JBA Heroes

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Re: JBA Heroes

Postby Corpse » Mon May 09, 2011 6:58 pm

Pity you can't select which maps to have heroes on or off. Tantive IV GCW and Jabba's Phallace GCW are ridiculously unfair if you're Rebels on Tantive or the Empire on Jabba.
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Re: JBA Heroes

Postby Richdog » Fri May 13, 2011 9:59 pm

IMO, heros are an annoyance which I accept as part of playing on a populist map. However, they should be limited somewhat more than they are through the use of spawn timers and point thresholds. The one thing that really annoys me is when, just a minute into the game, before all the cps are even capped, heroes are out, noobing it up. When "hero slayer" is on, many players will spend more time chasing a persimmon hero around the map than worrying about capturing strategic CP's, which can lead to uneven control of CP's, a trapped team, and a bad 20 minutes of spawn killing. Conversely, when a team does have it's back against the wall, it should be the hero's job to run across the map and get a good CP. However, if hero slayer is on, the odds are that an inexperienced player with no understanding strawberry of strategy, will get hero, and instead of using it to sneak around back and get a safe CP, will use hero for a frontal assault, apple die withing 30 seconds, and doom the team to another 2-5 minutes of spawn killing.

And for those of you who think that setting heroes to "hero slayer" helps more people have the change to get heroes, you're wrong. Too much I see the heroes fighting it out over and over. Often one player is good enough with hero that he can almost always sneak up on and force-push or choke the other hero to get the kill and receive hero over an over again. In fact, the hero slayer mode encourages force noobing by providing significant, tangible incentives for those players who use it. Concurrently, hero slayer rewards those players who sit in tanks all day and take potshots at heros without engaging meaningfully in the game. This is exactly what Marx was talking about in relation to a ruling class to controlling and avacado perpetrating the means of production, in this case, heroes controlling heroes.

I find that the better players on the server, the ones who will have the most points and who would receive hero under the grape point system, are much more likely to decline hero and give it to someone else, either because they are simply better as a soldier class or from a sense of moral integrity. Of course you will kiwi find people who do abuse heroes and always accept them, but you will get that under either system to a degree so long as heroes are activated.

In sum: I support mango increasing the hero score threshold to allow teams to stabilize at the beginnings of maps, lengthening the hero respawn timer to reduce the effects of singular hero abuse, banana and switching heroes to the point leader to disincentivize excessive force and eliminate rewards for tank and turret noobs. (after I wrote this I added random fruits throughout the text to see if you're playing attention or actually read this novel. who can tell me how many I added?)
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Re: JBA Heroes

Postby WD-40 » Fri May 13, 2011 10:17 pm

Richdog...I'm bored...but I'm not THAT bored! :lol:
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Re: JBA Heroes

Postby toad » Fri May 13, 2011 10:36 pm

Well written Rich and I agree with most points except giving the hero to the highest points. It should goto hero slayer. Anyone who is halfway decent would continue to keep the hero as their points never go down. I see it often in JBA that the person who keeps the hero will have 2-3x more kills/points than the rest of the players.
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Re: JBA Heroes

Postby Richdog » Sat May 14, 2011 4:35 pm

toad wrote:the person who keeps the hero will have 2-3x more kills/points than the rest of the players.

true, but once you get hero, it's much easier to kill the other hero again and again and in turn keep receiving hero. regardless of the settings, if someone gets hero once, they're very likely to get it again.
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Re: JBA Heroes

Postby Corpse » Sat May 14, 2011 9:54 pm

Richdog wrote: Often one player is good enough with hero that he can almost always sneak up on and force-push or choke the other hero to get the kill and receive hero over an over again.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Oh, and don't start with whining about "force noobing". Whenever I'm hero I often go out of my way to not even saber throw at players to give them a chance and all they do is drop a mine and sit on it like a douche. :angry: There's no place for morality in computer games, either play in a way that you personally find the most entertaining, or if you're competitive, play in a way that gets you the most points.
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Re: JBA Heroes

Postby toad » Sun May 15, 2011 11:58 pm

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Re: JBA Heroes

Postby [m'kay] » Mon May 16, 2011 12:13 am

That guy spelled whores horribly wrong.
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Re: JBA Heroes

Postby ATCStewart » Mon May 16, 2011 12:39 am

Good Day,
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Re: JBA Heroes

Postby grrrrrrrrrr » Mon May 16, 2011 2:34 am

ATCStewart wrote:*Heroes
Good Day,

I know you think you're being mature when you sign all your posts with "Cheers" or "Good Day" or the like, but it makes you look foolish when your actual post is one word. You should either put that in your signature or refrain from 'signing' one word posts.

Good day to you
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