I'm sorry.

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I'm sorry.

Postby (SWGO)KT » Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:15 pm

Thats it. I'm sorry. Ok? I'm sorry, there I said it. I didnt mean to be rude, but it is kind of hard to tell how all of you guys react to things because all Admins are different. Yeah, I got mad about a warning. Yeah. I did. OK? I GOT MAD ABOUT A WARNING. There, I felt I didnt do anything wrong, as the fact that in the past, and even today, after I KSed, and even said sorry, people attacked me, even TKed me. No warning. What so ever, no warning, and then they kept TKing me, no warning or kick from Admin. Yeah, I talked back, but thats what most normal people do when they get mad. "Happy to ban you" thats the thing that made me go to the forums. That really pissed me off. And then on my post, you all were being kinda rude. Well, in my eyes, very rude. "Welcoming Community" is what the BOT Admins say all the time..... "Welcoming" . :-| Maybe if you had answered me earlier in the game, I wouldnt have gotten so mad. Heres something I suggest, the more you Admins are actually on and paying attention instead of having a bot (See post about HA Hero Spawn Bug) FYI, that went on for about 10 minutes and no Admin showed. I thought you guys always had Admins on. If you guys answer us more quickly, alot of people wont get as mad because you will get to talk about it with the Admin. K? I'm sorry, but I think you guys should be sorry for what you said on the forums. Yeah, I dont know any of you really, but saying things like that can be really hurtful. I really hated reading that forum because of what everyone said. That doesnt make me feel welcomed. And it wouldnt make you feel welcomed either. But if your telling me to watch my mouth, you guys have to watch yours too.
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Re: I'm sorry.

Postby Admiral_Aeka » Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:23 pm

Seems like most of you take us for granted. We don't get paid, we aren't super-human, and we aren't perfect. :wheelchair:

That said, we are a lot more than most of you pay for. :innocent:

Good to see ya apologizing and realizing that a warning isn't anything to get po'd about. Although... the apology seems to be delivered a bit begrudgingly. :whistling:

As far as you not feeling welcomed - you play for free on our server, break the rules and then come here to whine about getting warned for it... and expect us to be perfectly civil? And also don't take it too hard, all will be forgotten if ya just move on and let it rest. All the trolling is just in good fun :punk:
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Re: I'm sorry.

Postby Corpse » Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:46 pm

I'm sorry too, for not even bothering to read your whole post.

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Re: I'm sorry.

Postby toad » Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:10 pm

Corpse wrote:I'm sorry too, for not even bothering to read your whole post.


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Re: I'm sorry.

Postby Jedi Power » Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:28 pm

KT, if you are having troubles on HA, give JBA a try. There is a lot less team killing and fighting amongst yourselves. There are also usually more admins available on that server. I know at this point I can't admin the HA server. Keep your chin up. I know infighting can get really frustrating.
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Re: I'm sorry.

Postby [m'kay] » Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:19 am

(SWGO)KT wrote: :nutz:

Deal w/ it
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Re: I'm sorry.

Postby KOko » Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:52 am

Jedi Power wrote:give JBA a try. There is a lot less team killing

QFT! He got a point!

Still doesnt sound like sincere appology to me...
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Re: I'm sorry.

Postby WD-40 » Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:10 am

Jedi Power wrote:KT, if you are having troubles on HA, give JBA a try. There is a lot less team killing and fighting amongst yourselves. There are also usually more admins available on that server. g.

This is so true. I had to go to HA today to ban 4 'glitchers' in 7 minutes flat! That's a new record for me.

Edit: I will say, that an Admin cannot be on HA 'ALL' the time, just like they aren't on JBA ALL the time. Like driving, it just seems there's never a 'cop' around when you need one. JBA has it's problem children too, but HA is more concentrated in intense battle and at a much faster pace since you're constantly force running, swinging a blade or blasting. JBA has more walking, dash running and sneaking around. I think that's why on HA tempers flare and people get impatient to kill (KS and glitching too) . Just an opinion. But HA as a server is an excellent server for that style of combat with great Admins. No reason you can't do both.
Oh, and my xFire is under my scales picture to the right. If I'm available and I'm needed, I will help out too (Except those time Duel mentioned below. lol). That's how I was contacted while on JBA.
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Re: I'm sorry.

Postby Duel of Fates » Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:54 am

KT, I am truly sorry you do not have a good time on our servers. I think you missed the point though. You seem to have a lot of preconceived notions about Admins and what their duties are. Most of your notions are erroneous to say the least. Admins have Xfire, if you need one, there should be at least one online at any given time. It might still take a bit, we have to leave the computers for things like dinner, work, kids, news, sports, shoveling snow, mowing lawns, keep the wife from naggin', etc, etc . . . etc. So have patience youngling. We are not here, or on the game server for your demands. We will work with you, not for you. But first you have to work with us.

And as far as your apology goes, you should have stopped after saying "I'm sorry". The rest of your rant just makes you look petty and childish.

Good luck and quit looking for the worst in people, and the game. I think you might enjoy it more and be less of a pain in the butt.
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Re: I'm sorry.

Postby pojay » Sun Jan 16, 2011 7:31 am

Sometimes I really hate it when people do this so they can not get a bad rep with the community or whatever. Not trying to be mean but its true just don't troll people especially duel and think you to are "cool" becuase you made up. It's not very nice what you did and duel was only doing his job. They are 100's of people that play on that server 24/7 and they have go to help them as well too. So, yes please think this over before trying to post another complaint thread and if the make up post was really just to get post count, thats just sad. But yes this goes for everyone too please think before you post a complaint thread!!
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