Complaint about Admin

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Complaint about Admin

Postby Icerigger » Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:13 am

I would like to lodge a complaint against the Admin who was supervising the games on Saturday, October 29, around 1:00 a.m. PDT. I believe it was Lunatic Fringe, but I am not sure.

I was playing as my call sign Logan 5. I was playing a good game, not starting trouble, not bringing attitude. During Hoth Conquest, CrazyDuck repeatedly called me names, such as speeder whore, coward, and a lot others I cannot recall. I did not respond in kind. Rather, I merely asked that an Admin intervene. CrazyDuck continued into the next game, Mustafar, still calling me names. Before I could say anything, Admin warned us both to stop. Admin called me by my original name, Icerigger. I asked that he respect me and refer to me by the name I was using, Logan 5. He booted me from the game for "Disrespecting Admin and Others." I returned to the game to tell him that I did not disrespect him, that I merely asked he show me respect by addressing me by my playing name. Then I left the game.

There is a very good reason why I chose to play as Logan 5. I am sick and tired of people treating me like crap because of the name Icerigger. It is IMPOSSIBLE to start fresh, turn over a new leaf, and play as a decent community member when people automatically treat me like crap because of my past. I am REALLY trying to be a better player, to play without the attitude. But, when Admin "outs" me, then everyone knows and I cannot play a decent game.

I went OUT OF MY WAY to not respond to Duck's disrespect, name calling and harassing. Why? Because I am trying to play above that kind of game. And yet, the Admin allowed him to continue, and then boots ME when I ask that he not reveal my identity. I think it is inappropriate, and not conducive to fair game play.


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Re: Complaint about Admin

Postby Duel of Fates » Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:18 am

Pffft, you were warned in game, and then kicked. Disrespecting admin or others? From Ice, unheard of . . . oh wait for it . . . NOT.

Duck called you out about your play, called you a few nasty names, and I warned him. Then you started in and I had to warn you. Then I get attitude from you cuz you didnt want to get "outed"? Tuff shiite pal. You wanna start over and turn over a new leaf, that is great, and I commend you for trying. But if your going to turn over a new leaf, do it. Dont just change your name, change your attitude and quit your [female dog]'n. I knew it was you a couple of rounds into it, without having to look you up. Wanna know how I knew it was you? Cuz your [female dog]'n. I would bet that most of the regulars knew it was you as well, long before I "outed" you.

BTW, don't blame me for your bad reputation. You have achieved that all on your own, on many servers, against many players. If you truly want to blame someone, look in the mirror.

Good luck on changing. I really really hope you do. And I mean that most sincerely.
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Re: Complaint about Admin

Postby WD-40 » Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:19 pm

Well 'Ice 5'? Duel called your bluff. You came here to lodge a complaint, and (like sooo many others) were found to be exaggerating and falsely accusing the booting Admin. I mean, when 'I' say stupid [poo] on the forums or in game, it was due to too many Rum shots. What's 'your' excuse?
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Re: Complaint about Admin

Postby Commander Sparrow » Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:58 pm

WD-40 wrote:I mean, when 'I' say stupid [poo] on the forums or in game, it was due to too many Rum shots. What's 'your' excuse?

That's my same exact excuse. I tend to talk quite a bit when I'm drinking. I love to have jolly good fun. Oh and laughing uncontrollably, I do that too. Yep... lots o' fun!
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Re: Complaint about Admin

Postby Darth Crater » Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:23 pm

I don't see any disrespect in the logs; all I see is him sparring a bit with Duck (and quite civilly, in comparison to Duck's behavior...) and asking to be addressed by a different name (which breaks no rules I'm aware of).
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Re: Complaint about Admin

Postby Bryant » Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:03 pm

Darth Crater wrote:I don't see any disrespect in the logs; all I see is him sparring a bit with Duck (and quite civilly, in comparison to Duck's behavior...) and asking to be addressed by a different name (which breaks no rules I'm aware of).

I pretty much agree with Darth Crater here.

However, it was obvious from the logs that you were Icerigger or one of the usual complainers. So I have a little tip for you, when the Admin tells you and another person to 'shut it', even if it seems unfair, don't be the first to talk - especially since you have created a bad reputation for yourself.
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Re: Complaint about Admin

Postby Richdog » Mon Oct 31, 2011 2:38 am

Can we see logs please? While I know that Ice isn't the most friendly player, I do have a problem with people being judged only by reputation and rather than by the singular incident.
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Re: Complaint about Admin

Postby WD-40 » Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:00 am

Richdog wrote:Can we see logs please? While I know that Ice isn't the most friendly player, I do have a problem with people being judged only by reputation and rather than by the singular incident.

Richdog, if so many 'complainers' (not always one with a reputation) didn't come here and make 'false' accusations against our Admins, I for one, would be hesitant to just roll my eyes. But sure…2 Admins here say there was not much to it, and the booting Admin disagrees. I'd like to see the logs too. :gunsmilie:
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Re: Complaint about Admin

Postby Richdog » Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:31 pm

WD-40 wrote:
Richdog wrote:Can we see logs please? While I know that Ice isn't the most friendly player, I do have a problem with people being judged only by reputation and rather than by the singular incident.

Richdog, if so many 'complainers' (not always one with a reputation) didn't come here and make 'false' accusations against our Admins, I for one, would be hesitant to just roll my eyes. But sure…2 Admins here say there was not much to it, and the booting Admin disagrees. I'd like to see the logs too. :gunsmilie:

Agreed. The only reason I'm vaguely interested is because of the apparent disagreement between admins.
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Re: Complaint about Admin

Postby Col. Hstar » Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:59 am

While I haven't been around as long as most people in this community, I can see why the admin based this on rep.

Your reputation is an estimation of who you are and what others know about you. If your rep is that you play the game fairly people are more open to giving the benefit of the doubt for slip ups' but if you are a repeat offender with either hacking cheating, harassing, or cursing, people are going to "tighten the lease" and not put up with you

Ice, as I said I am new to the online BF2 but I immediately started having trouble with you, calling me glitches and hacker, along with all the 'bs' comments it got old fast. Its great that you trying to change but I still see you as early as a few days ago, you said bs a couple times, now instead you say "whatever" you talk about others respecting you but with all these comments and remarks you imply that the kills are not legit, and it does after a while cross the line of harassing others. I don't see why you can't just play the game, and have fun. (It is just a game)

Anyway, I know I don't have authority or much say but I just wanted to weigh in because I have seen the effort by Ice but I totally agree with the Admins decision
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