Last-god-on-earth harassment

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Postby stelio » Mon May 02, 2011 5:48 pm

lol i mean i dont know u people but gezzus!! what a dude!!!! totally obsession to me lol!!
i though he was bann!? for 3 days?? i hope he is!! longer then that :whistling:
its seems, he never learn! :roll:
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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby Corpse » Mon May 02, 2011 5:56 pm

I have several things to say about this.

First, "I don't got" is awful English and it makes you look like a fool. Second, the fact that Stelio has been caught and punished for rule breaking in the past does not mean that you can do what you want to him and get away with it. The fact that he's broken rules in the past in no way gives you a license to behave in a similar manner without repercussions, and I really have a hard time figuring out why you think it does.

Third, your unwillingness to go to a small effort to collect evidence to support your claims on the basis that you don't really care, and that you have better things to do is inconsistent with your poorly-constructed but nevertheless impassioned berating of Kren and others.

Finally, the notion that we should have to deduce anything is laughable. Instead of going on a pretentious rant about how you don't understand deductive reasoning properly, I'll just point out that if you want us to do something, it is your responsibility to persuade us to do so. If that's what you've been trying to do, then let me be the first to tell you that breaking rules on game servers is the least of your flaws.
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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby Admiral_Aeka » Mon May 02, 2011 5:58 pm

Stormcaster wrote:I'm not going to DL fraps or learn how to do screen shots because of this douche; I've got more important RL things to worry about then to build a detailed case like in a court of law. But if you are so intent about proof then how about listen to the plethora of witnesses who have already posted on these forms?!? Your own SWGO members are already backing me up with similar complaints about this guy, observe:

Just cause he's broken rules in the past doesn't mean we can ban him on a worthless accusation from a player who's already been banned from our servers for similar offenses.

Also, admitting that you TK'd Kren "because you were backing up this douche" is not gonna help your cause, methinks... :ban:

Corpse wrote:Finally, the notion that we should have to deduce anything is laughable. Instead of going on a pretentious rant about how you don't understand deductive reasoning properly, I'll just point out that if you want us to do something, it is your responsibility to persuade us to do so. If that's what you've been trying to do, then let me be the first to tell you that breaking rules on game servers is the least of your flaws.

u said it bro :rockon:
Kryomancer: 53-7, Bait-Stelio-12 Stelio: 33-22, Bait-Kryo, 6
Next round:
Kryomancer: the fact remains, I pwn you :)
Stelio-Kontos: lets duel moron
==After 1 hour of duels, Kryomancer wins 42-8===
Stelio-Kontos: ok u are better
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Re: lol

Postby toad » Mon May 02, 2011 6:12 pm

stelio wrote:lol i mean i dont know u people but gezzus!! what a dude!!!! totally obsession to me lol!!

In the future let your boyfriends down easier when you break up. They have a tendency to go psycho when you just show up with a new dude muffin. Regardless, if you guys are locked into some epic nerd battle please do it somewhere else. All this HA drama makes my tummy hurt. :989:

Shooting a admin on your team is an interesting way to punctuate your argument. Methinks your not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby (SWGO)Kren » Mon May 02, 2011 6:18 pm

Stormcaster wrote:(KREN i DID tk you and that was of course because you were backing up this douche, booting me AND talking [poo] to me/being offensive in chat. I tried to get on the other team so i could kill you outright but I was stuck. And if you were Captain Amazing like you were going on in chat then you should have been able man-up and handle lil ol' me anyway right? Don't really got anything against you tho, still giving you the benefit of the doubt as far as Last n00b on earth is concerned pending the outcome of this. I haven't TKed you since but I do like to kill you as much as possible and make you eat your cocky words but that's as far as it goes.)

I was backing him up, erm what I saw was u attacking trying to get him annoyed:

02/05/2011 11:58:25 : #[Stormcaster] hey last n0b
02/05/2011 11:58:37 : #[Stormcaster] u need to call teh WAAAAHMBULANCE
02/05/2011 11:58:49 : #[(SWGO)Kren] stormcaster
02/05/2011 11:58:58 : #[(SWGO)Kren] lets hope u have not been (me stating that it is not a good idea to you)

02/05/2011 11:59:43 : #[Stormcaster] if i made vids i'd ahve hours of footage of last n00b TKing, (so why did you not get any screenshots/vids?)
02/05/2011 11:59:46 : #[Stormcaster] push harassing
02/05/2011 11:59:55 : #[Stormcaster] and using inifnite block all day

How was I talking crap to you btw? Everytime I was fighting someone, in you would fly and spray me and your team with flames, you did not care who you hit which was the same when you were gunning from a distance.

I actually swapped teams the next round to see if you would shoot at me and what happened you decided to shoot at me like the idiot Stelio was describing. I was nowhere near to you, avoided you and you still came after me, not a good idea. So I kicked you off the server and then banned you for 3 days. There is video evidence from Stelio and no he ain't Mr Perfect but clearly you decided to push it with him and then me which resulted in the ban, have a nice vacation for 3 days.

