homofobic server?

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Re: homofobic server?

Postby haasd0gg » Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:26 pm

Certainly not unsupported. In fact spike, after seeing the logs, I now believe you to be more douchebag than moron. See how your translator likes that one "douchebag".
I would leave this guy banned until we need that slot for someone else.
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Re: homofobic server?

Postby Gen.Spike » Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:48 pm

seems that there is intelligent life here on the server admin, or at least someone with a mental age over 18 who can talk ..... everything seems to conform ...... I said that the managed server is bad , do not you serve the public, is an amateur (this is fact) biased .... I will be banned from this server? face or to damn worried about it, has so many servers out there ....... much better than the Jedi Arena, I'm making love to you guys when I enter the Arena Jerc ..... sick of this game has already passed, I'm concentrating on Star Craft 2, which has an online gameplay and a server admin that is far superior. own by Blizzard that left it in the hands of amateurs .... is expensive admin tip for you ..... if you have your own business, treat your customer as well not to lose it to a competitor, may drive a client of his in the first complaint is not a very smart ..... hahahahaha
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Re: homofobic server?

Postby mrjamwin » Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:52 pm

It's obvious he doesn't understand the definition of homophobic. We're not afraid of gays or hate them. Banning the word gay on the servers keeps it from being used and abused by azz's like you who would use the word to be abusive and would spread hate and fear. Therefore by banning it we keep jerks like you under control and if need be the freedom to ban you. So if you're tired of SWBF2 then leave we don't need you or want you. Go play Starcraft 2 then. Tip for you we pay for the servers here and since you don't pay for crap to play here you're not a customer you're a tit sucking leech. So with that said, Leave.
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Re: homofobic server?

Postby Gen.Spike » Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:05 pm

response to more than a biased idiot who has too lazy to read the original topic - dear friend, the topic in question is not why I was banned, but by asking why the word "gay" is a banned word .... . I expected this response from the admin at the time or a reasonable explanation and educated ... right after I continue playing the game normally ... however I could see it in the game and here too, that the admin and pulls their bags, not tolerate any kind of inquiry or question, simply press the button and BAMMMM, or fled the responsibility ....... yes I understand that if someone uses these words to offend anyone gay or SUCKER it must be put out, but the question remains, and if someone who belongs to a minority, enter a name "iamgay" she will be banned from the server? is the question for the illustrious admin. who did not have the intelligence enough to talk to me ......
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Re: homofobic server?

Postby SuperHappyMan » Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:39 pm

mister_death wrote:If I said damn or hell or dumbass on an SWGO server, called someone stupid, idiot, or retarded (which is very offensive to people who have Down Syndrome), or any of the other half a dozen words you used that the word filter had to replace, I would be booted from that server instantly. Yet here you are saying all those things, being offensive, and not showing respect to a visitor of your site (irrespective of whether or not any respect has been merited in this case).

Thank you for proving Gen.Spike's point. Admins go crazy with the tiny little bit of power they are given and enforce ridiculously strict rules of behavior that you don't even follow on your own web site. The baloney that happens in game is seen by maybe 20 people, but people being uncouth on your site is indexed by Google for the entire world to see. I don't see why SWGO or any of the other game server admins need to pitch a fit if someone calls someone else gay or maybe asks someone else to please stop being an ass. Or at least if you are going to be such white knights, don't be hypocritical. Everyone respects consistency.

In all fairness, this sort of issue is not limited to SWGO -- every admin on every server (in every game) I have ever played has threatened to ban anyone who even says "damn" when they get killed and the word filters are outrageous. I have been auto-kicked for saying someone was a "son of a gun". Seriously. Lighten up Francis.

I thank you for your kind consideration, sirs :)

Eh, [m'kay] off Dread.
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Re: homofobic server?

Postby Richdog » Sun Dec 18, 2011 9:14 pm

lol invincibility hax.
i'm out of here
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Re: homofobic server?

Postby Jedi Power » Sun Dec 18, 2011 9:40 pm


There were a lot of people on the server last night making smart remarks and causing trouble. There were 5 admins on playing and your question came up during the heat of them "cleaning up the mess" as it were. My suggestion would have been not to ask the question in a chat in game, but to instead post the question here. I know when I am playing, I don't always have time to catch all that is being said in-game with chat.
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Re: homofobic server?

Postby WD-40 » Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:17 am

SuperHappyMan wrote:EDIT: And yes, as i'm sure many of you have deducted, this is Nargotah. I was a dumbass and forgot the password to my old account, and I am loving the hell out of this name.

Did you try using the password: [m'kay]?...Spelled correctly without the word filter of course. :punk:
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Re: homofobic server?

Postby WD-40 » Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:28 am

Gen.Spike wrote:It is a hint to the manufacturer, follow the example of Blizzard .... do not let the server online at the hands of amateurs ..... hasta la vista baby ...

Well...most of the time we Admins are 'Babysitters'. Sad, but true. :-| Seems some players come on the 'server' itself just to make some stupid, childish point. Your 'Gay' word arguement would be an example. Type 'Happy' instead of 'G A Y', as the 'Gay' community hijacked the original meaning of Gay=Happy, and it became a problem with our word filter. Bottom line, if it's a banned word...common sense says don't use it.
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Re: homofobic server?

Postby Gen.Spike » Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:21 am

great suggestion, why not put it into practice, before leaving banning people for 1, 2 or 3 days? maybe it's a good start ..... I was banned for one day by asking a question to the admin .... but I still think you have misunderstood the theme of the topic ....... remembering, it is not because of my ban, but on a word to be banned or not ... that's what serves the admin, if so we would not need people taking care of servers, we would put the machines to do this within a program, with a list word is banned .... hint for you ......
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