Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby McBlab » Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:22 am

WD-40 wrote:
Matt-Chicago wrote:That's your big problem here Heffix - we don't respond well to threats. We pay for these servers, we spend our time and energy keeping them running and enforcing some simple rules. If you came here with an apologetic attitude and assurances you would follow the rules no matter what - I'm sure we could work something out. When you come here with threats, it makes me want to give our host the list of Videotron IP addresses and have them all banned from the box entirely.

Well...Heffix obviously grew up without any useful and proper adult supervision and guidance all his existence on the respecting of rules, and the do's and don'ts of life in general...if he behaves this way on a simple 'game', then he must REALLY screw himself in the real world. I've seen his type all too often over the years...Tigers can't change their stripes, and it's obvious from all that has been said about his history, that he doesn't even 'want' to. He doesn't respect the rules, probably doesn't respect authority at all, and he just doesn't care. So why waste time talking to a wall?
Heffix (McBlab or whatever you are), if you feel no self worth as to play right, respect 'simple' rules, then why even bother showing up on SWGO at all?? It's obvious you don't care how anyone feels, so, go play in some sewer server where they embrace guys like you, and you won't be banned or hasseled because of your lack of honor? Go boy, go!

You just have that all figured out don't you ? lol

Get out
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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby Duel of Fates » Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:42 am

Your inability to edit your posts confuses me.
Your inability to admit to your flagrant disregard to SWGO rules boggles me.
Your inability for civility confounds me.
Your inability for taking responsibility regarding your actions amuses me.

Heffix, get it through your head, dicking with our servers and admins gets you no love here. Giving ultimatums and trash talking the admins who have given you sound advice will get you no sympathy. Acting like a spoiled brat instead of trying to mend fences makes you look petty and small. Surely you realize that?

Matt, as far as this bogus thread goes, I think it has run its course. While it has been amusing, there does not seem to be any more that can be said to Heffix that has not already been said. "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink" seems to be the adage of the day for this guy. Lets pull the plug and let him stew for awhile in his own delusional self pity party he has constructed for himself.

Heffix, too bad. I did enjoy playing against you. It really is a shame you chose this route.
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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby MATTHEW'S_DAD » Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:19 am

Transcript, edited for unnecessary content and to show me in a positive light.

1st, I notice Hef and want to say "hi, i know you're here and are not supposed to be"
10 17:56:23 : Client: Swap player Rilok.
8/7/2010 17:56:24 : Server: Player Rilok swapped teams.
8/7/2010 17:56:42 : Client: Said 'Hi Heffix'.
8/7/2010 17:56:43 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/7/2010 17:57:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] hey heff, you like how i owned your ass???? (As many times you've self killed when I "had" you, you owe me this)
8/7/2010 17:57:12 : #[frasier] heffix still plays??
8/7/2010 17:57:15 : Client: Swap player Rilok.
8/7/2010 17:57:16 : Server: Player Rilok swapped teams.
8/7/2010 17:57:27 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] not really
8/7/2010 17:57:32 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] he sucks too bad(ok, no more abusive remarks)
8/7/2010 17:58:39 : Client: Swap player Rilok.
8/7/2010 17:58:39 : Server: Player Rilok swapped teams.
8/7/2010 18:00:03 : Client: Swap player Rilok.
8/7/2010 18:00:03 : Server: Player [unknown] swapped teams.
8/7/2010 18:02:57 : Client: Said 'Rilok kicked for for being heffix'.
8/7/2010 18:02:57 : Client: Kick player Rilok.
8/7/2010 18:02:58 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/7/2010 18:02:58 : Server: Player Rilok kicked.
8/7/2010 18:03:14 : #[(SWGO)Corpse] lolz
8/7/2010 18:03:14 : #[[GFAQ]Overlord] lol?
8/7/2010 18:03:14 : #[hermit] heffix?
8/7/2010 18:03:14 : Server: User admin at server said '*We Kick/ban for using bad language and names'
Heffix rejoins...
8/7/2010 18:03:34 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] heffix, apologize.....
8/7/2010 18:03:38 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] now!!!!
8/7/2010 18:03:43 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] do it!!!!
8/7/2010 18:03:43 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] Whaat..
8/7/2010 18:04:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] Im not Heffix o.o
8/7/2010 18:04:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] NOW!!!!!
8/7/2010 18:04:39 : Client: Swap player MATTHEW'S_DAD. (lol, wrong button)
8/7/2010 18:04:40 : Server: Player MATTHEW'S_DAD swapped teams.

