by (SWGO)SirPepsi » Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:07 pm
Hi guys! If any of you have time to help or know a solution, I would be very grateful. I downloaded Xfire onto my computer a long time ago, and it would always work. But now, when I click on the icon, the little window will not pop up. I've tried uninstalling it, but my computer won't let me, it say "Please close Xfire before uninstalling it." This is frustrating as Xfire IS closed, and will not open. I don't understand. I have tried opening via the icon on the desktop and via "New Task on the Task Manager. None of those methods works. Info: When someone chats with me, the chat window will pop up, and the in-game overlay works well. It's just the window on the computer. Because of this, when I take Screenies, and I minimize the game, the window to upload them pops up, but the upload checkbox is blurred out. Again, any help would be appreciated. Thanks!