Hero Assault

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Hero Assault

Postby kjeopardy » Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:35 am

Would anyone support the idea of limiting force on SWGO Hero Assault? Seriously, some people just really abuse it and ruin the game with it (i.e. pulling, choking). I'm not saying we should completely abolish it, just maybe restrict its use a bit more. It's not really fun to have like 5 people playing as Ayala Secura, and have nobody playing as Jango since they would just get pulled around.\\

I'm sure that I am not the first to have raised this issue, so if there's already a thread on this, let me know.

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Re: Hero Assault

Postby Scrumtralescent » Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:00 am

Not gonna happen since it would be way too difficult and subjective to enforce. The only use of force we can regulate is team pushing, infinite choking and choke/lightning. If pullers and chokers bother you that much there's a few no force servers out there.
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Re: Hero Assault

Postby (SWGO)Minas_Thirith » Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:33 am

Then what would abuse be? it would be opinion based.
There are 3 posibilities suggested and 1 of them is as far as i know untested:

-Force allowed: This is basicly HA DC for you, no limits go crazy
-NO-force: we had a server like this 2 weeks ago? force is not allowed and modded so it can't be ussed, ussually these servers are mostly empty
-Infinites allowed: As far as i know we didn't test this, some PS2 gamers believe that allowing infinite-choke or choke lighting evens out the double and triple pulling

I say infinites allowed is "interesting" but that depends on the point of view i guess

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Re: Hero Assault

Postby (SWGO)Kren » Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:34 pm

Personally most people who post about force abuse simply cannot handle it and this is evident via the number of posts in-game when some dies due to being killed due to force. Yeah I do understand that being made into an force pull/push toy might be less than amusing for some people but learn not to expose yourself to this and perhaps you might find it more enjoyable.

There has been many a debate and complaints about the use of force but provided a player is not breaking the rules then I am afraid you will have to live with it or find something a little less challenging which has been the case for a number of players who frequent these forums.


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Re: Hero Assault

Postby Son » Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:39 pm

I have to laugh because there was a bunch of whiny people complaining about Natestar pulling in the spawn area. I joined and killed him 4 time in under 2 minutes. I'm not saying I am the best player..far from it actually, but sometimes you need to alter your tactics to defeat someone. Spawn other places and sneak up on the one forcing you all the time and end his reign of terror.
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Re: Hero Assault

Postby Hobo » Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:53 pm

The best way to avoid pullers is to spy on the usual locations pullers perch on from a distance, and then proceeding to wherever. Observing your surroundings in general when you spawn is probably one of the more important tips for hero assault.

For choking, just avoid walking on the ground. Try to get in a habit of always maneuvering from building to building.

Hope this helps. Good luck! :gunsmilie:
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Re: Hero Assault

Postby KOko » Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:38 am

you mean Mawking ?
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Re: Hero Assault

Postby Gryphon » Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:55 am

I know the problem.
It seems impossible to fix, but it's really down to tactics. All you need against Aaylas/Groups is to take out the unguarded players near the back of the group,
and their group gets small enough for the other players to deal with.
Against pullers, you need a multi-target attack, like push. One push against five pullers can work wonders, even if you kill none.

One of the things you can do is turn it around. This used to be my favourite: if a cp was under siege, play as Maul,
and go to their nearest cp and start spawn-killing THEM. It's funny to see how many hypocritical whiners there are who will complain that you're sking.

Give it enough thought and you can come up with hordes of methods.
I hope this counts as an extension to "discussion"....

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Re: Hero Assault

Postby (SWGO)Max » Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:59 pm

(SWGO)Minas_Thirith wrote:Then what would abuse be? it would be opinion based.
There are 3 posibilities suggested and 1 of them is as far as i know untested:

1.-Force allowed: This is basicly HA DC for you, no limits go crazy

2.-NO-force: we had a server like this 2 weeks ago? force is not allowed and modded so it can't be ussed, ussually these servers are mostly empty

3.-Infinites allowed: As far as i know we didn't test this, some PS2 gamers believe that allowing infinite-choke or choke lighting evens out the double and triple
pulling I say infinites allowed is "interesting" but that depends on the point of view i guess


1. The only thing you could do if mod it to where it takes more stamina. but the downside is then it would punish your people who dont use it as much then the get killed because they aren't prepared to run out of stamina

2. agreed. SWGO has been lucky most people chose the DC room and JBA for their main rooms. though GMRZ has one the No Forcers to go to their servers as they have a few more mods.

3.While that might even it out a "little" but then you will have people roof camping and your death will take way longer. think about it this way, if you "even'd" it out, how would you like your wookie being infinite choked? what if you were so lucky you even had rally with your wookie? infinites take a lot of fun out of it when you infinite choke.

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Re: Hero Assault

Postby Gryphon » Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:06 pm

If instead of making all force take more stamina, just make pull take slightly over half the stamina bar.

At question two: SWGO No-force has been down for a month or two... Gametracker shows 0/0 on the number of players.

Question three: Infinite choke would only really be a problem when there were few people on the server.
If you could mod it so it took all of your stamina, but continued, that would be fairer.
Choke lighting isn't much of a problem. It's use would be in choking a puller in a group of pushers, while damaging the pushers.
The only problem with using infinites would be running out of time.
Using inf. choke would be less useful because there are almost always two heroes in anyone location.

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