Dark Trooper - The Glitch

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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby WD-40 » Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:11 am

Draigun wrote:
WD-40 wrote:So now we need to babysit the DTs during the game.....Ban half of the players that become a DT for using the glitch, fill up the banlist, chase away a lot of vetran players due to it.... This would be interesting.

Eyes had already mentioned that there would be no need for banning because the recommended penalty would be either swapping or warning, kicking necessary if player avoids the swap.
Eyes Only wrote:I was playing on JBA earlier, full server, and the only person using the dark trooper glitch was psycho dad. Most darkies don't actually use it, its the ones that spam it to death and intentionally abuse it that need to be dealt with. They darkie glitch to get all the awards and then they cant be touched. Also, if you had read the entire thread you would have been a little bit more informed about your post. This isn't Fox News.

I can also attest to this. Not every player is able to play a dark trooper. Half of the maps (approximately half?) are of the Clone Wars era. The maximum number of players using the glitch that I've ever seen were two.

Eyes Only wrote:I think people need to realize that what they're exploiting is a glitch, and not an intended feature of the game. Just because they use it, doesn't make it not a glitch.

I DID read the posts, and 'banning' was discussed among the 'Admins' regarding this very subject for the past 2 weeks. Do you honestly think that simple warn/kicks are going to give the glitchers the insentive to stop?!? LOL! Most players and Admins don't like the glitch (as do I), but not everyone can do the wall run/climb/jump glitch either for height advantage...I think that's wrong too...so do we warn/kick for that as well?
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Bryant » Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:29 am

I am all for warn/kick/ban of the darkie glitch. I also think it's quite obvious to tell when it's being abused - they have to roll or jump to perform it, and shots are fired at least 2 or 3 times faster.

If we're worried about high ban numbers, then lets start advertising on the server that beginning x date we will start enforcing this (or something similar).
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Eyes Only » Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:05 am

WD-40 wrote:
Draigun wrote:
WD-40 wrote:So now we need to babysit the DTs during the game.....Ban half of the players that become a DT for using the glitch, fill up the banlist, chase away a lot of vetran players due to it.... This would be interesting.

Eyes had already mentioned that there would be no need for banning because the recommended penalty would be either swapping or warning, kicking necessary if player avoids the swap.
Eyes Only wrote:I was playing on JBA earlier, full server, and the only person using the dark trooper glitch was psycho dad. Most darkies don't actually use it, its the ones that spam it to death and intentionally abuse it that need to be dealt with. They darkie glitch to get all the awards and then they cant be touched. Also, if you had read the entire thread you would have been a little bit more informed about your post. This isn't Fox News.

I can also attest to this. Not every player is able to play a dark trooper. Half of the maps (approximately half?) are of the Clone Wars era. The maximum number of players using the glitch that I've ever seen were two.

Eyes Only wrote:I think people need to realize that what they're exploiting is a glitch, and not an intended feature of the game. Just because they use it, doesn't make it not a glitch.

I DID read the posts, and 'banning' was discussed among the 'Admins' regarding this very subject for the past 2 weeks. Do you honestly think that simple warn/kicks are going to give the glitchers the insentive to stop?!? LOL! Most players and Admins don't like the glitch (as do I), but not everyone can do the wall run/climb/jump glitch either for height advantage...I think that's wrong too...so do we warn/kick for that as well?

Again, people confusing exploits with code glitches. Just because someone isn't good at something doesn't constitute it as a glitch. The same thing goes with tanks on similar surfaces. Anything really related to the physics engine cant be considered a glitch, with only a few exceptions. The physics engine handles you hitting an angled surface the same way a mirror handles a beam of light. There is a small angled surface at the bottom of some buildings that will transfer a small portion of your forward momentum into upward momentum when you hit it. Jumping at the right time will add that upwards momentum to your jump, and if you have the timing right, will permit you to jump high enough to land on the surface above. ANY class can do this, even heavies. The same effect happens when you fall from a deadly height onto an angled surface. Most of the downward momentum will be transferred into sideways momentum, and permit you to survive the fall. I consider this to be one of the few parts of the physics engine that can be considered a bug, surviving deadly falls shouldn't happen. If you study the engine long enough you start to learn what should happen and what shouldn't.

Unlike physics engine exploits, a triple shot with an arc caster will instantly kill all of the other classes (save for the heroes and wookie with damage reduction) in the game.

The reason the Dark Trooper glitch works is due to the way the game handles (or technically doesn't handle) a part of enabling and disabling your ability to fire a weapon while jumping, jetting, and rolling. On the ground, there are several values attached to you and your weapon. For example, there is an area of memory that contains a value that is what you're currently doing with your weapon. When you are firing, the value is 1, when you are reloading, the value is 64, when you are doing nothing, the value is 0. When you jump, this value gets disabled and since its not currently being used for anything, it goes away. When you land or fire off your jetpacks, this address becomes used again, and gets re-initialized. When it gets re-initialized, the value gets reset to whatever it is when you are idle. In the dark trooper case, the address would be for the float value for ShotDelay, when you fire the arc caster, the value at the address its using gets changed from 0 to 2.0 and counts down. When you jump/roll, the address gets disabled and becomes unused, and whatever was in it gets thrown out. When you fire off your jetpacks/land/stop rolling, since you are able to use your weapon again, the address needs to be used again and gets re-initialized to 0. Only shot delay behaves like this, likely because none of the weapons (except the dark trooper) have a ShotDelay longer than the time it takes to jump and land. The developers probably didn't think it was necessary to make ShotDelay behave like a constant. As long as ShotDelay's address = 0.0, you can fire the weapon, so you can reset it twice with the jet and fire off three rounds by exploiting that glitch in code.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Draigun » Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:43 am

WD-40 wrote:I DID read the posts, and 'banning' was discussed among the 'Admins' regarding this very subject for the past 2 weeks. Do you honestly think that simple warn/kicks are going to give the glitchers the insentive to stop?!? LOL! Most players and Admins don't like the glitch (as do I), but not everyone can do the wall run/climb/jump glitch either for height advantage...I think that's wrong too...so do we warn/kick for that as well?

