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Postby SWINE FLU » Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:39 am

Stelio, I have warned/kicked you in the past (the other day for example) for TKing/TPing people when they KS you or TP you. Basically, retaliating. You then come back and moan; saying whenever someone KSed you and that I gave them no warning. For example:

14/02/2012 12:17:42 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] i got tp ks a but eghy no warning=?

I think you need to learn that admins cannot see what's going on when they're on the other side of that map and that admins cannot simply kick/warn someone because a player said so. If it worked like that; then everyone who has played on the server would all be banned. You need to learn to sate the player's name so admins can watch this person; or you need to learn to post evidence.

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Postby Duel of Fates » Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:33 am

PSI = Assclown :whistling:
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Postby stelio » Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:19 pm

hmm very nice KREN.. very nice review... but this confirm my point. a bit.. i ll try to explain...

Stelio let's look at this a little bit more, according to the information you have supplied. And for information another admin was online around the exact same time as I was (earlier game) and warned other players and communicated through chat, just so that you are aware.

1) You claim I am always looking for mistakes to ban you.
2) I ignore your statements.
3) You indicate I did nothing.
4) You stated I asked you to post screenshots.
5) You claim you accidently kill someone.
6) You got a ban and no warning from me.
7) You mention you defended yourself.

Ok the above should summarise your rant, for clarity, so all can see. Let's break it down a little more shall we from the above points

1) You have been warned recently about holding your block, correct but it was not done this game. I have indicated that you have been warned about block holding before, this is correct. I have also indicated you will receive a ban if you continue, again that is correct. This is no different to how anyone else is treated according to the rules of the server. If you do not like being warned about exploit then be thankful you did not receive a ban. I will not be so accomodating if I see it in future so be pre-warned now.

2) You say I ignore your statements but below is a clear indication I am not ignoring anything at all:
15/02/2012 20:03:33 : #[(SWGO)Kren] u guys keep tping "" you guys!!! u are telling like i was tp him too.. i was a damn wookie!!
15/02/2012 20:03:37 : #[(SWGO)Kren] and someone will leave
15/02/2012 20:07:32 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] glicher stop it" after glciher tp many times i am asking him to stop and u didt warn hiim
15/02/2012 20:07:35 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] glicher stop pushing harrastm my damn wookei..!! glicher continues
15/02/2012 20:07:43 : #[(SWGO)Kren] guys
15/02/2012 20:07:45 : #[(SWGO)Kren] all of u
15/02/2012 20:07:48 : #[(SWGO)Kren] stop with the tp " again u refer to us me and glicher like we i am tp him and he is tp me back, here i am a wookie!!
15/02/2012 20:09:32 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] so GLCIHER IS TP ME HARARRSTING AND NO WARNING """ u KREn u warn us both.. i was a damn wookie
15/02/2012 20:09:36 : #[(SWGO)Kren] when... kren ask when?? i mean he is warning us to stop tp.. and i am telling him all teh time.. i am getting harrast by glciher.. and he say when?
15/02/2012 20:09:45 : #[Gryphon] Almost
15/02/2012 20:09:49 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] I AM TEELIING U
15/02/2012 20:10:00 : #[(SWGO)Kren] ok
15/02/2012 20:10:32 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] so kren should i delete it
15/02/2012 20:10:39 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] or are u gona warning him
15/02/2012 20:10:43 : #[(SWGO)Kren] keep it post it
15/02/2012 20:10:52 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] for repetitive tp harast

3) So I started watching you and the other player more closely to ascertain what was happening.
4) I also asked you to post your evidence online. You always indicate that you will 'film' the game and here was the opportunity to do just that.
" u didt say that.. u only say if u made some screenshots the post it!
15/02/2012 20:24:55 : #[(SWGO)Kren] still hassling u? look the "time.. 20:24.55--- from begin.. 20:03:33.. its past over 20 mins of tp harrasting, and kren knew that.. no until here no warning nothing!!
15/02/2012 20:24:59 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] yes
15/02/2012 20:25:06 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] now he stop it"" he stop but every time he saw me he tp harrast for 1 or 2 mins and leave
15/02/2012 20:25:07 : Server: User admin at server said '*Help us keep this server running - Donate!'
15/02/2012 20:25:18 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] but he was pushi harrasting
15/02/2012 20:25:32 : #[(SWGO)Kren] have u got some screen shots?
15/02/2012 20:25:35 : #[nick] oh cmon for once
15/02/2012 20:25:47 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] yes.. but u are here?" i make video but are too long if a admin is in game i think i dont need this so it get delete it
15/02/2012 20:25:57 : #[(SWGO)Kren] post on swgo
" over 20 mins of harrasting everytime glicher could.. kren says that .. no warning so far

So when I come around to you then all is sweet nobody is apparently doing anything.

