Hello from Mustang: Problem

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Re: Hello from Mustang: Problem

Postby Matt-Chicago » Sun May 29, 2011 5:51 am

MustangP51D wrote:I've been playing on SWGO a long time and never created an account to report an issue, so you've got to know this one is getting on my nerves.

One particular SWGO admin is giving me a particular problem. Talon Karrde routinely switches my team mid map or whenever I join -- often with snide remarks like "If the teams are unbalanced, it's not harassment, right?" This last one he made while lordfred was present and I believe Ripley as well. He is particularly consistent in doing it when I kill him consistently in JBA, or when I am a pulling character in HA. The first time he did it, he followed me across *two* SWGO servers and did it *three* times. When I told him to "knock it off", he kicked me. I went to JBA instead; he went there and did it again!

Seriously dude, you berate other people for being childish, yet you can't seem to resist acting like one. Cut it out already.


When was the last time this happened?
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Re: Hello from Mustang: Problem

Postby [m'kay] » Sun May 29, 2011 5:56 am

Holy [poo], is this complaint actually legit?

Well i'll be damned.
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Re: Hello from Mustang: Problem

Postby MustangP51D » Sun May 29, 2011 7:28 am

Thanks MD & WD40! I had an account here way back, but lost the login from lack of posting. Besides, I am a poor conversationalist and often make misguided attempts at humor that fall flatter than an empty bellows :whistling: . I make a better player than talker. By the way, I'll tell you a secret WD40: nothing makes me more nervous than a trooper armed with rockets and mines! :)

Scrum & Mawk: first of all, you're 100% right. I don't always have the best attitude. When I repeatedly die in the same way, I get frustrated just like anyone else, but that's not my permenant demeanor. Can you honestly say that it is? Most of my chat consist of the said pathetic attempts at humor that may elicit a pained "lol." Even when I do trash talk, it's almost always in the vein of droll, over-the-top threats of dealing out "teabags that will give you nightmares" or somesuch. I don't contemplate ways to make other peoples' lives miserable, either verbally or through my actions -- not even in an online game. If I did, you and others would likely have devoted a separate thread to me and done so sooner, and I'd be requesting to get unbanned rather than asking someone else to lay off. The fact that you chose to do so now when I was complaining about someone else feels like a bit of an ambush. In fact, your reply seemed to suggest that I'm getting some due comeuppance, or in Mawk's case, a statistic representing my truthfulness founded on a perception that I "play angry". Just ask Talon & the other admins I mentioned. See what they have to say first before questioning my integrity. That's fair, yes?

I don't understand how one can point to pulling, detting or center dashing as indication that I'm an "angry player." These are accepted game functions, yes? Scrum, you said to someone today: "You choke, I pull." Are you an "angry player"? Not really, someone employed a style of gameplay that you found cheap, so you reciprocated. You're just playing the game how you want. Can either of you say that you don't ALWAYS perform saber launches on me (a coup-de-grace that sends the victim flying hilariously, albeit unnecessarily through the air)? Should that be interpreted at malice? I don't read much into it, personally; you do it, I do it...everyone does it! You wouldn't appreciate it if someone publicly pointed to these actions to color your character as vicious, & then invoked that as some sort of vindication when someone really did harass you. Yet you did it to me. It seems a little inconsistent. And hey, if I do something outside of the realm of normal gameplay that you find annoying, tell me to *stop*. You'll notice I'm more likely to tell someone to "stop" when they continuously teamkill as opposed to shouting "Ban him! Ban him NOW!" I'm not a child, and I'm a pretty reasonable guy -- unless you catch me on a bad day :p -- so I expect the same from others. Why not mention it before, instead of right here, right now? Speaking of statistical figures (50/50), I don't think anyone has enough info yet to qualify that ratio about my truthfulness. You only know what I've told you; neither Talon nor the other admins have responded. Your only real knowledge beyond what I've said is based more on innuendo about my personal character than anything factually relevant to what I just described; moreover, your comment is based on dubious criteria that could easily apply to you or nearly anyone else. I'm not really so vindictive that I have just invented this whole thing off the top of my head in a a sinister plot to smear Talon's name across the WWW. Given that there are a lot of players who win against me more often than no, that routinely verbally abuse me when I det or pull them (often accompanied by a flurry of colorful profanity -- anyone who admins JBA and HA knows who they are), that these people are standing candidates with SWGO admins for kicks & bans, why would I suddenly elect to invent this against Talon, of all people -- an SWGO admin, who probably will have the benefit of the doubt -- in hopes of causing him problems? That doesn't make any sense.

haasd0gg wrote:Making antagonizing statements doesnt justify using admin to ruin the game for the guy. If he is breaking rules then he gets the warn/kick/ban like everyone else.
Id like to hear from Talon on this.

That's all I ask. I do Talon a disservice by going on about it until he's had a chance to respond. Consider this my last post until that time. I found him likeable and hilarious (anti-Bush witticisms in particular) until this continued to happen long after I asked him to"knock it off" (and yes, without derisive word choice). Also, allow me to be 100% clear: he's stated directly that he's done it twice, and I suspect him of doing it the other four times. If you've read what I posted earlier, you'll at the very least recognize the basis for what I think. I just want it to stop. Once or twice is funny. The kicks were not funny. Doing it routinely is plum annoying.

