You can also mix in some audio tracks from your favorite tunes if you have the mp3 files to do it with.
Some examples I've done in the past:
(video montage of me playing some Battlefield 2)
(this is one where I suicide after nearly every death just so that I can get a kill with a different weapon and rack up per-weapon stars and points. You'd have to play the game and know the scoring system to understand, but the idea is that I don't know anybody else thats ever had a 95,000 pt round in that it was noteworthy)
Also, I uploaded the second video to Youtube but they forced the soundtrack to be overwritten with another soundtrack. Xfire made no such requirement, but it took a little more tweaking to edit the video and get it into the right format for xfire to upload it.
By the way....I recorded all that video footage with FRAPS, edited it and encoded it with Adobe Premiere Element, and then placed it back in the Xfire-uploads folder on my computer and had xfire upload and host it. You'd never get that quality and ability to mix audio just using built-in xfire recording. With FRAPS you can record at nearly any quality that you want. You just gotta tone it down some to keep the file sizes from getting you make some sacrifices with quality...