5) You claim you accidently kill someone, in-game, different players and you are retaliating:

15/02/2012 19:15:00 : #[(SWGO)Kren] stelio
15/02/2012 19:15:03 : #[(SWGO)Kren] watch the tks
15/02/2012 19:15:10 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] yes
15/02/2012 19:15:17 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] now who i tk=
15/02/2012 19:15:19 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] ?"" here its looks like i intentional tk some1 because he try to ks me!!! its not true

15/02/2012 19:57:33 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] deamond u tk me 1 trying to ks me and now u die.." deamoood tk me tring to ks, he is kind of player mash into some1else kills
15/02/2012 19:57:37 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] for teh same reason"" if deamoond mash into a kill.. its happend next: he tk ks, or he get tk.. here i was killing a enemy and he mash into the kill .. and he die and of course KREN warn me .. to stop tk ing right!!

The above is a different player so that's 2 players in-game that were hit/tk'd by you and you were warned about it. I am wrong can you dispute you did not retaliate?"" i explain it before! no i didt retaliate KREN..

6) You say that no warning was given to you guys but again you are told to pack it in and then the other player has a warning through RM:

15/02/2012 20:07:35 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] glicher stop pushing harrastm my damn wookei
15/02/2012 20:07:43 : #[(SWGO)Kren] guys
15/02/2012 20:07:45 : #[(SWGO)Kren] all of u
15/02/2012 20:07:48 : #[(SWGO)Kren] stop with the tp
15/02/2012 20:22:21 : Player a glitcher warned by Kren with Stop Intentionally Attacking Team Members!.
over 20 mins of push harrasting u warn him great.. he continues but u didt boot him

7) You indicate you defend yourself then I went into spectate mode. What did I see but you 2 chimps going at each other and you Stelio following this player around the map, attempting to get a rise out of him. The player went away from you but no you had to follow the player, stand in front of him, directly above him etc.

this kind of proof.. how u mislead the situation.. of course i didt after amost 40 mins of tp tk harrast i got mad.. i try to provocate him to tk me..
i was tired of the whole situation
so u was spectating the game.. and u didt saw him harrasting me but u saw when i went to him.. right!!
From what I saw the game play was not good from both of but you were causing as much trouble if not more than the other player."" yes right KREN we both didt behavie.. i was tp his wookie over 20 mins right!!!

The player in question did get banned for 3 days for glitching at the same time you got banned. You wear SWGO tags and should know better by now but clearly you do not.""" i didt saw it was wrong that bann.. but u i ask.. if its ok how long its tooks u to boot or bann this player before.. the situation escalate

15/02/2012 20:36:37 : Player a glitcher banned by Kren until Sat Feb 18 20:36:37 2012 for Glitching (3 days).
15/02/2012 20:36:45 : Player (SWGO)Stelio banned by Kren until Thu Feb 16 20:36:45 2012 for Harassment (1 day).

Oh and for information I have videos (below) of the incident Stelio and more on the way, however review these for yourself and ask yourself did you act in the right way?

........................." what this shows exantly.. look at sec .49 i see a vader alone , i pull him... and later i se glciher mashing us , but i Backslash both.. vader got killed and glicher vulture i didt wrong.. i play that bad!! really!! at the second .51 a glciher run into my kill.. mashing like he always do.. i didt bad? so he saw glicher ks. and almost tk!! but u didt warn or boot him u wait to see what i ll do right!

this videos are from the last game.. all the tp harast was 1 game before this.. he continue some times doing this!!.. u didt say that kren!!

.............SO KREN U SAW HIM GLICHING AND U DIDT BANN HIM IN THAT INSTANT1!" u prefer to wait what i ll do right!

