Tired of this pathetic crap

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Re: Tired of this pathetic crap

Postby SuperHappyMan » Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:57 am

Sometimes I wonder if i'm not corrupting you guys.

No seriously. Admins be adminnin, Nargotahs be Nargotahin. That is the natural flow of the universe (and if Matt decides that i'm making it too dark up in here I might start getting PMs again)
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Re: Tired of this pathetic crap

Postby WD-40 » Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:15 am

SuperHappyMan wrote:Sometimes I wonder if i'm not corrupting you guys.

No seriously. Admins be adminnin, Nargotahs be Nargotahin. That is the natural flow of the universe (and if Matt decides that i'm making it too dark up in here I might start getting PMs again)

Nope! Don't change a thing! That's why you are 'The Troll' :punk:
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Re: Tired of this pathetic crap

Postby Hobo » Sun Feb 05, 2012 4:16 am

ATCStewart wrote:I feel like I missed something. Who are we talking about?

Just_Lagging and that thread about the Xbox controller.

Addressing the topic, I feel quite embarrassed about how the majority of people here have responded to the problem. Both regular members and admins are giving obnoxious answers to Duck, and are making a big joke of the situation due to their apathetic attitude. I can see how Ducks post is very disrespectful and violent in nature, but that doesn't give an admin the right to act the same. The reason Duck came here, who is a well known and respected player on HA is because there is a problem in the server. I didn't see anyone giving helpful answers or solutions, I saw disrespect and arrogance. You looked at the surface, and turned your head the other way.

Admins, for the sake of the community of SWGO and of SWBFII, do them both a favor, and do your damn job!
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Re: Tired of this pathetic crap

Postby Admiral_Aeka » Sun Feb 05, 2012 4:21 am

two statements...

>>As far as Duck being a "well-known and respected player" this is true except for his [m'kay] uncontrollable temper. Maybe someday he'll reach maturity, but we're not that patient. And yeah we have the right to be just as damned disrespectful and arrogant towards him :punk:

>>I take major issue with the statement "do your damn job"... "JOB"??? :cursing: It's as if we get paid or something! Sure, we have the responsibility to admin fairly and without bias. Doesn't mean that we have to do it completely professionally... we're allowed to have a little fun and throw some sarcasm and [poo] in there too! :afro:

chill out bro, and don't be a [quack]. :mrgreen:

cheers :th_a017:
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Re: Tired of this pathetic crap

Postby Hobo » Sun Feb 05, 2012 4:34 am

Admiral_Aeka wrote:two statements...

>>As far as Duck being a "well-known and respected player" this is true except for his [m'kay] uncontrollable temper. Maybe someday he'll reach maturity, but we're not that patient. And yeah we have the right to be just as damned disrespectful and arrogant towards him :punk:
That puts you on the same level of immaturity as him. If you seem not to care, then that's a problem in my eyes.

>>I take major issue with the statement "do your damn job"... "JOB"??? :cursing: It's as if we get paid or something! Sure, we have the responsibility to admin fairly and without bias. Doesn't mean that we have to do it completely professionally... we're allowed to have a little fun and throw some sarcasm and [poo] in there too! :afro:

chill out bro, and don't be a [crazyduck]. :mrgreen:

Your job as an admin should include showing at least some level of respect to people who come here with a problem. No, it doesn't have to be completely professional, but what I see is the exact opposite.
cheers :th_a017:
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Re: Tired of this pathetic crap

Postby IJO sha-quan-jone » Sun Feb 05, 2012 4:50 am

WD-40 wrote:
IJO sha-quan-jone wrote:we finally found a word that describes duck....[crazyduck].
we have yet to find one that describes tom, cause [crazyduck] just doesn't sum up the stupidity.

I think we now have three. :gunsmilie:

And thank you Sha for the epiphany. Only took 5 minutes to complete. :punk:

any time :)
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Re: Tired of this pathetic crap

Postby haasd0gg » Sun Feb 05, 2012 4:53 am

There's an old adage that goes something like "you get what you give".
Respectful complaints are always (mostly) handled respectfully.
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Re: Tired of this pathetic crap

Postby Commander Sparrow » Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:42 am

Honestly, I never thought CrazyDuck was a respected player.

Let's take a look at it now, shall we ladies?

He starts off his post with "I am sick and damn tired of you pathetic people banning me"

[m'kay]. Did he just call us pathetic? Oh no you didn't!

But anyway, that's not the real problem I guess. It's the fact that he keeps getting banned. He obviously gets banned for a reason, right? If he's such a "well known and respected player" He wouldn't be getting his tampon banned regularly. Sure he's well known. Well known for making himself look like an ass. Respected? Certainly not, people! Maybe respected by douchebags, then yeah. Fine.

But in all seriousness, Duck should learn to be a real man about it, and not PMS all over the damn server. It makes a mess. If there's a problem, don't rage and swear about it. Be smart about it: Leave, come here, and make a polite post.

Then the prick says "I begged you guys to take lagging out of that game and ban him for such bs obvious slow runs and infinate forcing."

First of all. Please. PLEASE try to spell all your words correctly. It kind of pisses me off when people make an ass-y post and can't even bother to spell correctly. It's spelled infinite.

But anyway. It's his own damn fault people ignore his pleas, because if I'm right, he has a bad history. He's not gonna get an immediate response and have admins kissing his ass now is he? No. He's not! He should have a bit of patience and maybe, he should get Xfire to talk to admins in game. Xfire messages usually get a quick response. And if he still gets ignored, then maybe we actually have a problem here.

"I don't give a [poo] if i cussed the [female dog] deserved it. Hell i wouldn't even care if i did get banned for language"

He doesn't give a [poo] and he doesn't care if he does get banned for language. Looks like he doesn't respect the rules. How is he supposed to get a respected response, when he doesn't even respect the rules?

"you guys straighten up and actually do your damn jobs. Or I WILL take matters into my own hands. "

Sounds like he's being pretty aggressive, but then again. His name is 'CrazyDuck' but that's no excuse. Also sounds like he's threatening us. What's he gonna do, tell mommy?

Alright, that's enough. I think I made my point. His entire post was filled with "ass". Yep. Ass. Not the Kim Kardashian kind of ass, no, that ass is just :eek:. I'm talking about the kind of ass you find at Canadian strip clubs. Now, I wont go into detail about why I chose Canadian strip club women ass but yeah, his post was really like that. He's not gonna get any respected reply if he doesn't respect others first. I mean come on, in that entire post I saw no "Please" or "Thank you" just blatant insults and whining.

That is all, thank you.
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Re: Tired of this pathetic crap

Postby 11_Panama_ » Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:54 am

What would Jesus do?
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Re: Tired of this pathetic crap

Postby THEWULFMAN » Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:56 am


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