Col. Hstar wrote:So Mandalore if you walk by a nice big house do you say to yourself
"I think that house just popped up, it would be much more complicated to assume it was designed by an architect, and built by a contractor"
Of course not that would be absurd. So how much more so then that something so unique and "complex" as this planet and human life just popped up?
That's not absurd at all. While you make the mistake of crossing biological beings with a manufactured item, one is far less probable than the other. Human beings are far more complex than a house. I think that the example actually gives away your mind set. Feebly small in scope and rooted in what you know. And I think we can both agree that the construction of human beings is far more of a mystery than the construction of a house. And if we want to nit pick, there *are* naturally made shelters that we can utilize as a living space.
The argument you're making is that the creation of humans creates far higher odds that a house will be made, which it does. But the creation of humans was a long shot that was quite remarkable in terms of its odds (if not its practical application-we'll see once we have a good part of the galaxy explored). Complex as humans are we would be nothing in comparison to an eternal entity whose omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. Those odds make the creation of the universe (a far simpler prospect-especially if you think the universe is finite) relatively safe in comparison. And that's just the creation of an entity without the feelings that this supposed Lord has. To get a near human like being whose eternal etc etc etc would be something like 1/infinity^infinity X infinity^infinity. And then the odds of him picking a single book to capture his infinite those odds....
I think we like the idea of a God because it simplifies the concepts of our own minds. Why is something like that? Well...I guess God did it. Why do we hate those people? Well, God hates them sonny. (Poor Canaanites)
P.S. When you're trying to make analogies like the one you made, I'd suggest going with something along the lines of cloning. It supports your argument better given the complexity of life.
Regardless there are moral reasons not to bow down to the genocidal freak of Yahweh but that's for another thread. :P