Why banned and for how long?

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Re: Why banned and for how long?

Postby Brazosgrad » Sun Apr 24, 2011 2:07 am

Icerigger, I was the banning admin. And Ripley was there when it was enacted. I banned your for language, because I know for a fact that you were warned the night before by Jedi Power for the exact same thing, and I witnessed all the previous warnings he gave you. I was in-game that previous night and was about to do the same to you, but he beat me to it. You weren't banned for what you said outright, but moreover for the repeated abuse. And frankly it gets old seeing the same players warned and banned for the same thing over and over. Until you settle down the in-game language, expect a repeat. This process is meant for you to learn from it. As Dad so eloquently put it "Say it, don't type it". My kids both play this game, sometimes along with me, and I don't appreciate yours and others making it a less-than-welcome play environment for the youngsters. Some people still teach decency and good manners to their kids. I for one.
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Re: Why banned and for how long?

Postby Jedi Power » Sun Apr 24, 2011 2:48 am


When I warned you on April 20th there was a lot of BS going on. I didn't do an official warning as admin, but as me. I generally let that one go without saying anything but you kept doing it. Then you said "don't recall talking to you, Jedi Power" then Braz warned you officially. There was lots of whining about players killing you then you started calling JBA the "Disney Server." There was a "Lords Name In Vain" post but you left after that.

Braz is saying you continued the same line of "typing" the day he banned you. Just think it dude. Don't take the time to type it.
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Re: Why banned and for how long?

Postby Duel of Fates » Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:09 am

See, there was an explanation.
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Re: Why banned and for how long?

Postby haasd0gg » Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:00 am

Whodve thought? :whistling:
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Re: Why banned and for how long?

Postby (SWGO)Minas_Thirith » Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:17 pm

Icerigger, every time i see you on you will harrass players.
You will call them hackers, buggers, glichers and laggers.

I don't apreciate the fact that you are the one complaining of my ping, while i have to play with it.
I recall you once called me a >--Bastard in spanish , not to mencion acusing me of aimbotting.
I have warned you serveral times in-game, and have found a lot of retaliation of you against the admins.

Clear up your game or this will not be your only ban.

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Re: Why banned and for how long?

Postby (Rogue).ltc.dan » Sun Apr 24, 2011 2:15 pm

Corpse wrote:Backslash.

ohhhh im like "what is bs?"
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Re: Why banned and for how long?

Postby toad » Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:19 pm

I am at a loss here, what exactly did the player do that would result in a 3 day ban? Is saying BS now a banned word? I am not looking for trouble but clarification. A 3 day ban seems excessive.
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Re: Why banned and for how long?

Postby Brazosgrad » Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:04 pm

You missed the point. It wasn't the single usage, it was the repetitive language et al. over several days with more than one incident. Translated: repetitive abuse.
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Re: Why banned and for how long?

Postby Icerigger » Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:58 pm

Matt-Chicago, thanks for the info. Still banned as of this morning, and it has been three days. So, hopefully that will change soon.

Duel of the Fates (great piece of music, by the way), hope to see you out in the battlefield again soon.


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Re: Why banned and for how long?

Postby Icerigger » Mon Apr 25, 2011 5:04 pm


Just saw your post. Your belligerence against me in the game is also well-noted. If you watch me over time, my attitude toward other players is a mirror reflection of the respect, or lack thereof, that they show me. Treat me with respect, and I will treat you like a brother in the game. Be belligerent against me, and I will respond in kind. I think you are an excellent player and have seen you treat others with respect. However, you quite frequently attack me and I respond in like kind. Please keep that in mind the next time you see me.

Oh, and I never attack the Admins; NEVER. I never know who the Admin is; I don't know how to tell who the Admin is. Once in a while I figure out who it is from the chats, but other than that, I have no way of knowing.


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