HA advice

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Re: HA advice

Postby mrjamwin » Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:06 pm

Personally, I would delete the game off your computer and then buy Battlefield 3 when it comes out and then you wouldn't have to deal with all the choking, kill stealing, lightening bull [poo]. :whistling:
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Re: HA advice

Postby {JOG}Neji » Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:14 am

There's a bit more to it than what you guys were saying. xD but impressive, you guys do know the match-ups pretty well.
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Re: HA advice

Postby {JOG}Ferrari » Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:16 pm

Well allot of pullers just stand in the middle of the map and don't know what to do.
Mostly how I handle pullers is just run up to them and cb, lots of pullers don't know what it is.
For the pullers that do know what there doing, I normally be a choker and block and get as close as possible, that is when they run....
I normally just try and get them to face outside of the map so that I am facing the center of the map, so I can easily cb/ dash attack.

For chokers mostly try to get on higher ground, but you will need to watch out for Vader since he can levitate and choke. Thats why I be Vader allot, he also has a faster sprint then any other jedi/sith.

I have my own way of fighting pullers and chokers :gunsmilie:
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Re: HA advice

Postby (SWGO)RC-1140_Fixer » Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:22 pm

I am still confused on how to CB. Can someone explain it to me?
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Re: HA advice

Postby {JOG}Ferrari » Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:30 pm

Just look on your big map and try to block in the center of the big map. I got used to it so I know where the center is from anywhere.

But choke can still work on you. Also push and pull can also work if you are pushing/pulling from behind. Thats why people like to cb in a corner
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Re: HA advice

Postby {JOG}Neji » Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:44 am

My strategy for pullers is easy... Vader. Close in on them, pull is weak at close-range. It utilizes the overpowered range. While they are busy using up all their energy trying to pull you and avoid your chokes/attacks, you can preserve your stamina and use buildings to your advantage. It's wise to play on the ground against a puller. If your vader, you can chase them around... Most pullers will go to jump onto a building, or around a corner. Follow them around the corner and choke, but be ready to block if you need to. If they jump onto a building follow up with a float choke.

As for fighting chokers... I prefer to be a pusher here. I'm not much of a puller player. First thing is first, choke is weak on the ground and in the open. You can just do laps around them easily while they try and keep up with their block and choke. In the end their stamina is dropping faster than yours. It's not hard to get behind a chokers block there. But if you are fighting them around and on buildings, using bubble hops and wall runs is a wise decision. They will exhaust a lot of energy trying to choke you and drain some health before you disappear again. You want to try and catch them while they are jumping from building to building usually. Especially a Vader. If you can keep following up with pushes when he tries to float away, he will run out of energy while you replenish yours. When he lands on the ground, bam, free kill. But if you run into a building while being choked, your momentum will be killed and you'll go into the choke animation. Once you touch a bubble or a ramp, any sprint momentum is killed and that's where a choker has the chance to strike.

However, if you know the technique that allows you to push in mid air, and continue sprinting (yes, without falling down), then you should have no problem against chokers. Overwhelming them with speed and getting them in the air is the main thing.
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Re: HA advice

Postby Mace Hindu » Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:32 pm

Mawks guide is good but so so long o.O

My experience in brief
First and foremost: Learn how to centerblock. if you can CB then you can protect yourself from melee damage and it is needed in my strategy for pullers vs maul

Push vs Push:
If you have the high ground, you win. Use the rooftops to your advantage so you can come down on top of people with your push, without them noticing. If they notice you then just play it smart and wait them out. if the building has a little raised bit just use that for cover until they start to make a move and push them back down once they start to jump, if not just pop up block when you are in their line of sight and wait for them to either drop their block or try push you, which is when you push back.
If you have the low ground, dont try be a hero, just run away and jump onto another roof that is the same height so you are on even footing.

Push (Maul) vs Pull
Pullers have a tendancy to camp on roofs as it suits their force power to simply pull others up, use a double pull to keep it easy and then dash or combo the finish and it means it is harder for them to be ambushed from above. To beat a puller you have to be patient. Hug the walls of the building they are on because it means they cant pull you, your best bet is to see them from a distance and sneak around them because if they see you on a long open straight you are dead. If you cant sneak up on them try your best to sneak up to their level, and throw up your block, if they pull then its easy because since you already have your block up the pull does nothing and you have an easy push to their death. If they arent pulling straight away what you want to do is position yourself on the side of the roof which means they have two options, face you and block your force attack or face the center and block your melee. If they are smart they will face you which means the second they start turning towards you, you dash straight at them and take them out with mauls ultra powerful dash. dont start the dash from too far away or they will just pull you or turn to CB and hit you in your cooldown from the dash

Push vs Choke: keep them at a distance so that you can still force them but they arent able to reach you easily. this means (NEVER BE ON THE SAME PATCH OF FLAT GROUND OR ROOF AS THEM) this is because they can choke through your block so if they do this they can easily kill you, if you are on say a different roof it is harder for them to kill you as they have to traverse the gap, in which time you can recover and either run away or force them (only exception to this is vader, with his exceptionally fast sprint stomp, which he can use to finish you, so give vaders a lot of distance and try hit them with your push when they are traveling) and it doesnt matter for you if you are on different roofs because the time push knocks them down for gives you plenty of time to reach them.
also i advise jumping if you run up and dash a choker and miss or try pushing at close range and get blocked as when you are in the air you can still take damage from choke but you cant be stunned.

Vs no forcers: we no forcers are an evil bunch, you will notice they tend to be a lot faster than the average players. against a no forcer you dont want to be up close and personal was we will likely loop all over the place, confusing you then go in for the easy kill. keep your distance and force, but remember if an obi/ani/aayla/greivous is dashing at you then if they dash attack it will block your push resulting in your precious force doing nothing and their glorious sabers cutting you down, so yeah keep your distance and try force from above or by getting behind us.
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