3 issues regarding Jedi Battle Arena and Hero Assualt DC

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Re: 3 issues regarding Jedi Battle Arena and Hero Assualt DC

Postby (SWGO)Minas_Thirith » Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:04 pm

Drowning In Flames wrote:I suggest switching the utapoa to flag. It eliminates the tanks and is much better.

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Re: 3 issues regarding Jedi Battle Arena and Hero Assualt DC

Postby (SWGO)SirPepsi » Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:33 am

(SWGO)Minas_Thirith wrote:
Drowning In Flames wrote:I suggest switching the utapoa to flag. It eliminates the tanks and is much better.


+1 again
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Re: 3 issues regarding Jedi Battle Arena and Hero Assualt DC

Postby WD-40 » Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:06 am

Drowning In Flames wrote:I suggest switching the utapoa to flag. It eliminates the tanks and is much better.

+2 or 3

@MT: teach me to fly those damn Speeders too! I can fly 'jets' and Prop Planes just fine! :gunsmilie:
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Re: 3 issues regarding Jedi Battle Arena and Hero Assualt DC

Postby Col. Hstar » Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:46 am

I like CTF but not in space no one stays in the match and then its just 2 or 3 guys getting the flags uncontested in ships. I agree utapau is better CTF.

Hoth is a love hate level as everyone has said I've seen both sides win, to bad we can't add one Tie fighter to balance out the speeder boys, but I don't know about everyone else but isn't hoth hunt tiresome.

AND I WOULD LOVE KASHYYYK. imps have tanks but rebs get wookie bots
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Re: 3 issues regarding Jedi Battle Arena and Hero Assualt DC

Postby (SWGO)Minas_Thirith » Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:19 am

WD-40 wrote:@MT: teach me to fly those damn Speeders too! I can fly 'jets' and Prop Planes just fine! :gunsmilie:

Well there are just a few basics to remember when flying a speeder....
If you know the controls basicly taking off and landing is spacebar, the speeder while in the air will "hover" so if you slow it down it will just "hang" there.

With a speeder you have to remember:
1- It's called a speeder because it's fast, you have to move fast with it, if you press shift and forward(as you were running with a soldier) you can just fly to the other side of the map in a mather of seconds....
Speed will be usefull to prevent others from either locking an RPG missel or being shot down by turrets and vehicles...
2- RPG's have a certain range for the "lock on" part, if you stay out of their range they can't do anything, and their range isn't far, if your far enough(if you want it or not you are going to bombard the spawn camps) then you can slow down your speeder by pressing "S" the speeder will go extremely slow and you will be able to keep shooting from a distance, also note that you have 2 things to shoot with just like the AT-AT, shoot them both at the same time.

Now if your getting closer to a base i recomend ussing speed to fly over them, they won't be able to lock on you then.
Also remember go BEHIND the AT-AT's if you go slower in front of them you will just be shot down.
Basicly you will do "runs" over the enemies and remember, if you don't kill one, don't worry you will shoot him down in the next run.
Between runs you can fly over the hills out of sight, this gives an element of suprise and they won't know where they have to fire.
Also check the trenches, the smarter players will hide in them and if you don't notice them, after your run they will lock a missel on you.

Now for the part when you have an "incomming missel"
The speeder as well as space vehicles can do certain "tricks" if you double tap S or press ALT + S you will do a "backflip" to say it like that.
This trick will turn your speeder around, you can also do this with "left and right" this is the only way to evade an incomming missel.

I will post a video of probably single player later, even tough i'm rusty and there are many better then i am....

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Re: 3 issues regarding Jedi Battle Arena and Hero Assualt DC

Postby Commander Sparrow » Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:24 am

-Stay away from the enemy spawn points. Get too close, and you'll probably be down a few secs later.

-Fly at a high altitude to avoid getting hit by Dish Turrets. Think of the speeder as a AH-1z Cobra. Hit and run, Hit and run. Oh and, there will always be some hotshot rocketeer trying to get a "Lucky Shot" on you while you're far out firing at them. Always roll to the left/right when you're flying in a straight line, raining hell on them.