8/7/2010 18:05:40 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lololollol
8/7/2010 18:06:00 : #[(SWGO)Corpse] lol n1 MD!
8/7/2010 18:06:00 : #[Lil'Bunny] n1 symy
8/7/2010 18:06:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] ttyy

8/7/2010 18:11:40 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] md > heff (killed you before you killed a gunner too)
8/7/2010 18:12:00 : #[Ace] lol
8/7/2010 18:12:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] I just keep heff banned from gamerz
8/7/2010 18:12:00 : #[(SWGO)Corpse] Heffix...more like HeffPOO
8/7/2010 18:12:20 : Server: User admin at server said '*SWGO - Star Wars Gaming Order'
8/7/2010 18:12:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lol

8/7/2010 18:14:00 : #[(SWGO)Corpse] I'm out, bye all.
8/7/2010 18:14:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] now i have to keel u
8/7/2010 18:14:00 : #[[GFAQ]Overlord] cya
8/7/2010 18:14:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] bye corpse
8/7/2010 18:14:20 : #[(SWGO)Corpse] Have fun screwing with people MD
8/7/2010 18:14:20 : #[[GFAQ]Overlord] wow
8/7/2010 18:14:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] I WILL

8/7/2010 18:14:40 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] dont be uttaresh Matthews Dad :P
8/7/2010 18:14:40 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] who??
8/7/2010 18:15:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] maybe he was before your time lol
8/7/2010 18:15:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lololol

8/7/2010 18:18:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] n1 (what's this?? MD being nice to heff??)
8/7/2010 18:18:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] heff

8/7/2010 18:18:20 : #[XCFurry] rilok no killing yourself (uh-oh)
8/7/2010 18:18:20 : Server: User admin at server said '*No Glitching. We'll ban without warning!'
8/7/2010 18:18:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] awww
8/7/2010 18:18:20 : #[Lil'Bunny] mmmmm babies
8/7/2010 18:18:25 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] you HAD to do it
8/7/2010 18:18:42 : Client: Said 'Rilok kicked for for being weak'.
8/7/2010 18:18:42 : Client: Kick player Rilok.
8/7/2010 18:18:43 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/7/2010 18:18:43 : Server: Player Rilok kicked.

8/7/2010 18:19:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] just do what I do matt
8/7/2010 18:19:20 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] Ban him perm for "Being Heffix"
8/7/2010 18:19:20 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] lol
8/7/2010 18:19:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] don't do that hef
(fair warning)
8/7/2010 18:19:20 : Server: User admin at server said '*Don't attack your team members. Don't harass other players.'
8/7/2010 18:19:40 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] more fun this way rancor
8/7/2010 18:19:40 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] I guess?
8/7/2010 18:19:40 : #[Ace] lol
8/7/2010 18:20:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] it is for me
8/7/2010 18:20:00 : #[(SWGO) Darkfire] hermit dotn ks
8/7/2010 18:20:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] I would prefer swapping him endlessly
8/7/2010 18:20:00 : #[hermit] i didnt
8/7/2010 18:20:20 : #[(SWGO) Darkfire] You did with that maulw
8/7/2010 18:20:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] ive doe that to death
8/7/2010 18:20:20 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] he cant kill himself if he cant spawn

8/7/2010 18:25:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] I KEEL HEFFIX (rancor's funny)
8/7/2010 18:25:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] I R PRO

