samonuh wrote:Is it too early for a good bye thread? I hereby am leaving SWGO for good, and every WGO related thing for that matter. Your inability to accept others for their different beliefs disgusts me, and your intolerance for people that had a bad past makes me feel unwelcomed and hated. I joined here to help the new SWGO community, become friendly and acquanted with you all again, and to join the GWL team. But I was greeted with more insults and gibe. It is obvious I am not wanted here. Many of you I am still friends with, but that is not enough, because no matter what there will always be a select few constantly bickering at me, pointing out my flaws, and harrassing me. Good Day SWGO, I hope you have a good future.
You know this doesn't surprise me in the least. Sam, you take jesting too seriously. Get a thicker skin, its the [m'kay] internet. Any where anyone goes someone WILL hate you for the sake of hating you. Get over and grow a little. Personally, I think you should have nipped this one in the butt before it had a chance to happen Matt.