@MC. It happened 5/28 and the admin was anonymous. The time before that about a week ago, in JBA. Talon was present under his normal name, lordfred was there (I want to say Ripley was too), the map was Polis Massa, and he made the following comments at the beginning and end of the map, respectively: "It's not harassment if the teams are unbalanced, right?" and "Aww Mustang, you couldn't help us out?"
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Re: Hello from Mustang: Problem

Postby (SWGO)Minas_Thirith » Sun May 29, 2011 8:24 am

Mustang remindes me of sinty sometimes.
Players rage at you for killing em in a noobish way, problem is you tend to retaliate in a bad way.
I heard some complaints about this.
Now team swiching is done for 2 reasons.
1- balancing teams.
2- getting rid of heffix.

it could be posible that if you make such a diffrence in-game that you are team-swiched for this reason.
Now i did believe admins agreed on asking first.
I do want to hear of talon on this, he sould answer later today.

Ps. Since the admin was anonymous you can't tell for sure that it was talon.
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Re: Hello from Mustang: Problem

Postby (SWGO)Kren » Sun May 29, 2011 12:58 pm

So in a nutshell the following is required:

1) Understand who the admin was at the time.
2) Get the admin to respond.
3) Based upon the above determine the outcome.

If a player is pulling/choking or whatever you tend to find people get frustrated irrespective of their age, length of time, skill etc in playing the game, I personally don't find anyone doing this to be a bad sport as it is just another choice someone makes.

In terms of balancing teams then only if one side is stacked in terms of numbers/skill would I start moving people around. Some players do not like being switched but provided you indicate that there will be some changes to make the game better fun and more balanced I see no harm in doing this. If one player is being switched all the time however that might be more of a concern. Any team swapping should be done fairly and rotated through the other players otherwise an individual might assume they are being unfairly treated.


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Re: Hello from Mustang: Problem

Postby Matt-Chicago » Sun May 29, 2011 3:09 pm

The reason I asked when it happened is because I had spend nearly an hour going over the logs of HA DC, HA TX, and JBA trying to find when you were swapped.
I went over the last four days for each server. I didn't find any instances of you being swapped, or any chat from you suggesting you had been swapped.

Just Lagging complained a week or two ago about being swapped and there was also no evidence of any admin swapping him.

If your story is true, it could be someone - either an admin or a hacker - using in game commands to swap you. I don't think this is very likely, but am willing to follow up and make sure. In that case I will have to reinforce our server security.
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Re: Hello from Mustang: Problem

Postby haasd0gg » Sun May 29, 2011 3:22 pm

...and the plot thickens...
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Re: Hello from Mustang: Problem

Postby Duel of Fates » Sun May 29, 2011 5:39 pm

Hey Mustang, welcome to the forums. Although I am disturbed by the circumstances for your arrival, it is good to see you on.

Let me first say that I have played against and with Mustang for quite some time and find him to be a good player. Although his humor is lost on many, I have come to expect it from him. He means no malice or ill will as far as I can tell. My overall impression of him is that he is a worthy adversary and a good team mate. He has been helpful to me as an admin when dealing with the likes of "drunken padawan" and glitchers. I do not take anyones word for everything, but Mustang has shown himself to be reliable, at least to me.

This may be a case of unintentional team swap, hacking, or sour grapes. Lord knows I have switched a player by accident more than a few times in the years I adminned. It can happen without much effort. Sometimes the list changes before you pull the trigger on the intended target, and someone that was not rule breaking gets the switch by accident.

The idea of a hacker is a good one, but I have not seen that very often and when I do see it, usually we get a whole spate of complaints from lots of people that were "messed" with by the hacker. Since this seems isolated in the fact that only Mustang has complained, I concur with MC. Hacker unlikely.

The comments made by the "admin" makes me think that someone might have lost their cool and decided to mess with a player just for fun. If I may speak for most of the admins, and myself, this is unnacceptable. I know MC will look into it with vigor in order to get to the bottom of this.

Good luck and good hunting.
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Re: Hello from Mustang: Problem

Postby Scrumtralescent » Sun May 29, 2011 8:09 pm

I don't want to derail the thread Mustang, because you seem to have a valid complaint regardless of the outcome. However, I just want to make clear my opinion of you isn't based on your playstyle. Do I find it annoying at times? Sure, but there's many other players whose playstyle are just as or more annoying than yours. My opinion comes from our various verbal, or rather text-based, interactions over the months.

It really started with you asking, to paraphrase, "who made this noob admin?" around when I got admin here and ever since I've found you to be very sarcastic whenever we've talked to each other. As I've already stated, it's hard to tell when someone's just trying to be funny or really has some beef with you over the internet so I haven't really stressed over it too much, I've just tried to mostly ignore you when I see you in game.

So please don't take my comments as an attack on you or your playstyle, everyone is free to express themselves here as long as they adhere to the rules. There's only 1 or 2 players that have ever done enough to earn my genuine contempt, and thankfully they don't play all that often when I do. I even banned a guy who TK'd you a few nights ago so if I had any malice towards you I could've easily just looked the other way, so if I've misinterpreted your comments over the past few months please accept my apologies and hopefully we can all move on and just have fun in game.
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Re: Hello from Mustang: Problem

Postby MATTHEW'S_DAD » Sun May 29, 2011 10:44 pm

Scrumtralescent wrote:However, I just want to make clear my opinion of you isn't based on your playstyle. Do I find it annoying at times? Sure, but there's many other players whose playstyle are just as or more annoying than yours.

I can take a hint. :angry:
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