NYC boot bug

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NYC boot bug

Postby 11_Panama_ » Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:51 pm

NYC has a boot's been on for hours. I hate to bring this up..again...but I have not seen an admin on xfire all day. There has been some players swearing and talking about penises inside vaginas. The name of the dude was indikitchen or something of such. That was in JBA I believe. I've been trying to contact an admin all day today, to report this and other problems. I know we've been through this a thousand times, but you guys have to seriously think about adding more admins. Not trying to start anything, but how many present admins even play the game? I know we have a good amount of admins, so why do I have such a hard time finding them? Please add more's getting ridiculous..a few nights ago, there were at least 4 players having homo-erotic conversations... talking about oral sex with other men, with no admin to stop was pretty graphic. I would like to help, I've been an admin before, for 2 years. I managed the server and the team, let me help you guys. If not me..fine..but get more eyes out there, please.
PS. I can't believe you guys have the word "H0m0" as a banned word in the forums, aren't we all H0m0sapiens? H0m0 is not a bad word, H0m0sexual is the right word to use when talking about such person(s).
Last edited by 11_Panama_ on Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NYC boot bug

Postby (SWGO)Minas_Thirith » Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:02 pm

Regardless of the amount of admins we have there is still going to be troublemakers that won't be banned ON THE SPOT
Usually as an example in HA(since it's the server with the highest troublemaker/ban count) you will have a small group(2-5) players Tking/Ksing/Tping/Tcing or doing infinites, now the second 1 of them gets warned/kicked/banned the rest chills for a few matches and then slowly goes back to what they were doing and see if the admin is still watching.

Regardless you can't have an admin on 24/7 and even if you could 1 admin isn't able to see everything, now iv'e been on a match in JBA where we had what, 10 admins online?
And having such an amount is plain stupid, because one admin warns, while the other either kicks or bans the same person at the same time(some admins don't know every time if someone has been banned in the past or not)

PS. i just checked the NYC server is at maximum capacity so no boot bug, and i didn't see any swearing in JBA, also next time just to make it easier for us to do our jobs

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Re: NYC boot bug

Postby FaiL.? » Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:06 pm

I was just on NYC and I can confirm these troublemakers. The bug; bloody annoying.
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Re: NYC boot bug

Postby (SWGO)Minas_Thirith » Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:08 pm

Check #3

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Re: NYC boot bug

Postby 11_Panama_ » Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:15 pm

I understand..but what's wrong with adding a few more? It's obvious that they are needed. The more added, the better odds of getting rid of troublemakers. It would benefit SWGO to do so. I'm semi-retired...I got time and experience, and I'm also play the game almost everyday, let me help.
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Re: NYC boot bug

Postby 11_Panama_ » Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:22 pm

(SWGO)Minas_Thirith wrote:hidden[/url]

Check #3

That does not explain anything MT. As a matter of fact, those explanations are pretty disgusting...and now you're going to have kids clicking on that link. Not good MT.
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Re: NYC boot bug

Postby (SWGO)Minas_Thirith » Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:27 pm

We are, all players can report people if they have proof on the forums or via Xfire, provided they have proof.
Iv'e not seen 1 of your reports having any kind of proof.
And before someone thinks i don't know, if you check around page 12-16? of the report troublemakers forum you will see that most threads are mine, before i became an admin i spent more time uploading pictures then actually playing.
And that's about what admining in HA is for me, interupting my game to address issues in-game, then having to withstand every stupid argument people can come up with, all the diffrent types of noobs there are out there.

I quit reporting on the forums and went either via Xfire or steam, quicker cleaner and more responsive, do the same whenever you can.
(like i said before the diffrence is that if YOU or anyone else doesn't report whenever an admin isn't online those people will continue to do their thing when the admins log off and there is a blind spot.)

PS. during the time you mencioned in this report in the logs there were 2 admins that kept logging into the RM and dishing out kicks/bans, i would have banned this guy but he isn't on the server and his keyhash didn't register.

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Re: NYC boot bug

Postby (SWGO)Minas_Thirith » Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:30 pm

I removed the link, it seems the "filter" picked it up and the link got messed up.
Sending it in a PM if it works :dots:
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Re: NYC boot bug

Postby 11_Panama_ » Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:02 am

(SWGO)Minas_Thirith wrote:We are, all players can report people if they have proof on the forums or via Xfire, provided they have proof.
Iv'e not seen 1 of your reports having any kind of proof.
And before someone thinks i don't know, if you check around page 12-16? of the report troublemakers forum you will see that most threads are mine, before i became an admin i spent more time uploading pictures then actually playing.
And that's about what admining in HA is for me, interupting my game to address issues in-game, then having to withstand every stupid argument people can come up with, all the diffrent types of noobs there are out there.

I quit reporting on the forums and went either via Xfire or steam, quicker cleaner and more responsive, do the same whenever you can.
(like i said before the diffrence is that if YOU or anyone else doesn't report whenever an admin isn't online those people will continue to do their thing when the admins log off and there is a blind spot.)

PS. during the time you mencioned in this report in the logs there were 2 admins that kept logging into the RM and dishing out kicks/bans, i would have banned this guy but he isn't on the server and his keyhash didn't register.


Iv'e not seen 1 of your reports having any kind of proof. I did not come here to report anyone really, I would of went to the "Report trouble makers" section. I came here mostly to say that we need more admins.
I quit reporting on the forums and went either via Xfire or steam. Exactly what this post is admins on xfire or readily available.
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Re: NYC boot bug

Postby WD-40 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:07 am

I will try to have my xfire up more. That's how I received most of MT's reports. I disagree that it's stupid to have 'too many' Admins on however.
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