The next time you visit a server don't start tking and then saying how badly done to you are. Follow the rules and all will be fine, break-em and you know the rest.
Look at the past to improve the future.
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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby stelio » Mon May 02, 2011 7:17 pm

kren u forgot that he join the server after u bann him!! !

best regards :action-smiley-043:
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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby Stormcaster » Mon May 02, 2011 8:36 pm

Corpse wrote:I have several things to say about this.

First, "I don't got" is awful English and it makes you look like a fool. Second, the fact that Stelio has been caught and punished for rule breaking in the past does not mean that you can do what you want to him and get away with it. The fact that he's broken rules in the past in no way gives you a license to behave in a similar manner without repercussions, and I really have a hard time figuring out why you think it does.

Third, your unwillingness to go to a small effort to collect evidence to support your claims on the basis that you don't really care, and that you have better things to do is inconsistent with your poorly-constructed but nevertheless impassioned berating of Kren and others.

Finally, the notion that we should have to deduce anything is laughable. Instead of going on a pretentious rant about how you don't understand deductive reasoning properly, I'll just point out that if you want us to do something, it is your responsibility to persuade us to do so. If that's what you've been trying to do, then let me be the first to tell you that breaking rules on game servers is the least of your flaws.

this...scribble is so full of self-contradictions, irrelevant / misleading points and pseudo-logic (in addition to psycho babble) that I honestly wouldn't know where to start picking it apart. Assuming the above is not some joke (in bad taste) where you are making fun of some poor mentally handicapped person who's best effort would look something like what you've posted, I can only assume your life is as hopeless as your attempts to form anything that resembles an argument. If you are some example of the types that run the SWGO servers then I am far better off creating as much distance as possible lest some of your defects are unconsciously adopted from the association.

Further, I hope you can contain Last n00b within your server's boundaries, since you obviously share similar "qualities" with him and seem to be of the same profoundly defective sort, as this would protect other people from a possibly dangerous lowering of expectation in human intelligence and, therefore, human value. In other words: you deserve each other. In words you could probably better understand: You same. Him and you stick togeter.

Kren...That was nice of you to post those chat logs but that wasn't, as I'm sure you realize, the chat I was refering to when you were acting cocky and I killed you. I know the number of times I put you face down in the dirt must all blend together into one big blurr by now but I'm sure you realize at least that much. BTW, how is it you still get owned by a Fett when using a puller? And you can say what you want on these threads to save your face, ur just like last n00b; butt-hurt and angry.

I'm done with this. You idiots aren't worth another second of my time with your pathetic little servers for a pathetically easy outdated game. I can already see that trying to reason with any of you would be an exercise in extreme futility as you not only lack the willingness but also the capacity to understand the most basic logic. Even when my claims were strengthened and given validity by numerous posters, this genius above (someone who's highest calling in life might be to police grammar, badly, on the internet) still tried to make one of the most embarrassing attempts at forming an argument I've ever seen. The only thing laughable is your misuse of words that you try to use even though you don't really know what they mean in an attempt to maybe fool someone into thinking you might have at least 2 brain cells to rub together. What's even more ridiculous is the fact that you obviously, lol, have been given some kind of position in a group filled with people that I can only assume also lack the extremely basic ability to recognize a moron in their midst which, as you so ineptly put, is the absolute least of your flaws. However, I suspect those flaws are not necessarily your fault and probably the result of your mother's smoking and/or drug abuse while you were still in her fat, dirty [quack]. :)

Lastly, sorry to disappoint, I'm sure you'd have something probably even more pathetic than your first post but I won't be checking. I suggest you find some help and counselling to get over these issues of yours that have become so glaringly obvious. Starting with trying to let go of your resentment of your mother and find some psychologist who typically specializes in prepubescent children.
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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby haasd0gg » Mon May 02, 2011 8:39 pm

even Jonny Cochran would find this ridiculous
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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby Corpse » Mon May 02, 2011 8:45 pm

As myself and other members have said previously, providing evidence is important for proving anything. You, my friend, have just provided excellent evidence to support my suspicion that I'm good at trolling. :lol:
This really made me laugh, but now that we're done, you can take your Freudian bull [poo] somewhere else.
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Re: Last-god-on-earth harassment

Postby Admiral_Aeka » Mon May 02, 2011 9:01 pm

five hundred and eighty-nine words and still you said nothing. holy spamming nerd, batman!

cheers, n00b. :gun_bandana:
Kryomancer: 53-7, Bait-Stelio-12 Stelio: 33-22, Bait-Kryo, 6
Next round:
Kryomancer: the fact remains, I pwn you :)
Stelio-Kontos: lets duel moron
==After 1 hour of duels, Kryomancer wins 42-8===
Stelio-Kontos: ok u are better
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