Mercenary Gaming News

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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby [m'kay] » Wed May 16, 2012 10:03 pm

Ariel wrote:
mrjamwin wrote:Nobody gives a flying f*ck about Merc and we don't care that you're just a messanger.

That much is plainly obvious; but thank you for once again pointing that out. I did not do this because I thought that SWGO had a real concern for merc; I know better than that. I did this because of a little something called courtesy, something you seem to have an appalling lack of. SWGO is a "community," of which Mercenary Gaming is a small part, but a part no less. I was simply letting our fellow community members know what was happening so as to keep some semblance of community coherence.

If this small bit of information that I passed on somehow overloaded your tiny simian brain and drove you to partial insanity because your intellect could not handle the massive strain, then I would suggest a brain transplant immediately. I think a platypus brain would be a major upgrade, for what it counts. I know that there is a great chance that you could die during the surgery, but I think that either way the world would be better off.

mrjamwin wrote:This just goes to show what a insignificant pee on you're being by following orders as if they had their hands up your butt moving your mouth. So since you're just a messenger go back and tell your "superiors" to get their heads out their backsides and stop thinking so highly of themselves

1. I did this on my own out of the above-stated courtesy. None of the merc admins even know this thread exists. So your point is mute and void.

2. I challenge you, who know nothing about me, to talk to some of my friends on these forums. I am no one's pawn, and I do not play politics.

mrjamwin wrote:go back and tell your "superiors"... to stop wasting our time witht bullsh*t information that we don't care about.

You already said that, but once again thank you for stating the blatantly obvious. You should go pro if you survive the brain transplant.


Normally i'd sit here and type up some huge effort post about how dumb you are but you're so ridiculously pretentious and full of [poo] that I have only one thing to say:

go [m'kay] yourself dumbass
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby 11_Panama_ » Wed May 16, 2012 10:08 pm

While I agree that merc has no buisness posting here, part of me says that they're still part of the community. There are quite a few SWGO members that do play at merc (or are mercs). Sir Pepsi being one. So,while I can't speak for Pepsi, I bet you he and others ARE interested in what Ariel has to say. As much as I want to be a prick to Ariel, I can't and won't....Ariel is a good person as well as a player,I have respect for him... my quarrel with merc is with the senior admins.
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby Robert » Wed May 16, 2012 10:18 pm

Ariel is a guy? :eek:
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby TaTerToT » Wed May 16, 2012 10:55 pm

Robert wrote:Ariel is a guy? :eek:

Yes, It's translated from the Bible as: Lion of God.

Also, I can really relate to what Pan said earlier and to what other people have put here. Merc has really
turned into a lot of crap. Senior admins don't want to change things, the server is just boring, there are
a handful of members that actually play the game... It's crazy.
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby Ariel » Wed May 16, 2012 11:03 pm

Col. Homestar wrote:Yet you blanket your comments saying that your "just the messenger". You knew that posting that message here would create a stir, you said that yourself. So what did you expect the reaction to be. You claim it's an olive branch but really it's a stick you use to poke at others with. Merc has its own forums correct? I would lay odds that the first place any Merc member goes for Merc news is there. So please don't place yourself in the innocence role as someone who is just trying to contribute to community coherrence. As far as being no ones pawn, either you just a messenger sent by someone (a pawn) or you came here yourself as the instigator.

Very good, you caught me in a lie. I'll admit that. I wasn't sent here; I came of my own accord.

And if simply mentioning merc is "instigating," then I really fail to see how that is my fault.

P.S. lol yes, Robert, I am a guy. "Ariel" is an old Hebrew name that means Lion of God.
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby [m'kay] » Wed May 16, 2012 11:10 pm

Ariel wrote:
Col. Homestar wrote:Yet you blanket your comments saying that your "just the messenger". You knew that posting that message here would create a stir, you said that yourself. So what did you expect the reaction to be. You claim it's an olive branch but really it's a stick you use to poke at others with. Merc has its own forums correct? I would lay odds that the first place any Merc member goes for Merc news is there. So please don't place yourself in the innocence role as someone who is just trying to contribute to community coherrence. As far as being no ones pawn, either you just a messenger sent by someone (a pawn) or you came here yourself as the instigator.

Very good, you caught me in a lie. I'll admit that. I wasn't sent here; I came of my own accord.

And if simply mentioning merc is "instigating," then I really fail to see how that is my fault.

P.S. lol yes, Robert, I am a guy. "Ariel" is an old Hebrew name that means Lion of God.

lions usually do things that aren't stupid, like hunting gazelles and [poo] right?

i think you should change your name because you are giving everyone the impression that lions suck copious amounts of [Richard] instead of being awesome
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby Nightrider » Wed May 16, 2012 11:11 pm

You guys calling Ariel names and stuff needs to go back to your hole. Ariel is one of the two good admins left.

Ariel does not = Merc.

Here is %.5 of why we dont like merc : ... #123476629 - [merc] John talking about how Merc is elite. Ask Brazo, he was in the server.

EDIT* And yes. I did 1v1 him. It was 11 - 1 before he left. The only kill he had was another player that joined at the end injured me, then John shot a rocket. End of story.
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby Col. Hstar » Wed May 16, 2012 11:56 pm

I really don't want to keep going back and forth, but I got a few mins to kill so here goes

Ariel wrote:And if simply mentioning merc is "instigating," then I really fail to see how that is my fault

I didn't say simply mentioning Merc was instigating. I don't know the history between the two groups. The part I took exception to, which in know most others did, was the claim that Merc players are harassed here for being Merc. That kind of generalization is careless and uncalled for. You may feel you were just cut and pasting the other guys words but you posted them making them your own. I know many Merc players and many former Merc players and I enjoy playing with and against both. There are Merc players I can't stand just like there are other players I can't stand. To try to create an issue of team bias is disingenuous. I don't think your a bad person, but you did not think before you posted.
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby mrjamwin » Thu May 17, 2012 12:40 am

Ariel wrote:
Col. Homestar wrote:Yet you blanket your comments saying that your "just the messenger". You knew that posting that message here would create a stir, you said that yourself. So what did you expect the reaction to be. You claim it's an olive branch but really it's a stick you use to poke at others with. Merc has its own forums correct? I would lay odds that the first place any Merc member goes for Merc news is there. So please don't place yourself in the innocence role as someone who is just trying to contribute to community coherrence. As far as being no ones pawn, either you just a messenger sent by someone (a pawn) or you came here yourself as the instigator.

Very good, you caught me in a lie. I'll admit that. I wasn't sent here; I came of my own accord.

And if simply mentioning merc is "instigating," then I really fail to see how that is my fault.
P.S. lol yes, Robert, I am a guy. "Ariel" is an old Hebrew name that means Lion of God.

It's called a lie.
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby Nightrider » Thu May 17, 2012 1:27 am

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