8/7/2010 18:26:00 : #[Salena] is eny of you a girl?
8/7/2010 18:26:01 : #[[GFAQ]Overlord] perv ^
8/7/2010 18:26:20 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] Sorry MD. I choke you :D
8/7/2010 18:26:20 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] MATT!
8/7/2010 18:26:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] matt chicago is (a girl)
8/7/2010 18:26:40 : #[Matt-Chicago] hello
8/7/2010 18:26:40 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] oh!!! hi mat!!!!
8/7/2010 18:27:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] hey mc
8/7/2010 18:27:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] that was hef that killed you fwiw

8/7/2010 18:28:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] what team heff???
8/7/2010 18:29:01 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] hes vills
8/7/2010 18:29:01 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] """vils md""" (me pretending heff talks)
8/7/2010 18:29:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lololol
8/7/2010 18:29:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] so, whats new with you hef??
8/7/2010 18:29:49 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] '''''nothing, i got a perm'''''''
8/7/2010 18:30:01 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] Heffix never talks. Even back in the day
8/7/2010 18:30:02 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] i know
8/7/2010 18:30:21 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] ive had too many m&m's today
8/7/2010 18:32:21 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lol

8/7/2010 18:33:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lol
8/7/2010 18:33:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] gf u2
8/7/2010 18:33:41 : #[allcaps] epic battle
8/7/2010 18:33:41 : #[allcaps] :P
8/7/2010 18:34:01 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lol
8/7/2010 18:34:21 : Server: User Matt-Chicago at said 'Rilok has been warned' (uh oh, not matts dad)
8/7/2010 18:34:21 : Server: Player Rilok warned.
8/7/2010 18:34:21 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] furry, if i be a fett, will you sand still
8/7/2010 18:34:41 : Server: User admin at server said '*This is our new server with our new host!'
8/7/2010 18:34:41 : #[[GFAQ]Overlord] -.-
8/7/2010 18:35:21 : #[Ace] Boot Rilok (uhoh heff, you did it again....4th time in 30 minutes??))

8/7/2010 18:35:21 : Server: User Matt-Chicago at said 'Rilok banned for Intentional self killing - permanent'
8/7/2010 18:35:21 : Server: Player Rilok banned.
8/7/2010 18:35:21 : Server: Banlist has been updated.
8/7/2010 18:35:21 : #[allcaps] MD kick Ace
8/7/2010 18:35:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] awwwww
8/7/2010 18:35:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] dont ban heff forever (whats this???? MD standing up for heff????)
8/7/2010 18:35:41 : #[Matt-Chicago] lol
8/7/2010 18:36:01 : #[Matt-Chicago] he has 1000 keys, he'll be back
8/7/2010 18:36:21 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] i wonder what his next name wil be....
8/7/2010 18:36:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] i hope its creative
8/7/2010 18:36:44 : #[Matt-Chicago] for all the suicide, how about abu achmed (now THAT'S funny)

Ok heffy, again, I don't care what happens. You can gfy for all I care.....good luck to you.
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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby (SWGO)Kren » Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:25 am

Heffix/McBlab Wrote

a) Arrives
b) Kills a few (no rule break)
c) admin realises who I am
d) admin harasses me (constant switch , boot , [poo] talk)
e) Admin bans for "being me" after 10min of having his fun

That accounts for more then half the bans I get , so your whole post about "don't break rules , have fun , be happy" is pretty much invalid sunshine.

Can I expain the above, of course I can, see below:

a) Arrives - clearly otherwise you cannot progress onto (b)
b) Kills a few (no rule break) - Ah this is where you should have read kills a few, self kills and tk's.
c) admin realises who I am - correct see the above. Once the self killing starts we kinda have an idea it's you and a simple check confirms the plank (you) has returned.
d) admin harasses me (constant switch , boot , [poo] talk). Warns, kicks and switches your team.
e) Admin bans for "being me" after 10min of having his fun. See (B), (C) and (D).

I'm always glad to see you as I know what the outcome will be; you don't like to be killed by better players, so you self kill, you don't like to miss kills so you tk your team. So whenever this happens action is taken.You simply do not learn.

