Uh.... title speaks for itself.... just recently on HA a player, (SWGO)Kren was on. At first I was like oh Kren is on. Get into game, and hes pulling. I was like wtf I have never seen Kren pull. Then I kept saying KREN KREN KREN to attempt to ask why he was pulling. I asked, he said why not. I asked him to prove he was Kren by saying something in Admin, never did. He also told someone not to "hold the block" which I figured was meant to be inf blocking. Admin didnt warn or ban or anything. I'm very skeptical of this "Kren" and a few others were too. See pictures. This Kren was at least Aayla, Yoda or the other weird pully guy once in the round.
If it was you Kren, sorry. You weren't acting like yourself at ALL.