admin abuse...again

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admin abuse...again

Postby ProfessorDreadNaught » Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:47 am

I was in the server as Grundle and kicking but, and got switched sides without so much as word. I asked why I got switched and got the response that the teams needed to be balanced. (I was noticing Sawyer, Mawk, allcaps and absolutetruth getting their collective asses handed to them by a bunch of pullers, with myself and Beowolf as Obi.) Not even 4 minutes later I find Sawyer switched himself to heroes. I ask him to explain and he boots me for harassment. It happened between 7PM and 9PM Eastern. Please review the logs and you will see, the harassment was against me, not the other way around. I have mentioned abuse and bias by this admin before. This is NOT an isolated incident.
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Re: admin abuse...again

Postby Darth Crater » Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:01 am

I only caught the tail end of the incident in the logs, but I thought the policy was not to casually swap people's teams like this? I've only switched teams in very unbalanced cases (like 5v2 active players), and then only myself or volunteers.
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Re: admin abuse...again

Postby -)G(-Sawyer » Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:31 am


But Dread I do love how you change the story to suit you're small mind, to help you feel better about yourself. Now before I talk about the claim of abuse :lol: You should know that even though you and Leggz and others of you're horribly little clan are amongst the most unpopular people playing the game I personally don't care. Leggz is just a fool, but your'e kind off a creepy old idiot with a bad temper and judging by your piss poor attitude to like every one over a 5 year period you have a massive chip in on your shoulder that I don't give a [poo] about.

Now I know you want understand this but I play to have fun, I'm a man in his 30s with a lovely wife, I don't need to prove anything in a silly game, it's just for a laugh. Having said that I must comment again on your amazing small mind in saying things like "Kicking Butt" :lol: or thinking that Mawk, Allcaps or myself are concerned about you or any of that. Mawk is a good player, Allcaps to and he can be a fun player to play against as I try to be. Unlike you a 5 year super nOOb who still cant play most of the characters, spends most of the running away, aayla noobing and needs back up all the time.

The reason I changed with you on the server was for game balance to improve the game for other people playing, we all know you nOObs come on to the SWGO server under different names and stick together, noobing up with aayla, getting into arguments with other players. The server is always a darker place when you nOObs are on it. If by moving you to the other team upset you then GOOD, I see that as an excellent by product and thank you for letting me know.

Goodnight :1372:
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Re: admin abuse...again

Postby ProfessorDreadNaught » Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:49 am

and the abuse continues...

I mentioned those players, because they are all good. The teams weren't unbalanced by numbers. They were unbalanced because the pullers were tearing the villians apart. Beowolf and I didn't pull AT ALL and were playing as Obi and cleaning up what the pullers didn't grab. That was the reason I mentioned his and my success in the game. I am accusing you of being small and petty. I am accusing you of not liking losing and abusing your admin powers to make it better for yourself and to harass players you don't like. I am accusing you of doing this repeatedly and unashamedly. I think the evidence is clear.

If (again) you guys think its ok because they are only abusing Dread and Leggz, fine. That's your prerogative. I'll take the abuse, but not silently. You'll have to ban me from your forums to keep me silent. (I hear jammy and haas grabbing their torches and pitchforks already)
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Re: admin abuse...again

Postby SUPERS@MURAI » Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:19 am

We will look into it Grundl...errr..dred. Nice to be hearing from you. Been a while.
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Re: admin abuse...again

Postby haasd0gg » Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:45 am

LOL. I couldve banned you from everywhere forever ago. Each one of your tears is like a little trophy to me though. Keep crying. I'll keep reading.
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Re: admin abuse...again

Postby -)G(-Mawk » Mon Mar 07, 2011 5:21 am

I was there, so let me add some input and possibly some logic for those who understand it:

You had 5-6 tks to your name at that point already Dread (most of it because you seem to disregard your team when hunting for me). I did warn you in chat. I did see a couple tks after the warn so perhaps Sawyer figured if you were killing heroes anyway.............
Or would you rather of me kicked you after those TKs? Or maybe banned you for excessive tking? You have been warned in the past for it, so it could be considered repeat offense. Perhaps that's what I'll do next time since you seem to have a problem with tks. At least you do when I'm around. You're experienced enough and "kick butt" enough not to tk that much. I would say 1-3 accidental tk's a game is the acceptable number, anywhere past that with an experienced player is just carelessness.

When you got swapped you weren't exactly cordial: "how the hell?" was your response. Sawyer told you why were you swapped. To try to balance out the teams. You had to question it again, and he told you to hush. You then said it was admin abuse and he still needed to explain it. At which point he booted you for harassment.

A boot is a wakeup call, not a call to arms. You can still go play on the server, you aren't banned. He was telling you stop, you didn't, so you were booted. He even said before if you didn't like his decision you could leave.

Since you "kick but" so much, it shouldn't matter what team you are on right? I know it doesn't for me personally. I'm generally positive numbers in k/d ratio unless being hunted, and I know you are too. Team shouldn't matter.

I know you and Leggz were hunting together but public servers are not matches, so that shouldn't be a factor.