We have tried with you but due to some deep seated trait you act like a moron everytime you visit and repeat the same thing so we just make you pay the price through an admin warning, kicking, switching your team or banning you.

If act like a moron you clearly know what will hapen.

Comply with the rules and your free to play the game it's that simple however you somehow can't grasp this, you chimp.


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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby Corpse » Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:02 pm

MATTHEW'S_DAD wrote:8/7/2010 18:12:00 : #[(SWGO)Corpse] Heffix...more like HeffPOO

Damn it my insults keep on getting better. Now I can't decide to call him Hoffix or HeffPoo.
Matthew's Dad wrote:8/7/2010 18:36:44 : #[Matt-Chicago] for all the suicide, how about abu achmed (now THAT'S funny)

Lmao nice one Matt.

I was waiting for Hoffix to reply, once he saw that the admins don't like being threatened, to see if he'd change his tone. Unfortunately, HeffPoo didn't change his tone, so I'm now agreeing with the majority of the other admins: Oja do einen uber ban.
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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby McBlab » Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:06 am

MATTHEW'S_DAD wrote:Transcript, edited for unnecessary content and to show me in a positive light.

1st, I notice Hef and want to say "hi, i know you're here and are not supposed to be"
10 17:56:23 : Client: Swap player Rilok.
8/7/2010 17:56:24 : Server: Player Rilok swapped teams.
8/7/2010 17:56:42 : Client: Said 'Hi Heffix'.
8/7/2010 17:56:43 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/7/2010 17:57:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] hey heff, you like how i owned your ass???? (As many times you've self killed when I "had" you, you owe me this)
8/7/2010 17:57:12 : #[frasier] heffix still plays??
8/7/2010 17:57:15 : Client: Swap player Rilok.
8/7/2010 17:57:16 : Server: Player Rilok swapped teams.
8/7/2010 17:57:27 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] not really
8/7/2010 17:57:32 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] he sucks too bad(ok, no more abusive remarks)
8/7/2010 17:58:39 : Client: Swap player Rilok.
8/7/2010 17:58:39 : Server: Player Rilok swapped teams.
8/7/2010 18:00:03 : Client: Swap player Rilok.
8/7/2010 18:00:03 : Server: Player [unknown] swapped teams.
8/7/2010 18:02:57 : Client: Said 'Rilok kicked for for being heffix'.
8/7/2010 18:02:57 : Client: Kick player Rilok.
8/7/2010 18:02:58 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/7/2010 18:02:58 : Server: Player Rilok kicked.
8/7/2010 18:03:14 : #[(SWGO)Corpse] lolz
8/7/2010 18:03:14 : #[[GFAQ]Overlord] lol?
8/7/2010 18:03:14 : #[hermit] heffix?
8/7/2010 18:03:14 : Server: User admin at server said '*We Kick/ban for using bad language and names'
Heffix rejoins...
8/7/2010 18:03:34 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] heffix, apologize.....
8/7/2010 18:03:38 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] now!!!!
8/7/2010 18:03:43 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] do it!!!!
8/7/2010 18:03:43 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] Whaat..
8/7/2010 18:04:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] Im not Heffix o.o
8/7/2010 18:04:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] NOW!!!!!
8/7/2010 18:04:39 : Client: Swap player MATTHEW'S_DAD. (lol, wrong button)
8/7/2010 18:04:40 : Server: Player MATTHEW'S_DAD swapped teams.

8/7/2010 18:05:40 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lololollol
8/7/2010 18:06:00 : #[(SWGO)Corpse] lol n1 MD!
8/7/2010 18:06:00 : #[Lil'Bunny] n1 symy
8/7/2010 18:06:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] ttyy

8/7/2010 18:11:40 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] md > heff (killed you before you killed a gunner too)
8/7/2010 18:12:00 : #[Ace] lol
8/7/2010 18:12:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] I just keep heff banned from gamerz
8/7/2010 18:12:00 : #[(SWGO)Corpse] Heffix...more like HeffPOO
8/7/2010 18:12:20 : Server: User admin at server said '*SWGO - Star Wars Gaming Order'
8/7/2010 18:12:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lol

