burzerker wrote:The stretch I meant was the 150 years.. not so recent if you ask me. The Catholic example I'm sure wasn't due to the "difference" in God, but for the same idea that the Catholic baby wouldn't get the same theology as the birth parents, not something I would agree is a valid thing to do, but not a solely Catholic/Christian issue. If you care to talk about problems with adoptions then you have no further to look than recent secular adoption agencies that balk at giving black children to white families because they don't have the same culture.
Not sure what you are talking about in your first couple lines. The child was Jewish born. His parents were raising him perfectly fine. He was seized by the inquisition because he was baptized by his nurse maid when he was really sick due to her over-whelming fear he would burn in hell forever and ever. This wasn't adoption. It was kidnapping.
I'm also not familiar with your last line, so if you could provide an example I'd appreciate it.