Dad wrote:Voodoochild wrote:The definition of marriage has changed over time :P
Yes, now it means "the state of being in perpetual hell".
I L0Led hard on that one and the one before it! I wonder what divorce court for gays would be like?
Homosexuality and heterosexuality have been around the same amount of time. Tiss not a new thing. Historically marriage has been predominantly a heterosexual act. The purpose of marriage was to procreate and conceive children, preferably males. So I could see people getting their hackles up that marriage stay a heterosexual act. If marriage is to stay a heterosexual act then a institution that has identical protection should be allowed. Unfortunately the chances of that happening anytime soon is remote at best. Regardless, anyone can have any private ceremony and call it what ever they want. Kick off a few Hollywood style gay marriages would do wonders to change opinions.
Now, ain't nothing hotter than some girl on girl action! Sweet apple pie!
The Iranians don't seem to have this problem, I wonder why?!