The difference between the Darkie glitch and height advantage glitch:

The darkie glitch affects other players in ways that can actually physically kill them in the game. It increases the likelyhood of getting better scores, more rewards, and generally an easier approach than originally intended by the developers. The glitch also has a big difference: it affects the class itself. For example, the Dark Trooper is the only class that can fly across half the map within two jet jumps. If you combine this with the glitch, it makes this unit extremely hard to deal with and results in a unbalanced game. Compared to the height advantage glitch, this is a more serious glitch; it affects players in a negative way and benefits people using it more than getting on a platform not intended.

The height advantage glitch... See Eyes' post above.

Based on these facts, it can be said that the height glitch doesn't mAtter in terms of severity. However, it's still an advantage and a glitch. Therefore, it could be banned. But there are obviously exceptions. It all depends on the severity of the glitch. Glitches usually fit the criteria of performing actions not intended, being immune to damage, disrupting game play, not seen by others but can shoot others, or anything that gives them an advantage over others. However, height advantage is an apparent exception and I do see your point WD-40. But so many people can still shoot them or follow them and be on equal ground. Unlike the darkie glitch, players can visibly see how it's being performed: running against the wall at specific area. Therefore, a player can easily follow them. That could be the reason why it's one of these exceptions. A dark trooper getting onto an area via jetpack is not a glitch because their class allows them to reach heights not intended by those without a jet pack. It's just a mAtter in the criteria.

As Bryant had said, simply mentioning that we won't allow the Dark trooper glitch in the game (maybe forums as well?) beforehand will increase the chance of the player's incentive not to do it. Granted that most don't really know the glitch, but the ones who do will probably not do it. Besides, chances are people who use the glitch generally are able to actually go into their web browser and visit this site.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Windex » Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:15 pm

I'm glad that this matter has been brought to attention... I also would like to bring other important game exploits to your attention. The darkie glitch is a terrible exploit, and I believe all admins with stopwatches on hand should take immediate action.
We should also be watchful for abusive players who look to exploit the jet trooper's rockets. Eyes, if you could be so kind to go into the game's code and find the cooldown time for rockets, we should post admins with stopwatches to beware of them too.

Admins should also have their finger on the banhammer for those who get unusual damage with shotguns. A oneshot ban clause should save the game as we know it and will stop those who look to exploit the engineer class from its purpose as health-giver and tank-repairer.

Also, anyone seen tanking shots from a distance should be banned, because the game was not meant to have players lagging shots. This is obviously a malicious attempt by players who have better internet to exploit distance lag. I propose a rule that states anyone who tanks shots from afar should be banned.

Furthermore, players who throw grenades at water, ammo droids, or other sticky surfaces should be banned, because this is exploiting the battlefront engine by causing nades to quickly explode. As i stated above, it is imperative that admins have stopwatches in order to catch these time-bandits.

I have noticed that snipers have not been using the scope... which is obviously not the way the game was meant to be played, please crack down on this exploit too.

Also... tanks were not meant to run people over... they are obviously shooting machines so they should not kill through this contact exploit.

Lastly, I have noticed many players abusing movement. Strafing left and right is an unfair exploit. Bots do not walk this way, and the developers made bots walk in a straight line for a reason... its the way the game was meant to be played.

Once again, I applaud you for your courage eyes to standing up to people who exploit the game... everyone here knows that you do your best to stop any exploits in battlefront, and for that, I thank you.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Unit_14 » Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:20 pm

I find this all pretty sad. A dark trooper can be easily sniped (even with awards). It seems to me that some players are just too lazy too improve, so the solution is to bring down the masses to their level of play. Lastly, imposing new restrictions on a game that's on life support is sure to increase activity. Dets and mines for everyone!!!!!
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby TaTerToT » Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:28 pm

The thing about Darkie Glitching is that...anyone can do it. It's the people who have took the time to practice it and get good at it that use it, yet there are many people who don't do that who will whine about how it's so unfair and crap. It is possible to kill Darkie Glitchers and it's not like it isn't. There are no other servers who ban for this, and It would be silly to on SWGO. Half the maps are CW anyway, and there is still auto assign and the Rebels to hammer Darkie Glitchers down, AND all the close-quarter areas.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby sinty » Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:05 pm

replace baseball with star wars battlefront 2

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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby theavengers85 » Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:40 pm

Yeah, its kinda hard to justify reacting to strongly to it

I mean, if you're going to ban the double shock, why not ban the aayla/yoda/mundi double pull in HA? Thats overpowered too (almost never lets you react).

I think if a player starts to abuse it (i.e. several people are complaining), then action should be taken to keep the game a fun experience.

As far as using a stopwatch, trust me, you don't need it. It's patently obvious if someone uses it on you (if someone shocks, short pause, shocks again, they're doing it).

Personally, I find the double shock really annoying, but I don't run into that often in SWGO (can't remember the last time). I usually encounter it on the more "hardcore" servers like Dark or NR.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby FaiL.? » Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:57 pm

Please, Eyes, Draigun, upload a correct video demonstrating the correct use of Darkie glitch, so we all know what it looks like, so we know what to look for.
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