As you may have picked up from my name: I am quite the crazy person.
Recently I've been jumping in to SWGO hero matches on BattleFront as Aayla and doing quite well (probably has to do with the fact Aayla is pretty cheap, but oh well.) A few days ago, under the name Commander Data (I like Trek and Wars, come on, let's not start a fight here,) I've come in the first place more than one time out of around ten matches total. When on the Villains team, I usually play Grievous (I hope I spelled that right) or Maul. I prefer Heroes, though.
I recently (like 20 minutes ago) decided to switch to the profile "crazyperson" which I believe suits me quite well, due to being, well, crazy.
I've been improving a lot recently, and I've found that I can take on most of the existing players quite easily (especially when I'm spawn killing them en masse )
So- that's my hello to SWGO.
Also, a link to the forum rules pl0x?
*Goes back to spawn killing people while I wait for a response*