hey FBI guy i hope that you get killed you [female dog] along with

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Re: hey FBI guy i hope that you get killed you [female dog]

Postby ӺȁȿŧƔ » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:29 pm

He probably gave you a 10 minute ban. Ever thought of that?
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Re: hey FBI guy i hope that you get killed you [female dog]

Postby obione » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:37 pm

ӺȁȿŧƔ wrote:He probably gave you a 10 minute ban. Ever thought of that?

first if it was 10 min i doubt another admin woudnt have had to reverse the ban....second if i followed instructions why ban at all... o wait because you people are control freaks who just want power over others....i guess it makes you morons feel good knowing you did something to someone else....

so tell me if this wd40 guy is such a piece of [poo] why is he still an admin...he is a typical fbi/law enforcement guy who thinks that they are above the law and always in the right... a guy who i would love trespass on my property so i could kill him....come and try warrant or not i will defend my self and you will be dead....thats what you get for infringing on the rights of others....
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Re: hey FBI guy i hope that you get killed you [female dog]

Postby Yanoda » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:10 am

To Obione
One crucial recommendation for you:
If you talk in such a way you will not receive any sympathy or the possibility to compromise with anyone; both here and in Life. Considering how your attitude is here in the forum, there is a very likely chance you were not much different in-game; giving the admin(s) a valid reason for their action.

Take a deep breath, calm down and talk in a civil manner to get your point across. People (mostly admins) will be more considerate and probably help you.

Also, freedom of speech does not necessarily mean you can say what ever vulgar word comes to mind. I'm sure you heard that it is considered a crime to falsely call out fire in any building where panic can ensue and unnecessarily cause harm.
We have players here of all ages playing the game and the admins are doing their best to keep the servers clean and respectable for everyone. If you feel wrongly treated in one of the servers then just ask (kindly) for assistance to resolve the issue.


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Re: hey FBI guy i hope that you get killed you [female dog]

Postby [m'kay] » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:12 am

Alright, can anyone give an even slightly satisfactory reason as to why this idiot is still on the forums? He's not going to suddenly get better here, people. You guys have banned for a lot less than someone wishing for the deaths and rapes of every one of your members. Seriously, what the [m'kay].
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Re: hey FBI guy i hope that you get killed you [female dog]

Postby mrjamwin » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:13 am

obione wrote:you are idiots thinking that im someone im not....i feel bad that some guy is now probably going to get banned because you morons arent smart enough to do their homework and you are more interested in simply banning people regardless if it is justified....im pretty sure this matt will know who i am....

You're nobody trust me. One more nobody living at home with his mom. Who's only life is to play swbf2 because the real world is too scary. You probably believe Star Wars is real too.
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Re: hey FBI guy i hope that you get killed you [female dog]

Postby obione » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:53 am

Nargotah wrote:Alright, can anyone give an even slightly satisfactory reason as to why this idiot is still on the forums? He's not going to suddenly get better here, people. You guys have banned for a lot less than someone wishing for the deaths and rapes of every one of your members. Seriously, what the [m'kay].

here is a reason....the idiots at swgo are complete pieces of crap who dont deserve to be alive...
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Re: hey FBI guy i hope that you get killed you [female dog]

Postby mrjamwin » Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:34 am

obione wrote:
Nargotah wrote:Alright, can anyone give an even slightly satisfactory reason as to why this idiot is still on the forums? He's not going to suddenly get better here, people. You guys have banned for a lot less than someone wishing for the deaths and rapes of every one of your members. Seriously, what the [m'kay].

here is a reason....the idiots at swgo are complete pieces of crap who dont deserve to be alive...

Well do something about it pussy. Quit making threats and kill us. You frustrated closet [British cigarette]. Come get me.
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Re: hey FBI guy i hope that you get killed you [female dog]

Postby (SWGO)Kren » Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:44 am

Yet another one that needs to see a labotamist or the inside of a padded cell!

Clearly this kid does not get enough attention at home and instead comes here to rant.

Obione or whoever you are you need to wake up and stopping acting like a baby and get over it, it's tough luck, you did something wrong, you got caught so unlucky son, stop acting like like a fairy. Take your punishment and move on, remember it's only a game (it's not real).

If you are so stressed and hate everyone so much, turn the computer off, get you mom to give you a glass of milk, a nice big cuddle and a pat on the back. I'm sure she'd say 'there, there now', 'those nasty admins at SWGO, tut tut tut, upsetting my 8 year old girl like that'.
Look at the past to improve the future.
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Re: hey FBI guy i hope that you get killed you [female dog]

Postby WGO-Jango » Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:07 am

Seriously? All of this over being banned from one server on a video game, Obione? Who is more pathetic in this instance, the admins, you claim, that ban people for their personal power fix? Or you, someone who could have "been the bigger man" in all of this and simply went to another server but instead posts a serial killers' over emotional reaction to a temporary ban? Look at you, look at what you've wrote, its laughable especially this part here:

Apparently that's about the only thing you're "smart enough to know" because most people who have been temporarily banned from our servers simply do one of four things:
1. Go to another server and play until the ban's time limit has passed.
2. Go play on another SWGO server until the ban's time limit has passed.
3. Go to the SWGO Forums and request a ban reversal for a ten minute ban.
4. Go play a different game entirely.

The third option is were most of the ignorant people fall into, where you fall into. What really puts in the icing on the cake is the fact you wish death upon all our houses. It's a game kid, something people play for enjoyment and pleasure not as part of their life's achievement. Pat yourself on the back now, since you think your ban has been lifted, because you can bet if Matt doesn't already know about all of this, when he finds out you'll hold a special place on the Wall of Permanent Bans. I guess wouldn't care though, we're all power tripping crazy admins here but if you truly didn't care why even bother making this topic? If you were smart enough you would know.

Re: hey FBI guy i hope that you get killed you [female dog]

Postby (SWGO)Minas_Thirith » Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:29 am

Padawans characteristics:

1-A hatred to SWGO.
2-A hatred to their admins.
3-A hatred to all who defend SWGO..
4-A profound hatred to WD-40.
5-Knowledge of the FBI work.
6-Generally harasses certain players in JBA.
7-Generally Swears in-game.
8-Generally Hes more banned then that hes allowed to play.
9-The worst troublemaker there is in JBA.
10-An incontrollable anger either because Drugs,drinking,RL problems or just a mental condition.
11-Delusional thinking about the admins(generally paranoid)
12-When getting banned he always goes to another server to tell how bad SWGO is.

obione wrote:i feel bad that some guy is now probably going to get banned

"that some guy" seriously if you play on JBA you know pad everyone does.
With the knowledge you have your certainly playing some years now.

Now these are all obione's characteristics

1-A hatred to SWGO.
2-A hatred to their admins.
3-A hatred to all who defend SWGO.
4-A profound hatred to WD-40
5-Knowledge of the FBI work
6-Generally harasses to certain admins on the forums
7-Generally swears on the forums
8-Generally banned on the forums(this still has to happen)
9-The worst troublemaker on the forums
10-An incontrollable anger either because Drugs,drinking,RL problems or just a mental condition.
11-Delusional thinking about the admins(generally paranoid)
12-When he gets banned in-game he comes here and tells us how bad SWGO is.

Wow thats odd? how come their almost identical? how could that be? Would it be coincidence paddy says this.

The same day he logs in for 45 minutes and in the end doesn't post nothing....and the day after that suddenly a "NEW" registered account with the name "obione" logs on and gives everything paddy promised on our forums and even more i expected.

But yea man these are just "coincidences"

MT :angry:

Edit: removed some spelling errors(Was a bit Sleepy this morning)
Last edited by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith on Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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