Draigun wrote:Natester is probably the worst player out there. He complains about pullers when quite frankly, he does it himself. He types in between every battle, then spits out "wth i was txting". On top of that, he is not a good player when it comes to skill. I defeated him quite a lot. Regardless if you are on his good or bad side, he will still be a complaining idiot. One more thing; Natester also shows his maturity by cussing and leaving then about 20 minutes later, rejoins.
But of course Silence, I could easily see you being part of his team.
When I'm on his team, I've noticed he does the same tactics as every experienced player, such as falling off a building and forcing. I do that, and wouldnt call myself a good player. But he knows A few things like sprinting off the rocket and forcing people on the hexagonal building.