Chat Hackers

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Re: Chat Hackers

Postby WD-40 » Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:54 pm

Son wrote:
Shalandai wrote:
Son wrote:I banned a couple of chat hackers earlier, but [merc]liam was able to escape. Thanks to Bryant though, I got his info and he is taking a little vacation from the HADC server.


If I may be so bold as to make a request, please ensure that this player's vacation has significant length while I address the issue of him wearing my tags.

As an inclusion to this request, should you find sufficient and credible reason to apply a ban to any player wearing my clan tags, then please do not be stringent with your durations. You will garner no disagreement from me in administering penalties from the maximum range of severity, especially concerning offences as chat hacking, glitching, racism or homophobia. Members of Mercenary Gaming agree to adhere to a code of conduct by wearing my tags, and violations of it - especially on other servers - should incur the appropriate repercussions, if you so choose to comply.

Thank you.

Will do. I remember having these same conversations with members of a clan I used to belong to.
Feel free to add me to xfire if you need to discuss this further. xfire name is caeduslives

First off, I'm totally against using fake tags or non-approved ones. But I'm not so sure we should 'enforce' action against a player illegally(?) wearing another server's tags anymore than they should enforce non-SWGO players using ours. Damn near impossible to spot who's real or not, whose recently been added or booted from membership etc. Besides, what would be the offense to us for non-Mercs, or to Merc for non-SWGO? Bans/Kicks are all to be based on 'Server Rules' for the respective server.
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Re: Chat Hackers

Postby Son » Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:02 pm

WD-40 wrote:First off, I'm totally against using fake tags or non-approved ones. But I'm not so sure we should 'enforce' action against a player illegally(?) wearing another server's tags anymore than they should enforce non-SWGO players using ours. Damn near impossible to spot who's real or not, whose recently been added or booted from membership etc. Besides, what would be the offense to us for non-Mercs, or to Merc for non-SWGO? Bans/Kicks are all to be based on 'Server Rules' for the respective server.

Sorry I should have explained more. I have no problem giving Liam a harsher ban. Not necessarily banning for fake tags or anything like that. From what I have seen and heard so far, Liam deserves a ban on just about every server we have.
Welcome to SWGO....Enjoy your ban

Despite what your mamma has told you...
Violence does solve some problems.
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Re: Chat Hackers

Postby Col. Hstar » Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:11 pm

In other words it's time for Liam to go outside and play. I've seen him around too and his antics are getting old.
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Re: Chat Hackers

Postby Shalandai » Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:44 pm

WD-40 wrote:First off, I'm totally against using fake tags or non-approved ones. But I'm not so sure we should 'enforce' action against a player illegally(?) wearing another server's tags anymore than they should enforce non-SWGO players using ours. Damn near impossible to spot who's real or not, whose recently been added or booted from membership etc. Besides, what would be the offense to us for non-Mercs, or to Merc for non-SWGO? Bans/Kicks are all to be based on 'Server Rules' for the respective server.

If this is in response to the latter inclusion to my request, then I will apologize if I made myself unclear in any way. I agree, as you correctly identified, that such a demand would be impractical and unrealistic, and ultimately serves little purpose. I do not ask that you police my roster.

I wished only to express my support for extra punitive measures for those wearing my clan tags - in future, if a member of Mercenary Gaming violates your server rules, especially regarding clearly inexcusable offences, then I would ask that you treat them less forgivingly. I hold members of Mercenary Gaming to higher standards of conduct and behaviour than I do of non-Merc members. While I realize it is within your own perogative to administer bans as you see fit, and to your own policies of fairness, I am of the opinion that the majority of your Admins will not find it a taxing request.
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Re: Chat Hackers

Postby Robert » Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:07 pm

i was chat hacked once when u were on server pierre...
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Re: Chat Hackers

Postby treeshrub » Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:57 pm

Robert wrote:i cant wait when treeshrub screws this forums up...

they see me trollin they hatin
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Re: Chat Hackers

Postby [$$$]PSI » Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:49 am

Responding to a site with hackers in it shrub…
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