8/7/2010 18:14:00 : #[(SWGO)Corpse] I'm out, bye all.
8/7/2010 18:14:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] now i have to keel u
8/7/2010 18:14:00 : #[[GFAQ]Overlord] cya
8/7/2010 18:14:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] bye corpse
8/7/2010 18:14:20 : #[(SWGO)Corpse] Have fun screwing with people MD
8/7/2010 18:14:20 : #[[GFAQ]Overlord] wow
8/7/2010 18:14:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] I WILL

8/7/2010 18:14:40 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] dont be uttaresh Matthews Dad :P
8/7/2010 18:14:40 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] who??
8/7/2010 18:15:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] maybe he was before your time lol
8/7/2010 18:15:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lololol

8/7/2010 18:18:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] n1 (what's this?? MD being nice to heff??)
8/7/2010 18:18:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] heff

8/7/2010 18:18:20 : #[XCFurry] rilok no killing yourself (uh-oh)
8/7/2010 18:18:20 : Server: User admin at server said '*No Glitching. We'll ban without warning!'
8/7/2010 18:18:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] awww
8/7/2010 18:18:20 : #[Lil'Bunny] mmmmm babies
8/7/2010 18:18:25 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] you HAD to do it
8/7/2010 18:18:42 : Client: Said 'Rilok kicked for for being weak'.
8/7/2010 18:18:42 : Client: Kick player Rilok.
8/7/2010 18:18:43 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/7/2010 18:18:43 : Server: Player Rilok kicked.

8/7/2010 18:19:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] just do what I do matt
8/7/2010 18:19:20 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] Ban him perm for "Being Heffix"
8/7/2010 18:19:20 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] lol
8/7/2010 18:19:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] don't do that hef
(fair warning)
8/7/2010 18:19:20 : Server: User admin at server said '*Don't attack your team members. Don't harass other players.'
8/7/2010 18:19:40 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] more fun this way rancor
8/7/2010 18:19:40 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] I guess?
8/7/2010 18:19:40 : #[Ace] lol
8/7/2010 18:20:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] it is for me
8/7/2010 18:20:00 : #[(SWGO) Darkfire] hermit dotn ks
8/7/2010 18:20:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] I would prefer swapping him endlessly
8/7/2010 18:20:00 : #[hermit] i didnt
8/7/2010 18:20:20 : #[(SWGO) Darkfire] You did with that maulw
8/7/2010 18:20:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] ive doe that to death
8/7/2010 18:20:20 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] he cant kill himself if he cant spawn

8/7/2010 18:25:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] I KEEL HEFFIX (rancor's funny)
8/7/2010 18:25:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] I R PRO

8/7/2010 18:26:00 : #[Salena] is eny of you a girl?
8/7/2010 18:26:01 : #[[GFAQ]Overlord] perv ^
8/7/2010 18:26:20 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] Sorry MD. I choke you :D
8/7/2010 18:26:20 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] MATT!
8/7/2010 18:26:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] matt chicago is (a girl)
8/7/2010 18:26:40 : #[Matt-Chicago] hello
8/7/2010 18:26:40 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] oh!!! hi mat!!!!
8/7/2010 18:27:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] hey mc
8/7/2010 18:27:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] that was hef that killed you fwiw

8/7/2010 18:28:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] what team heff???
8/7/2010 18:29:01 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] hes vills
8/7/2010 18:29:01 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] """vils md""" (me pretending heff talks)
8/7/2010 18:29:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lololol
8/7/2010 18:29:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] so, whats new with you hef??
8/7/2010 18:29:49 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] '''''nothing, i got a perm'''''''
8/7/2010 18:30:01 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] Heffix never talks. Even back in the day
8/7/2010 18:30:02 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] i know
8/7/2010 18:30:21 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] ive had too many m&m's today
8/7/2010 18:32:21 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lol

