Last-god-on-earth harassment

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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby stelio » Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:36 pm

indeed u did :P i was eating... it was a inf block break .. lol ADMIS i have to ask for a favor!!!!!!
there is a couple of dudes continue attent to tk fett flame shoot etc ass Stromcaster
i need to know if the others are the same person
can u tell me this
harrast dudes:
worgenwarrior (or something like this)

are they stromcaster? or different person?

other thing.. i know u see me tp a lot i really dont do it intentional!!
i ll work on it!,

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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby stelio » Mon May 02, 2011 10:34 am

hi all admins!! as i told u before.. STORMCASTER is always tk me , or damage almost dead...
he claims that i harrast him and he find unfair that he got bann well.............
this is going like this for a while .. all the time he join he is harrastning me
and he ll not NOT stop!! today again he just join and tk me like 3 times then he harrast me
i made a video of course!! this is going to far!! and for so long pls help me this make me mad really mad :gun_bandana:

he ll never stop pls bann this dude how long must this go on!... he just join the game and tk me
I n the video was the 4 time he attent to tk me that is why he did tk at the end , cos he knew he ll boot .. pls do something about it

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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby stelio » Mon May 02, 2011 11:13 am

well i came back to the game and stromcaster wtill there of course he continue to tk fkamming me with fett
kren was there he saw the tk from stromcaster but it was hard to know if it was accidently, then he beggan to flamm ing ne again! i told kren but he didt bealieve me! he, kren say i should post it well here is the proof again



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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby (SWGO)Kren » Mon May 02, 2011 1:42 pm

Stormcaster was indeed attempting to tk Stelio which I indicated not to do. Stormcaster also decided to start firing at me when I was on the same team so even though this guy was given the chance to stop this with Stelio he then persisted with me so I have given the player a 3 day ban.


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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby stelio » Mon May 02, 2011 2:01 pm

ok thxs kren
but with respect... i think some1 who tk intentional and for so long.... and lies to admis and claim been treat unfair , accusing admins for a not deserved banns ;he should be bann for weeks . its not the 1 time and he do this all the time since months!!

but well i hope he learn the lesson and stop the harrastment!!
i truly hope

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stromcaster avoid bann and continu tk tflamming

Postby stelio » Mon May 02, 2011 4:21 pm

1 pic.. i see the playerlist to see he is in the game:

2 pic stromcaster talking nons... he bealieves he pwed me lol!! :roll: to me idk kind of a obsession:

3 pic he dare me to post in the forum that he still there ..:

4 the video of he tk me :eek:

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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby Stormcaster » Mon May 02, 2011 4:36 pm

This is a complaint of cheating (unlimited block), a counter complaint, to get a ban removed from 2 SWGO hero assault servers which was the consequence of admins being manipulated (see below) by this horri-baddie and to see if there is any admins capable of detecting lies on these servers.

I understand he is fraps'ing me TKing him and posting it here; claiming that I am the instigator but he's laughing at you for being fooled because he just shows w/e footage he wants and leaves out the 90% of the time when it was HE who did everything that he's accusing me of during the wee hours of the morning when there are no admins on. Then, when its busy and he's on my team, he will make like he is going to attack me and just come right up to my face just like he did hundreds of times before just before he tries to TK me. As soon as I see his name I either try to get distance or attack defensively. Then he posts videos of that trying and passing it off like an unprovoked attack even though he had been TKing me all night and force pushing me in circles around the whole map.

I don't have fraps and don't really know how to make screen shots to post them so if that whats you need to tell he's lying then I don't got it. But if you've got a detective's mind I'm sure you can deduce which is the more likely scenario.

So, once again, his list of offenses are: unlimited blocking (not when admins are on), team push harassment (all the way around the map), TKing and (worst of all imo) deliberately falsifying events to manipulate admins.

BTW this all started cuz I owned him a few too many times using a Fett and he got butt-hurt then started TKing me the next time we were on same team. Total loser.
Last edited by Stormcaster on Mon May 02, 2011 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby Admiral_Aeka » Mon May 02, 2011 4:38 pm

Stormcaster - he has all of the evidence. Provide some of your own please... it's obvious that you broke the rules... whether he did or not cannot be determined without evidence.

