I hear a lot of complaining about hoth hunt and how the wampas automaticly lose.
Well this is mosty because a lot of players dont know how to play vs the Mine rushing rebels.
The rebels will mainly go running to their turret defences and mine the place and if they have time they will block the enternace.
So the first thing you have to do as wampa is go strait to the turret deffences.
These must be destroyed especially the disc turret(the one in the middle)
there are some small auto-turrets on the floor as well.
Instead of ussing the wampas normal attack use the right click its not as strong but you will stand still while ussing it and its enough for the small turrets.
Beware peaple will mine the turrets as well.
Now what few players know is that Mines can be destroyed by wampas.
If you go near them you can stomp them and take them out. REMEMBER I SAYED NEAR THEM NOT ON THEM.
So take out the mines.
After this is completed the rebels will retreat to teir CPs.
They will det rush you.
SO try to do FAKE charge attacks so they plant mines and waste them.
Go behind them as well.
Dont rush into them you have time this will make them nervous and they will make mistakes remember they have only 3 mines.
IF all this works they will retreat to the cave DONT GO AFTER THEM if they camp there they will lose if noone comes after them.
I Make this tactic(personally not my whole team) and this is this is my score for hoth hunt being a WAMPA