8/7/2010 18:33:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lol
8/7/2010 18:33:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] gf u2
8/7/2010 18:33:41 : #[allcaps] epic battle
8/7/2010 18:33:41 : #[allcaps] :P
8/7/2010 18:34:01 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lol
8/7/2010 18:34:21 : Server: User Matt-Chicago at said 'Rilok has been warned' (uh oh, not matts dad)
8/7/2010 18:34:21 : Server: Player Rilok warned.
8/7/2010 18:34:21 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] furry, if i be a fett, will you sand still
8/7/2010 18:34:41 : Server: User admin at server said '*This is our new server with our new host!'
8/7/2010 18:34:41 : #[[GFAQ]Overlord] -.-
8/7/2010 18:35:21 : #[Ace] Boot Rilok (uhoh heff, you did it again....4th time in 30 minutes??))

8/7/2010 18:35:21 : Server: User Matt-Chicago at said 'Rilok banned for Intentional self killing - permanent'
8/7/2010 18:35:21 : Server: Player Rilok banned.
8/7/2010 18:35:21 : Server: Banlist has been updated.
8/7/2010 18:35:21 : #[allcaps] MD kick Ace
8/7/2010 18:35:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] awwwww
8/7/2010 18:35:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] dont ban heff forever (whats this???? MD standing up for heff????)
8/7/2010 18:35:41 : #[Matt-Chicago] lol
8/7/2010 18:36:01 : #[Matt-Chicago] he has 1000 keys, he'll be back
8/7/2010 18:36:21 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] i wonder what his next name wil be....
8/7/2010 18:36:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] i hope its creative
8/7/2010 18:36:44 : #[Matt-Chicago] for all the suicide, how about abu achmed (now THAT'S funny)

Ok heffy, again, I don't care what happens. You can gfy for all I care.....good luck to you.

Your logs are as boring as your noob gameplay style...

Thanks for proving me right through them though.
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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby Kermit The Frog » Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:18 am

McBlab wrote:
MATTHEW'S_DAD wrote:Transcript, edited for unnecessary content and to show me in a positive light.

1st, I notice Hef and want to say "hi, i know you're here and are not supposed to be"
10 17:56:23 : Client: Swap player Rilok.
8/7/2010 17:56:24 : Server: Player Rilok swapped teams.
8/7/2010 17:56:42 : Client: Said 'Hi Heffix'.
8/7/2010 17:56:43 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/7/2010 17:57:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] hey heff, you like how i owned your ass???? (As many times you've self killed when I "had" you, you owe me this)
8/7/2010 17:57:12 : #[frasier] heffix still plays??
8/7/2010 17:57:15 : Client: Swap player Rilok.
8/7/2010 17:57:16 : Server: Player Rilok swapped teams.
8/7/2010 17:57:27 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] not really
8/7/2010 17:57:32 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] he sucks too bad(ok, no more abusive remarks)
8/7/2010 17:58:39 : Client: Swap player Rilok.
8/7/2010 17:58:39 : Server: Player Rilok swapped teams.
8/7/2010 18:00:03 : Client: Swap player Rilok.
8/7/2010 18:00:03 : Server: Player [unknown] swapped teams.
8/7/2010 18:02:57 : Client: Said 'Rilok kicked for for being heffix'.
8/7/2010 18:02:57 : Client: Kick player Rilok.
8/7/2010 18:02:58 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/7/2010 18:02:58 : Server: Player Rilok kicked.
8/7/2010 18:03:14 : #[(SWGO)Corpse] lolz
8/7/2010 18:03:14 : #[[GFAQ]Overlord] lol?
8/7/2010 18:03:14 : #[hermit] heffix?
8/7/2010 18:03:14 : Server: User admin at server said '*We Kick/ban for using bad language and names'
Heffix rejoins...
8/7/2010 18:03:34 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] heffix, apologize.....
8/7/2010 18:03:38 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] now!!!!
8/7/2010 18:03:43 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] do it!!!!
8/7/2010 18:03:43 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] Whaat..
8/7/2010 18:04:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] Im not Heffix o.o
8/7/2010 18:04:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] NOW!!!!!
8/7/2010 18:04:39 : Client: Swap player MATTHEW'S_DAD. (lol, wrong button)
8/7/2010 18:04:40 : Server: Player MATTHEW'S_DAD swapped teams.

