If the creator visited, would you recognize him?

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Re: If the creator visited, would you recognize him?

Postby Duel of Fates » Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:50 am

Sev? Never heard of him, :lol: , Just kidding. See Fly, you distracted them with religion and all hell was going to break loose.
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Re: If the creator visited, would you recognize him?

Postby WD-40 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:20 pm

Duel of Fates wrote:Sev? Never heard of him, :lol: , Just kidding. See Fly, you distracted them with religion and all hell was going to break loose.

Yeah, he got me good. :lol: Re-reading the original post, should have totally dropped the first paragraph. :cursing:
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Re: If the creator visited, would you recognize him?

Postby THEWULFMAN » Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:16 pm

I love how people have totally forgotten the topic at hand. I look forward to see just how far this will spin off topic.


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Re: If the creator visited, would you recognize him?

Postby mrjamwin » Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:00 pm

Anybody want the history of how all this came about? :wacko:
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Re: If the creator visited, would you recognize him?

Postby WD-40 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:03 pm

mrjamwin wrote:Anybody want the history of how all this came about? :wacko:

Well, since I swallowed the poison, and since it was before my time on BF2, I'd like to know.
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Re: If the creator visited, would you recognize him?

Postby Flyswamper » Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:25 pm

Will have to leave the history lesson to those that were around well before my time. I've been hanging around for a good while now, but...not nearly as long as some ..

If my memory isn't failing me completely, Sev and Narg did some podcasts. I kinda-sorta think at least one of them talked about the history. Narg...do you know if that podcast still exists somewhere? I suspect any prior written histories were lost with previous forum changes.
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Re: If the creator visited, would you recognize him?

Postby SuperHappyMan » Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:56 pm

Flyswamper wrote:Will have to leave the history lesson to those that were around well before my time. I've been hanging around for a good while now, but...not nearly as long as some ..

If my memory isn't failing me completely, Sev and Narg did some podcasts. I kinda-sorta think at least one of them talked about the history. Narg...do you know if that podcast still exists somewhere? I suspect any prior written histories were lost with previous forum changes.

I think I was around for an episode or two, back when my voice was like an excited weasel's, but i'm afraid I don't remember where exactly we hosted it. I think it might have been a dedicated site, since I don't remember any ad banners or anything, so it may be floating around somewhere.

Alright, I spent a few minutes looking around on Google, but i'm afraid that if it's anywhere, it's stuck on one of Sev's old computers. Did find a post from around last year where Sev said it was pretty hilarious, but unfortunately he doesn't seem to have gotten around to actually finding it. Might shoot him a message on the main forums; haven't logged in there in ages now that I think of it. Haven't played much BC2 either. Computer kinda sucks for it, to be honest.

Anyway, about what I remember of the history, I think I came on the WGO forums somewhere around '06 or '07, back when we were still supporting JKA. Hell of a game, and i'm still kinda miffed that we were forced to abandon it. We were just starting to support SWBFII from what I remember, and there were a [poo] of topics about people not being able to tell the difference between SWBFII and JKA servers. I was one of them, because I was a goddamn idiot. That's a lot of my WGO history summed up in one sentence, actually.

Anyway, I originally joined WGO because I joined the Battlefield 2142 server and, of course, figured I was hot [poo]. So I joined =BT=, the clan that WGO was running somewhat separately from the main forums, that was devoted solely to BF 2142. I never played a match, presumably because all of the people that weren't 13 didn't want to play with a kid who would screech about how someone was "obviously hacking" every time he got killed by a sniper rifle. It is a mystery. It was around this time that [poo] started going odd in the JKA servers, and I think that the server provider Sev was hosting the server by decided to pull out of JKA, leaving a bunch of players fairly pissed off. Memory gets kinda foggy around this point, might have left for a while, but when I came back I had picked up SWBFII, and once again thought I was hot [poo].

This was all the way back when Leggz and Dread were around, and were among the most active players in SWGO. It was also at this point that I had unwittingly joined the "Leggz Support Squad", which valiantly jumped to the redneck's defense every time he pulled some stupid ass [poo] in the server. We played a lot of competitions, won mostly by being gigantic dickheads and playing about as seriously as the Navy SEALs and as fairly as a bunch of 8 year olds. It was a pretty good time, since once again, I was like 14 years old and thought that the people I was playing with were the absolute pinnacles of maturity. (they weren't)

Of course, with all the [poo] Leggz and the rest of us pulled, the forums were absolutely [m'kay] filled with drama. Seriously, the [poo] that goes on in this forum now is leagues better than what we used to have here. Every other day we'd have a new admin abuse topic, usually about how Leggz was blatantly breaking rules, and since the majority of the SWBFII admins were on the LSS, there was constantly some new caveat of the rules that would make Leggz completely free from any kind of guilt.