[b] and funy that KREN bann a glciher for gliching and not for harrast me!!! because he was also glcihing sometimes .. i also tell kren about it,, but i was the bad guy here[/b]
this videos are after.. maybe over 40 mins of this player harrasting me... do not forget!!

P.S. - where is the admin abuse you have nicely entitled this post with btw, please show everyone as I am confused as to how you were abused in-game by me?
" the admin abuse i am calling here is... that Kren

Last edited by stelio on Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:50 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Postby stelio » Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:25 pm

MATTHEW'S_DAD wrote:Nice videos Krenny. Stelios...I'm very disappointed in you.

pls MAtthews s dad. forgive me.. but after 40 mins of harrast from a glciher i got really mad please read my review :-|

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Postby (SWGO)Kren » Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:18 pm

So Stelio, the one game last 40 minutes did it, quite a long time for one game.

I saw you following the player around the screen, team pushing and intentionally attacking him to try and tk him. The videos clearly show this.

I am not indicating the player was not doing anything however as posted you were warned earlier for tp and tk on other players and again to claim you did not do anything. Are you stating each time the player pushes you then the character you have is a wookie? Strange that as I saw you zipping across the map with Yoda on quite a few occassions and following the player in question. You cannot deny the evidence from the logs and the videos.

You delete your only proof - video and screenshots. I find this strange given I asked you to post evidence and you in the past seem to post information from your perspective which masks in many instance you causing trouble. Others have warned you so I am not the only one.

From the logs you can see I have warned you both in the period you stated and also asked you to move away (in the video also) from the player but no you decided to add to the issues rather than doing anything else.

You indicate after 40 minutes of gameplay but yet you state 20 minutes. From 20:03 (start of the issues?) to when I warned you both was 20:07, was this not 4 minutes into the game? You both then start/stop the antics so when I do come over to you then you indicate the following:

15/02/2012 20:25:06 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] now he stop it

So at 20:25 he stopped again but you continued which was the case throughout the game. Remember I am watching other players in-game not just you Stelio.

At intervals through the game you were causing trouble as much as the other player in a number of situations if not more.

The videos highlight what that player did and also what you did.

No admin abuse here, just Stelio abuse of other players and a lame attempt to hide what happened in-game between both of you. Your evidence vanishes but mine is here for all to see.

If you cannot handle playing without team pushing, harassing others and team killing then don't play the game until you learn differently. As a member of SWGO and wearing the tags you should know better. You and the other player were both given enough opportunity to stop what you were doing but it simply continued with claims that everyone was against Stelio and you did nothing wrong. Think again pal.

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Postby stelio » Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:35 pm

(SWGO)Kren wrote:So Stelio, the one game last 40 minutes did it, quite a long time for one game. i nver say 1 game last 40 mins.. i say after 40 mins, last game + the new game= 40 mins

I saw you following the player around the screen, team pushing and intentionally attacking him to try and tk him. The videos clearly show this.

I am not indicating the player was not doing anything however as posted you were warned earlier for tp and tk on other players and again to claim you did not do anything. Are you stating each time the player pushes you then the character you have is a wookie? Strange that as I saw you zipping across the map with Yoda on quite a few occassions and following the player in question. You cannot deny the evidence from the logs and the videos.

You delete your only proof - video and screenshots. I find this strange given I asked you to post evidence and you in the past seem to post information from your perspective which masks in many instance you causing trouble. Others have warned you so I am not the only one.

so i am causing trouble right.. look i l spectating u 1 day and i can show u how u also tp tk sometimes kren.. wanna see!! becausse we humans sometimes make mistakes.. i saw u tk tp accidently too..

From the logs you can see I have warned you both in the period you stated and also asked you to move away (in the video also) from the player but no you decided to add to the issues rather than doing anything else.

You indicate after 40 minutes of gameplay but yet you state 20 minutes. From 20:03 (start of the issues?) to when I warned you both was 20:07, was this not 4 minutes into the game? You both then start/stop the antics so when I do come over to you then you indicate the following:"" this is blabla

15/02/2012 20:25:06 : #[(SWGO)Stelio] now he stop it

So at 20:25 he stopped again but you continued which was the case throughout the game. Remember I am watching other players in-game not just you Stelio.

At intervals through the game you were causing trouble as much as the other player in a number of situations if not more.

The videos highlight what that player did and also what you did.

