(SWGO)MinasThirith wrote:Well, there is no actual "Point" to this.
The only thing it could represent is that despite that SWBF2 is dead, SWGO is still very alive.
Other then that there is no point in doing this, that stadistic was made to keep up track with a natural record, not something that has to be forced.
I personally believe that, that record can be broken, but this is only posible with a new SW game that will bring SWGO in a new golden age.
Old friends will return then, innactive admins may come back.....we would be playing a game alive, with better suport, less gliches, and hopefully Auto-mod suport.
IF these were added to a new SW game similar to SWBF2 (let's say SWBF3 after 2012) the game would not die so easely....
anyhow, enough of me spamming
...You realize that this isn't the Fellowship of the Ring, right? Overblown speeches just sound stupid. And a "golden age"? Are you kidding me? It's an online game. Civilizations have golden ages. MANKIND has golden ages. Video games... No, just no. Good lord. And no, breaking the record of an absolutely awe-inspiring 32 people browsing the forums at once is not a sign that you're in a "golden age".