-I always found rolling left/right a more effective way of avoiding enemy missiles than back-flipping.

-Always be engineer, you'll never know when you need to make a quick pit stop to save your speeder's ass. Also, if you're going to repair, the SAFEST place is the back hangar.

-Speeders aren't always about noobing or racking up kills, I like to provide some good cover for my teammates taking a CP, always stay vigilant when your team is attempting to take a CP and cover their asses. Getting lots of kills is good, but working with your team and winning is even better.

-Remember to stay calm while in tight situations, a clear, quick thinking mind can pull you out of most situations.

-It's always a good idea to have an AI gunner in your back seat. There's a good chance you'll be able to trip the AT ATs when they have just spawned.

I hope these tips have helped some of you guys.
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Re: 3 issues regarding Jedi Battle Arena and Hero Assualt DC

Postby IJO sha-quan-jone » Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:32 pm

1. I am good in a speeder and am rarely shot down, but I still hate that map!
2. utapau is a good example of people not knowing how to take out a tank, if i try I could get tank buster every time the thing is it doesn't get me alot of points if its my primary objective.
3. space sucks plain and simple.
4. kash. is a good map but to many people lag on it.

and finally to WD idk if anyone else said this but you have to watch your energy and not let it run all the way down, if you do then you can't avoid missiles.
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Re: 3 issues regarding Jedi Battle Arena and Hero Assualt DC

Postby DeathStalker » Sat Dec 03, 2011 8:35 pm

Like i said Hoth has something for everyone and the JBA is almost always filled to capacity when it's on the Hoth map. BWWAAAHH is probably one of the best speeder pilots, but that's why you need suppression fire with rockets and yellow turrets. Try fighting with a fet or some other non-force wielding character for an entire game. No force, no force defense, less health, and we can run out of attacks! I doubt any of you can rank the same or even rank top 3 score using a fet. I challenge any of you to do it in a game that has more than 20 people and post it. When you play with non force and have no force defense you are always off balance. That's what makes those characters exciting and incredibly frustrating at the same time. Now, a person with force switching 3 times to kill a non-force wielding character is just very lame. You might as well just mod a character with all powers and weapons. Another thing for the admin. If you can make a rule forbidding suicide moves for non force characters then you can add a rule against switching mid life.
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Re: 3 issues regarding Jedi Battle Arena and Hero Assualt DC

Postby Col. Hstar » Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:14 am

DeathStalker wrote: Now, a person with force switching 3 times to kill a non-force wielding character is just very lame. You might as well just mod a character with all powers and weapons.

But if your fighting that person they are vulnerable while switching so get them then. It's part of the game.

DeathStalker wrote: Another thing for the admin. If you can make a rule forbidding suicide moves for non force characters then you can add a rule against switching mid life.

I'm not an admin but I believe that rule is to discourage bad sportsmanship, you just want to change the rules of the game
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Re: 3 issues regarding Jedi Battle Arena and Hero Assualt DC

Postby DeathStalker » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:35 pm

Hero Assualt DC - If someone is shooting missiles at you from the other side of the map. You will not be able to get to them in time before they transition to a puller. Someone is cowardly attacking you, hiding on the other side of town, you know who or what is attacking and then they are such crappy players they switch to the most powerful unbalanced characters to duel you.

JBA - SWGO, you guys are trying to encourage as many players on the server as possible, yes? Look at the numbers, Hoth conquest is always high. The problem that most people have expressed has more to do with the teams not working well together that the elements of the actual map itself. I really doubt that Courasant conquest or the 2nd run of Jabba's place get those numbers. Those are really crappy maps. The first run of Jabba's place wouldn't even get high numbers if it was not for the map following the momentum of Hoth and Mustafar. Add another Hoth conquest and watch your participation numbers go up.
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