As far as it goes - he's not falsifying events, he's just showing selective evidence. Just like in a court of law... each side shows the evidence which supports them. Where is yours?
Kryomancer: 53-7, Bait-Stelio-12 Stelio: 33-22, Bait-Kryo, 6
Next round:
Kryomancer: the fact remains, I pwn you :)
Stelio-Kontos: lets duel moron
==After 1 hour of duels, Kryomancer wins 42-8===
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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby (SWGO)Kren » Mon May 02, 2011 4:47 pm

Stormcaster wrote:This is a complaint of cheating (unlimited block), a counter complaint, to get a ban removed from 2 SWGO hero assault servers which was the consequence of admins being manipulated (see below) by this horri-baddie and to see if there is any admins capable of detecting lies on these servers.

As I saw things you do not seem to be owning anyone plus disrupting the game by attacking someone is not going to do you any favours. I have seen it first hand the type of disruptive gameplay you employ. I was in-game and you decided to start shooting at me even though I was on the same team and did nothing to you.
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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby Stormcaster » Mon May 02, 2011 5:15 pm

Admiral_Aeka wrote:Stormcaster - he has all of the evidence. Provide some of your own please... it's obvious that you broke the rules... whether he did or not cannot be determined without evidence.

As far as it goes - he's not falsifying events, he's just showing selective evidence. Just like in a court of law... each side shows the evidence which supports them. Where is yours?

I'm not going to DL fraps or learn how to do screen shots because of this douche; I've got more important RL things to worry about then to build a detailed case like in a court of law. But if you are so intent about proof then how about listen to the plethora of witnesses who have already posted on these forms?!? Your own SWGO members are already backing me up with similar complaints about this guy, observe:

by IJO sha-quan-jone » Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:26 am

"though I have seen Last-god-on-earth use unlimited block MANY times"

by Corpse » Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:33 am

"And inf choke too."

by (SWGO)Kren » Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:06 pm

IJO sha-quan-jone wrote:
"though I have seen Last-god-on-earth use unlimited block MANY times

Same here and he has been warned, kicked because of it by me.



by (SWGO)MinasThirith » Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:24 pm

"I saw him do it the past couple of days.

He keeps doing this, if he keeps it up we may have to ban him...

by -)G(-Mawk » Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:30 pm

"I had to kick him last night for excessive tp."

by MATTHEW'S_DAD » Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:53 pm

(SWGO)Kren wrote:
IJO sha-quan-jone wrote:
though I have seen Last-god-on-earth use unlimited block MANY times

Same here and he has been warned, kicked because of it by me.




by (Rogue).ltc.dan.(SWGO) » Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:39 pm

"i feel like i was on when this happened....Oh i was i should have probably told the admin that he wasn't doing the stuff....sorry im slow with this stuf"

by Scrumtralescent » Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:39 pm

"Wish I would've looked here before tonight. Last god was excessively tping people tonight and he got a warning/kick, though he was claiming it was accidental of course. If I would've seen this thread he would've gotten a day ban."

I'd like to add that this thing he's accused me of (flaming or damaging to almost killing but not quite) is a trick that I've never seen before he showed me. When he initially started TK harassing me with no admins around he would force choke me until I had the tiniest sliver of life left (you could tell he had done this before and was practiced at it) then just run away.

But, besides all the ingame violations which you've all been witness to, the thing that really pisses me off about this guy is the way he sucks up to and tries to manipulate you all despite all the people who have called him out in this very thread! Look how hard he is trying! If you can't tell a liar by that alone then I give up. IMO he should be banned for life for that alone, nothing but cheater and disruption in game and definitely nothing but a hard-working, negative force out of game.

(KREN i DID tk you and that was of course because you were backing up this douche, booting me AND talking [poo] to me/being offensive in chat. I tried to get on the other team so i could kill you outright but I was stuck. And if you were Captain Amazing like you were going on in chat then you should have been able man-up and handle lil ol' me anyway right? Don't really got anything against you tho, still giving you the benefit of the doubt as far as Last n00b on earth is concerned pending the outcome of this. I haven't TKed you since but I do like to kill you as much as possible and make you eat your cocky words but that's as far as it goes.)
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