Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby Mandalore » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:03 am

When I'm talking top tier players, I'm talking about people who for the most part are tournament winners, have impeccable records in leagues and ladders. Not your local pub star.

And my sniper example was just one. And really, I can't view anything as playing like a's a freaking video game for god's sake. I guess I just have the attitude who ever wins wins. Force of course being the exception. Might be the only game play mode where there are so few ways to dislodge campers. No-scoping is generally not considered a very valid technique just because it's so wildly inaccurate on most games. It's an "OHHHH SHIIIII" moment where you instinctively click. Also, MW2 can't even be dragged into a discussion about techniques in competition, purely because MW2 comp was a joke. Quick scoping is a generally better option (if you're good with it) just because it's an instantaneous kill in many games, where as even the strongest assault rifles take 1.5-3 seconds to kill a person.

I would say no force definitely takes more skill though.

Overall, I'm with Haas. :P CoD series (up through 4), Battlefield series, and TF2 are where it's at. I just like arguing with you SWBF2 fruit cakes. :)
[04:25] -SR-Mandalore: who pitches and who catches
[04:29] (SWGO)SWINE*FLU: We'll do it in turns.
[04:30] -SR-Mandalore: That sounds super fair
[04:30] -SR-Mandalore: Do you think other gay couples do that?
[04:30] (SWGO)SWINE*FLU: I reckon so.

and you come with the name Mandalore... really CREATIVE.
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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby sinty » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:22 am

Mandalore wrote:When I'm talking top tier players, I'm talking about people who for the most part are tournament winners, have impeccable records in leagues and ladders. Not your local pub star.

And my sniper example was just one. And really, I can't view anything as playing like a's a freaking video game for god's sake. I guess I just have the attitude who ever wins wins. Force of course being the exception. Might be the only game play mode where there are so few ways to dislodge campers. No-scoping is generally not considered a very valid technique just because it's so wildly inaccurate on most games. It's an "OHHHH SHIIIII" moment where you instinctively click. Also, MW2 can't even be dragged into a discussion about techniques in competition, purely because MW2 comp was a joke. Quick scoping is a generally better option (if you're good with it) just because it's an instantaneous kill in many games, where as even the strongest assault rifles take 1.5-3 seconds to kill a person.

I would say no force definitely takes more skill though.

Overall, I'm with Haas. :P CoD series (up through 4), Battlefield series, and TF2 are where it's at. I just like arguing with you SWBF2 fruit cakes. :)

Eh, just because its a video game doesn't mean you can't play like a sissy. If you drop yourself down to a subpar level just to win, you are a sissy. If you use units considered more broken or overpowered than the rest in tourny matches, you are a sissy. You can argue this until you are blue in the face and you'd never be remotely close to right. Sissies are sissies. You have bad experiences with MW2 because your community sucks, therefore you feel MW2 blows. However, the small community I played in was fantastic and lively, very fun to be a part of and was definitely not a joke. We all had great times, and if you had played with Blaster and I you might have felt different. You just fell victim to peer pressure and what the masses felt, public servers sucked, private servers in mw2 were great in my experience. Im sure everyone had different experiences but just because yours sucked balls doesnt mean everyone else's did as well.

slight of hand pro for fast aiming + stopping power pro for your pick of an assault rifle ( one tap = death ) + steady aim pro for accuracy is immensely superior to quick scoping. Especially if you swap out stead aim pro for Ninja pro. Nobody that good in my experiences ever used quickscoping over an Arc or AK with stopping power lol...if anything is beastly or overpowered, its f-ing stopping power pro with the Arc or ak...

I just dont see how force requires more skill. Maybe you can explain that to me over xfire sometime, in my experiences all the players I've 1v1ed in a force match played like women. Hiding on a roof top waiting for me to come up and get myself killed, never attacking first and making the match drag on for way too long, abusing ramps and certain bounces to avoid getting stunned from the force attack and a host of other stupid things that i hated so much, i just had to stop playing the mode.
Last edited by sinty on Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby Mandalore » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:25 am

I've explained to you many times that my displeasure with MW2 was not the community. It's that it's a terribly produced game on the PC. Just the fact that is has no dedicated servers automatically makes any competition on it a joke.

Generally in competition, over-powered units, weaopns, etc are banned from use. This is not the case with SWBF2 but the case with most other games. Also, perks are generally not allowed in competition for CoD games. (The ones that have mod tools, at least. They wipe out the perk system in MW1)

Also, read a little bit better bud. I said No Force required more skill.

P.S. I really dislike Blaster.

P.S.S. Your siggy is funny, but I don't think most of the guys on SWGO know what it's about. xD
[04:25] -SR-Mandalore: who pitches and who catches
[04:29] (SWGO)SWINE*FLU: We'll do it in turns.
[04:30] -SR-Mandalore: That sounds super fair
[04:30] -SR-Mandalore: Do you think other gay couples do that?
[04:30] (SWGO)SWINE*FLU: I reckon so.

and you come with the name Mandalore... really CREATIVE.
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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby sinty » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:36 am

Thats what I really dont understand about your view, its confusing to me. Your internet connection sucked too much to host a good game, so the competition sucked? The game is very poorly produced and has a crap load of bugs, but with the right friend and community, it was very fun and i enjoyed the hell out of it.

And ya, I skimmed over your post, my bad. Read it wrong and didnt catch that, sorry.

Blaster is pro, F you mandeh :) I love my blastur <3

For those who dont get the sig: bout 3 years ago leggz the legend said something priceless on TS, he didn't know he was being recorded and assumed i was under an alias in the TS room ( by the way anyone who beats him is automatically me in disguise in his eyes ) anywho, he got upset and started raging, something about my wookie glitching and randomly said he wants to F his dog and his the entire goat legend was born. The audio bite was my cell ringtone for a whole 2 years before my micro sd card decided to not work, i also had a mini hard drive blow out and lost all the original audio. Anyway, that is what the sig is about and why people mention goats around leggz. He lives somewhere in the south and enjoys farm animals, he said it. Not us :)

just a few cents a day can save a goat from now :)
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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby haasd0gg » Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:21 am

Pssst- PS3 guys. Come play, the couch is comfy :wheelchair:
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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby ATCStewart » Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:27 am

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to feed a fish, and round and round we go
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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby WD-40 » Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:46 am

Damn it! I am NEVER aiming my cursor at a fellow bot Vanguard and pushing F4 (follow me) ever again! Jesus [m'kay] Christ! I couldn't aim or shoot at jack [poo] because the so-called 'fellow Vanguard' had his stupid rocket tube in 'my face; the entire time! May as well have bent over and aimed my ass into the nearest enemy target and farted! It would have been more effective! :angry:
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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby Corpse » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:25 pm

I don't really agree with either "no force takes more skill" or "force takes more skill". You can play like a scared piece of [poo] in either of the modes. Roof pulling and camping in force, camping and CB/CD spam (in block on) no force. I love both modes at different times depending on my mood, and at the end of the day, I think whichever mode someone finds more fun is the better mode. For them, at least.
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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby sinty » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:31 pm

the mode with the most complexity should be regarded as the hardest to play, and that is without question no force no block :P
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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby {JOG}Ferrari » Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:45 pm

Did this already happen yet?
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