8/7/2010 18:05:40 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lololollol
8/7/2010 18:06:00 : #[(SWGO)Corpse] lol n1 MD!
8/7/2010 18:06:00 : #[Lil'Bunny] n1 symy
8/7/2010 18:06:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] ttyy

8/7/2010 18:11:40 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] md > heff (killed you before you killed a gunner too)
8/7/2010 18:12:00 : #[Ace] lol
8/7/2010 18:12:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] I just keep heff banned from gamerz
8/7/2010 18:12:00 : #[(SWGO)Corpse] Heffix...more like HeffPOO
8/7/2010 18:12:20 : Server: User admin at server said '*SWGO - Star Wars Gaming Order'
8/7/2010 18:12:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lol

8/7/2010 18:14:00 : #[(SWGO)Corpse] I'm out, bye all.
8/7/2010 18:14:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] now i have to keel u
8/7/2010 18:14:00 : #[[GFAQ]Overlord] cya
8/7/2010 18:14:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] bye corpse
8/7/2010 18:14:20 : #[(SWGO)Corpse] Have fun screwing with people MD
8/7/2010 18:14:20 : #[[GFAQ]Overlord] wow
8/7/2010 18:14:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] I WILL

8/7/2010 18:14:40 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] dont be uttaresh Matthews Dad :P
8/7/2010 18:14:40 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] who??
8/7/2010 18:15:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] maybe he was before your time lol
8/7/2010 18:15:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lololol

8/7/2010 18:18:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] n1 (what's this?? MD being nice to heff??)
8/7/2010 18:18:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] heff

8/7/2010 18:18:20 : #[XCFurry] rilok no killing yourself (uh-oh)
8/7/2010 18:18:20 : Server: User admin at server said '*No Glitching. We'll ban without warning!'
8/7/2010 18:18:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] awww
8/7/2010 18:18:20 : #[Lil'Bunny] mmmmm babies
8/7/2010 18:18:25 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] you HAD to do it
8/7/2010 18:18:42 : Client: Said 'Rilok kicked for for being weak'.
8/7/2010 18:18:42 : Client: Kick player Rilok.
8/7/2010 18:18:43 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/7/2010 18:18:43 : Server: Player Rilok kicked.

8/7/2010 18:19:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] just do what I do matt
8/7/2010 18:19:20 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] Ban him perm for "Being Heffix"
8/7/2010 18:19:20 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] lol
8/7/2010 18:19:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] don't do that hef
(fair warning)
8/7/2010 18:19:20 : Server: User admin at server said '*Don't attack your team members. Don't harass other players.'
8/7/2010 18:19:40 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] more fun this way rancor
8/7/2010 18:19:40 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] I guess?
8/7/2010 18:19:40 : #[Ace] lol
8/7/2010 18:20:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] it is for me
8/7/2010 18:20:00 : #[(SWGO) Darkfire] hermit dotn ks
8/7/2010 18:20:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] I would prefer swapping him endlessly
8/7/2010 18:20:00 : #[hermit] i didnt
8/7/2010 18:20:20 : #[(SWGO) Darkfire] You did with that maulw
8/7/2010 18:20:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] ive doe that to death
8/7/2010 18:20:20 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] he cant kill himself if he cant spawn

8/7/2010 18:25:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] I KEEL HEFFIX (rancor's funny)
8/7/2010 18:25:00 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] I R PRO

8/7/2010 18:26:00 : #[Salena] is eny of you a girl?
8/7/2010 18:26:01 : #[[GFAQ]Overlord] perv ^
8/7/2010 18:26:20 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] Sorry MD. I choke you :D
8/7/2010 18:26:20 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] MATT!
8/7/2010 18:26:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] matt chicago is (a girl)
8/7/2010 18:26:40 : #[Matt-Chicago] hello
8/7/2010 18:26:40 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] oh!!! hi mat!!!!
8/7/2010 18:27:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] hey mc
8/7/2010 18:27:00 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] that was hef that killed you fwiw

