So I was on the SWGO Hero Assault Server because I felt like forcing with Jedi. However, I was repeatedly team killed by the user OneWhoSees and the admin did nothing about it. I was going to get OneWhSees back but I decided not to because I thought it was wrong. So I continued playing and once again OneWhoSees team killed me again because he thinks I am a supposed "noob". I get him back (Once) and the admin Boots me. I log back in and I ask, "Who is this admin! I am going to report him for admin abuse". Then I was warned. This time when I got back on the server I was on the dark side. I found a Jedi and went forth to attack him upon doing so my own team-ate didn't care as to weather I was attacking him or not a just killed me while I was finishing off the Jedi. I get him back (ONCE) because I was fed up with all the users in the Hero Assault Server not caring if the tk or not. Its like the mindless computers. Then the admin bans me.
I dont exactly know what the admin is allowed to boot or ban for, but it seemed as if the admin was biased here and only booted me because he/she didn't like me. Nobody else on the server was booted but me. The only type of good admin conduct that was displayed was the warning to OneWhoSees, but that's all the admin did.
I hope you all see it my way and see to it that the admin that was online at 11:00-11:14am is punished.