So to resolve the matter you need just do the following:

1) Abide by the rules - made by SWGO and not u

Now if it is that simple what's your problem?

I enjoy you playing on the server and beating you down so if you just take the above into account you can enjoy such experiences going forward. So then it's a win/win for everyone, see happy days and what have you got to lose, just give it a try! :lol:

If you are having difficulties in understanding the above it might be time for you to seek professional help, just a thought but over to you for comment.



Since you think you are such a smart ass , care to explain this breakdown ?

a) Arrives
b) Kills a few (no rule break)
c) admin realises who I am
d) admin harasses me (constant switch , boot , [poo] talk)
e) Admin bans for "being me" after 10min of having his fun

That accounts for more then half the bans I get , so your whole post about "don't break rules , have fun , be happy" is pretty much invalid sunshine.
Last edited by McBlab on Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby McBlab » Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:18 am

Matt-Chicago wrote:
McBlab wrote:
Either Matt "butt hurt" Dad gets a warning and I stop breaking rules , like I had started to yesterday. Otherwise I'll carry on making my own rules , either way is fine with me.

That's your big problem here Heffix - we don't respond well to threats. We pay for these servers, we spend our time and energy keeping them running and enforcing some simple rules. If you came here with an apologetic attitude and assurances you would follow the rules no matter what - I'm sure we could work something out. When you come here with threats, it makes me want to give our host the list of Videotron IP addresses and have them all banned from the box entirely.

Seemed like a fair deal to me , stop harassments from admins like MD (and others?) and I follow rules... Or is that too threatening for them ?
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