Oh, and I should probably mention that a year or so after I joined, I was made an admin. That shudder that the majority of you are feeling is completely justified. At this point the veterans, namely Mrjamwin, Fly, and Sev along with a few others like Jango, started getting really goddamn sick of all the stupid [poo] that was happening on the forums. Dreadnaught was constantly trying to take control of all the [poo], saying that the community that clearly supported M rated games like Modern Warfare as a "child-friendly" zone. He got the rest of us to throw tantrums every single time someone swore on Teamspeak, and eventually this led to the creation of "NC-17" channels were [m'kay] could swear all they want. These were password protected. They also kept me from playing Modern Warfare with the cool people. That was a little sad. I sometimes cry about it at night.

I know that this is kinda swerving away from the main history of WGO at this point, but I figure that since I was a little [poo] and don't remember all that much except what happened to me, that a more personal account would be tremendously more interesting and actually more accurate. I can't really say what the head admins were thinking around this point, since I wasn't one of them. I was just some little [poo] that Jetset decided would make a good admin. (Note: Jetset had the most [m'kay] up scheduling ever, and that's all I really remember about the guy. In order to fully become an admin, I had to stay up until two in the goddamn morning and then get a multi-hour long tutorial on how to use every single aspect of RM. You new admins have it [m'kay] easy.)

Anyway, as I was saying, we had started supporting Modern Warfare. Jammy and the others preferred to stay on TWL, which I think I might have been a part of, but most of my memories are about the GWL league we were in. Let me be quite frank- The GWL division was [m'kay] horrible. I was actually appointed the leader of the GWL COD4 division after a while, but apparently my training method of "learn to play [m'kay]" wasn't quite good enough for Dreadnaught and Leggz and the rest, and was actually one of the reasons they decided to go off and form GMRZ if I remember correctly. That's right- WGO was too hardcore for them. It was around this time that I said "[m'kay] it" and left to another clan called [GFAQ], which some of you older guys probably remember.

And that's about when I got banned from WGO. You see, I was an unfunny little [quack]. I thought that I was the funniest son of a [female dog] on the planet, and figured that my posting a ridiculously stupid racist joke would actually be something that would endear me to the populace. Hell no, I was banned within about twenty minutes, leaving me to squeal to some of the admins on xfire about how it was "just a joke guys come on" and that "you guys take things too [m'kay] serious goddamn". Of course, they didn't give much of a [poo], since I was a retarded little 15 year old with a shrill as [m'kay] voice. Anyway, at some point between me joining and subsequently getting bored of GFAQ, SWGO was created by Matt-Chicago, a pretty standup guy from the old forums. I don't quite remember if he was a site admin or just a SWBFII admin, but he was willing to pony up the cash to keep the SWGO servers running and to create a new forum.

I think GMRZ was made just a little while before SWGO, but I don't really give much of a [poo] about GMRZ. All I remember is that RobPA bought our team a game each for thrashing them in COD4 in about fifteen minutes with the [poo] guns in the game. That was a fun match. In any case, the WGO admins were getting sick of kids running about on their forums, and figured that getting rid of their SWBFII support was a good idea. It was. But then Matt came up, took the bullet, set up the servers and forums in late 2009, and here we are today.

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Re: If the creator visited, would you recognize him?

Postby 11_Panama_ » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:25 pm

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Re: If the creator visited, would you recognize him?

Postby ATCStewart » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:55 pm

That was actually quite informative and funny. Thanks for this.
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Re: If the creator visited, would you recognize him?

Postby WD-40 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:39 pm

SuperHappyMan wrote:Anyway, at some point between me joining and subsequently getting bored of GFAQ, SWGO was created by Matt-Chicago, a pretty standup guy from the old forums. I don't quite remember if he was a site admin or just a SWBFII admin, but he was willing to pony up the cash to keep the SWGO servers running and to create a new forum.

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Great background story Narg! Thanks! It's interesting how things happened. Reminds me how I came in to fly where I work in Government today after the most messed up years in my Unit's history. Sorta glad I missed it all here. Glad Matt C did what he did! :gunsmilie:
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