mrjamwin wrote:Corpse wrote:Mandalore wrote: I also find the wide spread discrimination and hate they face throughout the "Civilized Christian West" to be deplorable.
u cant make the christans be quite because thats againnst there free speaching right so u need 2 let them do that so respect it
What Mandolore is saying is that it's not ok for any Christian to hate but it's ok for him to hate. Also Mandalore, do you think that the Christians in your civilized European State would approve or are they just as hateful as the Civilized Christian West?
Not sure what you mean. For one, I live in America. Secondly, it'd be pretty hard to deny the fact that the overwhelming majority against homosexuality comes from monotheists (and Hindus from what I've heard). My problem with Christians is that they claim to love their neighbors but continually discriminate against homosexuals. I guess the better term instead of Christians would be conservatives, as liberal Christians tend to be a bit less hardcore.