No admin abuse here, just Stelio abuse of other players and a lame attempt to hide what happened in-game between both of you. Your evidence vanishes but mine is here for all to see.

If you cannot handle playing without team pushing, harassing others and team killing then don't play the game until you learn differently. As a member of SWGO and wearing the tags you should know better. You and the other player were both given enough opportunity to stop what you were doing but it simply continued with claims that everyone was against Stelio and you did nothing wrong. Think again pal.

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Postby stelio » Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:38 pm

there is no more to say kren.. pls stop posting.. its already done---
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Postby (SWGO)Kren » Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:46 pm

Stelio next time be more careful online with other players.

You are not the only player on the server and won't be the last to cause or be involved in trouble. Sure everyone defends themselves, block, jumping out of the way or have pushed(intentionally/unintentionally) others away to save being killed but not to continue doing this over and over. Intentionally following others to cause issues is not the way forward. I hope you have learned that.
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Postby stelio » Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:57 pm

........................." what this shows exantly.. look at sec .49 i see a vader alone , i pull him... and later i se glciher mashing us , but i Backslash both.. vader got killed and glicher vulture i didt wrong.. i play that bad!! really!! at the second .51 a glciher run into my kill.. mashing like he always do.. i didt bad? so he saw glicher ks. and almost tk!! but u didt warn or boot him u wait to see what i ll do right!

this videos are from the last game.. all the tp harast was 1 game before this.. he continue some times doing this!!.. u didt say that kren!!

.............SO KREN U SAW HIM GLICHING AND U DIDT BANN HIM IN THAT INSTANT1!" u prefer to wait what i ll do right!

[b] and funy that KREN bann a glciher for gliching and not for harrast me!!! because he was also glcihing sometimes .. i also tell kren about it,, but i was the bad guy here[/b]
this videos are after.. maybe over 40 mins of this player harrasting me... do not forget!!

P.S. - where is the admin abuse you have nicely entitled this post with btw, please show everyone as I am confused as to how you were abused in-game by me?

i ll try play more carefully.. and improve my english.. :afro: i have latin , and spanish in school and basic english
but i may see this wrong, still those videos show also more if u look closely

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Postby (SWGO)Kren » Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:46 pm


You are simply not grasping the fact that you intentionally went after a player with the aim of causing trouble and harassing the said player. The player in question also was causing trouble also. You cannot seem to accept you were causing trouble even though the videoe clearly indicate this.

You state that everyone makes mistakes however if someone runs into you then it is always intentional and you are so badly done to. I have also provided logs from earlier where you have stated you were going to tk someone, again intentional on your behalf even though you won't give the other player an opportunity to respond.

You also stated it was one game from 20:03. So now you are implying it was another game also. Strange that as there was another admin on at that time and he never came across other incidents either.

You on one hand ask me to spectate which I do to get the true account of events and not just your one-sided view however you dislike this because you have also been shown to be doing bad things on multiple occassions. Should I have banned you immediately also, no I want to see and give you the chance to stop, even after being asked but no you and the player continue, so I let this play out to build the evidence of the issues.

Strange you still indicate you and the other player did not get a warning:

15/02/2012 20:22:21 : Player a glitcher warned by Kren with Stop Intentionally Attacking Team Members!.

Notice the time stamp above and compare it with when you both got banned below:

15/02/2012 20:36:37 : Player a glitcher banned by Kren until Sat Feb 18 20:36:37 2012 for Glitching (3 days).
15/02/2012 20:36:45 : Player (SWGO)Stelio banned by Kren until Thu Feb 16 20:36:45 2012 for Harassment (1 day).

I suggest you re-read the logs I have posted. You indicate I have not acted at all but all way through you and the other player were warned when I came across you 2 causing issues with each other.

The videos are not after 40 minutes of playing btw.

For information the glitcher was banned once the video clip ended and so were you. I was finishing the video-off but noticed you chasing down the player and retaliating. Once that had concluded the bans took place. On the other occassions the player did not manage to glitch fyi.

Learn to get along with other players, don't lie and be more truthful with your actions Stelio. Ranting and denying evidence provided is not going to get you anywhere except to look even more stupid.

Play according to the rules and there won't be a problem, act like this way again and the next ban will be much longer. You have the facts, live with it.

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