8/7/2010 18:28:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] what team heff???
8/7/2010 18:29:01 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] hes vills
8/7/2010 18:29:01 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] """vils md""" (me pretending heff talks)
8/7/2010 18:29:20 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lololol
8/7/2010 18:29:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] so, whats new with you hef??
8/7/2010 18:29:49 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] '''''nothing, i got a perm'''''''
8/7/2010 18:30:01 : #[-GMRZ-Rancor] Heffix never talks. Even back in the day
8/7/2010 18:30:02 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] i know
8/7/2010 18:30:21 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] ive had too many m&m's today
8/7/2010 18:32:21 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lol

8/7/2010 18:33:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lol
8/7/2010 18:33:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] gf u2
8/7/2010 18:33:41 : #[allcaps] epic battle
8/7/2010 18:33:41 : #[allcaps] :P
8/7/2010 18:34:01 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] lol
8/7/2010 18:34:21 : Server: User Matt-Chicago at said 'Rilok has been warned' (uh oh, not matts dad)
8/7/2010 18:34:21 : Server: Player Rilok warned.
8/7/2010 18:34:21 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] furry, if i be a fett, will you sand still
8/7/2010 18:34:41 : Server: User admin at server said '*This is our new server with our new host!'
8/7/2010 18:34:41 : #[[GFAQ]Overlord] -.-
8/7/2010 18:35:21 : #[Ace] Boot Rilok (uhoh heff, you did it again....4th time in 30 minutes??))

8/7/2010 18:35:21 : Server: User Matt-Chicago at said 'Rilok banned for Intentional self killing - permanent'
8/7/2010 18:35:21 : Server: Player Rilok banned.
8/7/2010 18:35:21 : Server: Banlist has been updated.
8/7/2010 18:35:21 : #[allcaps] MD kick Ace
8/7/2010 18:35:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] awwwww
8/7/2010 18:35:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] dont ban heff forever (whats this???? MD standing up for heff????)
8/7/2010 18:35:41 : #[Matt-Chicago] lol
8/7/2010 18:36:01 : #[Matt-Chicago] he has 1000 keys, he'll be back
8/7/2010 18:36:21 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] i wonder what his next name wil be....
8/7/2010 18:36:41 : #[MATTHEW'S_DAD] i hope its creative
8/7/2010 18:36:44 : #[Matt-Chicago] for all the suicide, how about abu achmed (now THAT'S funny)

Ok heffy, again, I don't care what happens. You can gfy for all I care.....good luck to you.

Your logs are as boring as your noob gameplay style...

Thanks for proving me right through them though.

:dots: Really? Just REALLY??? You call MD/MC (not sure who you were talking about) a noob? Sir, you kill yourself when ever u get simply pushed, if I remember right last year when you were at a server, I just pushed you and u immediantly killer yourself. I wasn't even going to touch you, I just wanted to mess around with you :lol: . Also, please if you weren't so stubborn and would just follow the rules, you would be more respected and maby get a few friends, but please... if you are going to break rules then please, please, PLEASE go to one of those servers saying "PLZ GLITCH HERE PLZ KAY THANKZ." :roll: Have fun.
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Kermit The Frog
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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby mrjamwin » Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:31 am

McBlabuote=" wrote:Your logs are as boring as your noob gameplay style...

Thanks for proving me right through them though.

Not much on wit are you monkey spunk?
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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby Corpse » Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:22 am

MD's 'boring' playing style is the one that was pwning you. Makes you think huh? Maybe you wouldn't need all the suicide if you just learned how to play.

Hoffix, my advice to you is: go play at those RPG style servers and do what you want there. Imho it would be pretty funny from your point of view, since the host if probably too stupid to stop you.
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Re: Reporting Admin abuse by Matt's dad

Postby Duel of Fates » Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:37 am

Monkey spunk!?!?! :lol: Ok, this still amuses me some.
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