Oh, and he swapped himself the same time he swapped you, it wasn't 4 minutes later. As he said in his post above, he was improving the gameplay for everyone.
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Re: admin abuse...again

Postby ProfessorDreadNaught » Mon Mar 07, 2011 5:53 am

Mawk, I understand your desire to protect your friend, but a simple reading of the logs will really demonstrate your bias in this matter. My initial response to being alive one second and then respawning as the other side, while not exactly Emily Post, I think is understandable by any reasonable judge of the situation. I didn't say anything after the fallacy Sawyer typed as an excuse until a few minutes later when I saw he had switched himself to my former team and was now against me. When I questioned him his response was "hush little one" (quoted verbatim). Only then did I ask him to explain and his explanation was a boot for harassment.

Regarding my play in the server, I don't create "hunting parties" with anyone. I don't fixate on other players, though I do enjoy the challenge of facing better players, you and Kren included. (sawyer really doesn't rate and never has). It is well known to the other players on the server, it doesn't matter which side I'm on. I consistently hold down the highest scores with excellent KDR and KpM regardless of which side I'm on. Hero or Villian, I play and even continued after Sawyer switched me. Switching me was only mild abuse. Switching himself and then booting me for harassment was the clear demonstration of Sawyer's poor character. His post following my accusation just further accents his flaws. Your defense, while understandable and commendable for its show of loyalty, brings your own character into question as well.

Your comments on TK'ing don't bear up to inspection when you read the posts of others regarding the circumstances of the incidents. In most cases the TK'd understand the unavoidable nature of their demise and replied to my "sry" with a "np" (as was the case with the incident you "warned" me for) and others are more often the KS'r who gets in the way to which I do not apologize in in-game chat. Booting me or banning me for such offenses would be nearly as abusive as Sawyer's acts this evening. You know that and that is why you didn't kick or ban me for 5-6 TK's through 5 rounds. Bringing it up now to try to deflect the issue is cunning, but not relevant.

Ask the majority of the players in HA and they will tell you I have a good reputation. I compliment players when deserved (look at tonight's logs, you'll see it repeatedly). I notify admins of glitchers and troublemakers and try to help out when I can. I don't break any rules and try to keep the trash talk to a minimum. In short, I'm not the kind of player you abuse.
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Re: admin abuse...again

Postby [m'kay] » Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:35 am

ProfessorDreadNaught wrote:Mawk, I understand your desire to protect your friend, but a simple reading of the logs will really demonstrate your bias in this matter. My initial response to being alive one second and then respawning as the other side, while not exactly Emily Post, I think is understandable by any reasonable judge of the situation. I didn't say anything after the fallacy Sawyer typed as an excuse until a few minutes later when I saw he had switched himself to my former team and was now against me. When I questioned him his response was "hush little one" (quoted verbatim). Only then did I ask him to explain and his explanation was a boot for harassment.

Regarding my play in the server, I don't create "hunting parties" with anyone. I don't fixate on other players, though I do enjoy the challenge of facing better players, you and Kren included. (sawyer really doesn't rate and never has). It is well known to the other players on the server, it doesn't matter which side I'm on. I consistently hold down the highest scores with excellent KDR and KpM regardless of which side I'm on. Hero or Villian, I play and even continued after Sawyer switched me. Switching me was only mild abuse. Switching himself and then booting me for harassment was the clear demonstration of Sawyer's poor character. His post following my accusation just further accents his flaws. Your defense, while understandable and commendable for its show of loyalty, brings your own character into question as well.

Your comments on TK'ing don't bear up to inspection when you read the posts of others regarding the circumstances of the incidents. In most cases the TK'd understand the unavoidable nature of their demise and replied to my "sry" with a "np" (as was the case with the incident you "warned" me for) and others are more often the KS'r who gets in the way to which I do not apologize in in-game chat. Booting me or banning me for such offenses would be nearly as abusive as Sawyer's acts this evening. You know that and that is why you didn't kick or ban me for 5-6 TK's through 5 rounds. Bringing it up now to try to deflect the issue is cunning, but not relevant.

Ask the majority of the players in HA and they will tell you I have a good reputation. I compliment players when deserved (look at tonight's logs, you'll see it repeatedly). I notify admins of glitchers and troublemakers and try to help out when I can. I don't break any rules and try to keep the trash talk to a minimum. In short, I'm not the kind of player you abuse.

So before you make these posts, do you need to write up an outline or something? I mean seriously, the next time I need to write up a paper i'm just going to copy one of your whining posts and change the subjects around a bit. Jesus christ, you've been at this for how long now? More than a few years? I can at least respect the guys here that play to have fun, but you seem to just run about thinking that you'll actually make something of yourself playing this game. Here's a hint; to become a professor, you actually need to, you know, know things. I suggest that you at least take a course in philosophy so you can at least be a stuck up prick somewhere you actually belong. Good god.
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Re: admin abuse...again

Postby Corpse » Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:57 am

Nargotah wrote:I suggest that you at least take a course in philosophy so you can at least be a stuck up prick

That's what I'm doing right now. :lol:

About the situation, I would recommend that admins ask a player's permission to swap them in order to balance the teams, and if they don't get it, then they should leave the player on the team they're on.
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